businesswoman-wendi-murdoch-career-profileOn a Sunday night in June, as the skies above Central Park pulsed with lightning, Wendi Murdoch served dumplings. Friends who have been to her dumpling dinners know they are the major nostalgia food of Murdoch’s childhood; she learned to make jiaozi, a monthly luxury at a time when meat was rationed, at her mother’s side in Xuzhou, China, and she has taught her daughters in their turn. But tonight, with nearly 20 guests assembled in her Fifth Avenue dining room, where a placid blue Agnes Martin floats above the veined-marble fireplace and a bas-relief of ginkgo branches—for good luck—stretches across the ceiling, the family’s chef was on hand to do the busywork.Wendi Murdoch likes to talk about luck, her own good luck in particular, but her obvious talents suggest that a well-dealt hand is but a small detail in a big story. Murdoch, as everyone who knows her will tell you, thrills to a great many things: art, technology, fashion, film, investing. The current that runs through them all, it would seem, is the yearning to forge connections among the people in her vast orbit. If Murdoch is not one of New York’s leading salonistes, it’s only because her aims extend well beyond the transient trifle of good conversation, though this, too, is important to her. “Put people together,” she says in her rapid-fire English, still thickly accented, which she is learning to slow down, “and things can happen.”這位來自江蘇省徐州市的姑娘愛吃餃子,包餃子這門手藝也由她媽媽傳授,在困難時期,能吃上餃子是一件很奢侈的事。她后來成為世界級傳/媒/業(yè)/大/亨默多克的太太。 她叫鄧文迪,1968年出生于江蘇省徐州市?!稌r尚》雜志的記者說,鄧文迪喜歡和人聊運氣這個話題,在她的沙龍里,她說,“人要聚起來,機會就會來”。她說英語帶著很濃重的家鄉(xiāng)口音,她也努力放慢語速。鄧文迪的故事是一個勵志故事嗎?應該是。下圖,她和老公出席上海國際電影節(jié),走紅毯的時候,天公不作美,下起了雨。 在普拉達改造榮宗敬舊居之前的很長時間,陜西北路80號曾是新/聞/集/團中國總部辦公樓。據(jù)說簽下的合同時間長達十年(2002-2011)。普拉達集團獲得新租賃權(quán),不清楚租期,但普拉達集團花了六年改造,2017年在門口掛出了“榮宅”牌子。榮宅開門迎客第一場時尚秀請來章子怡。章會不會發(fā)給她的好朋友鄧文迪微信?親愛的親,我專程到上海 參加了榮宅修復完成慶祝走秀 如果你在上海的話一定也會出席 這個房子原來應該屬于你 現(xiàn)在的租賃者:繆西婭·比安奇·普拉達(Miuccia Bianchi Prada ,出生于1949年5月10日)領(lǐng)導的普拉達集團。模型先看看。 榮宅看點很多,樓梯是重點。
順便說說參觀老房子關(guān)鍵詞,大宅尺度非比尋常,樓梯是一個房子的內(nèi)筋骨,樓梯的占地面積,回旋余地,回旋上升還是一步登頂都有說法,還有樓梯天井里是一線光還是陽光灑滿? 默多克入駐前也整修過榮宅。我們從一位曾經(jīng)在新聞集團工作多年的朋友那里看到了兩個時期的面貌,b=默多克時期,a=普拉達時期。 榮宅的外立面沒改動,內(nèi)景變化較大。新聞集團期間是辦公樓格局,普拉達期間是展覽空間。我們看了一下對比圖,主要在頂部處理上有不同。
細節(jié)是魔鬼,繼續(xù)參觀:大宅的造型以及選材也與眾不同,現(xiàn)在榮宅的基本面是榮老爺買下后的造型和材料多,還是之前業(yè)主多呢?不清楚,可以推測玻璃圖案會有前業(yè)主的痕跡,彩色玻璃外國人擅長或者指導土山灣制作的。木作會修改多些。 朋友回憶默多克時代的榮宅點點滴滴,有一次在路上遇到他,他還說過那頂上的彩玻,有點壓迫感。 隱藏保險箱,可能對設(shè)計師而言,是一道智力題。 最值得細看的是拼圖,地磚,玻璃,木作,其中地磚造型復雜但有自己的結(jié)構(gòu)美。
繼續(xù)回憶,有自豪也有酸楚。 劃紅線,重點來了: 這樣的占地和建筑面積,鄧文迪肯出什么價? 俯瞰一下: 2002年,鄧文迪不買此地,當時市中心大宅不少,鄧沒有在上海買房子,在北京買了個四合院。 默多克與鄧文迪于2013年11月正式離婚,結(jié)束了14年的婚姻。兩人育有兩個女兒,布萊爾還是其中一個女兒的教父。Ms Deng, 45, and the 82-year-old media mogul reached an agreement to end their 14-year marriage on November 20, 2013.Sources say under the terms of the divorce settlement Deng will not receive a share of Murdoch's media empire and that their split will not affect the rules of the Murdoch family trust.However, she will keep their three-story Fifth Avenue apartment in Manhattan as it has become a home for their daughters as well as a traditional siheyuan, or courtyard-style residence, near the former imperial palace in Beijing that Murdoch purchased and refurbished in 2004 for at least 10 million yuan. 2004年,默多克和鄧文迪在北京買下一處靠近故宮的四合院,總價超過了1000萬RMB。離婚后的鄧文迪和女兒享有曼哈頓第五大道一處頂樓三層復式房,據(jù)說,這套頂層復式有20個房間,默多克從洛克菲勒家族成員手里買下。她在新聞集團未持有股份,離婚對默多克家族信托不構(gòu)成影響。如果當年鄧文迪用新聞集團名義買下榮宅,離婚后,榮宅也與鄧文迪本人無關(guān)。 來源:https:///en/newsstar/630205.html