前兩天上海車展上一段鬧事的視頻在網(wǎng)上瘋傳,車主維權(quán)反被拖走行拘,到底是怎么回事呢…… 4月19日,上海國際車展媒體日,一位身穿有“剎車失靈”字樣T恤的女子,在特斯拉展臺維權(quán)。她站在車頂上,高呼“特斯拉剎車失靈”。
Electric cars and intelligent-driving technology were major themes of this year’s Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition. 今年上海國際車展的主題是電動汽車和智能駕駛技術(shù)。 According to the relevant information, brake failure accident accounted for 45% of total accidents. 據(jù)有關(guān)資料介紹,剎車失靈引起的事故占事故總量的45%。 The government should provide a clear path for consumers to defend their rights. 政府應(yīng)當為消費者維權(quán)提供一條清晰可行的渠道。 很快,她就被保安拉下來抬走了,目前已因擾亂公共秩序被處以行政拘留五日。 She was dragged away by securities and was detained for disturbance of public order.
特斯拉一下子被推上了輿論的風口浪尖,但他們的回應(yīng)不僅沒有平息事態(tài),反而讓人覺得極度傲慢。 他們的副總裁在接受采訪時說:"我覺得我們沒有辦法妥協(xié),就是一個新產(chǎn)品發(fā)展必經(jīng)的一個過程。”
Public opinion has polarized on this issue. 在這個問題上公眾意見呈現(xiàn)兩極化。 People can feel her arrogance through her words during the interview. 人們能從她在采訪中說的話里聽出她的傲慢。 The vice president gave no indication that he was ready to compromise. 副總裁沒有流露出打算妥協(xié)的跡象。 此句一出,立刻引起了人們的暴怒:難道企業(yè)的發(fā)展必須以人的生命安全為代價? Do you mean that a business must develop at the cost of human lives?
It's no good trying to pass the buck for a major company. 對于一家大公司來說,甩鍋推諉毫無益處。 Bullying the weak might become their downfall. 恃強凌弱或?qū)⒊蔀樗麄兯〉脑颉?/span> 極端的維權(quán)方式誠然不值得鼓勵,可但凡消費者能順暢維權(quán),誰又會冒險站上車頂? Who would choose to go to extreme if there were unhindered path to defend their rights?
?小C寄語? 希望我們可以有更完善的監(jiān)管和維權(quán)渠道,保護消費者合法權(quán)益,也監(jiān)督車企提高產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的質(zhì)量。 /// 你好!領(lǐng)讀人 ? ? ? /// 做人真的不能忘本 無論身在何方 都不能忘記自己的根 點擊視頻,關(guān)注視頻號【英語共讀】 ? ? ? ? ? |