世界衛(wèi)生組織表明:中國癌癥發(fā)病率世界第一 The World Health Organization shows that China ranks first in the world for cancer incidence 早期癌癥治愈率大于90%,晚期治愈率小于10%! 得了癌癥并不可怕,關鍵是要...... 1 早發(fā)現(xiàn) 早診斷 2 3 早治療 等于 延長壽命! The recovery rate of early-stage cancer patients is greater than 90%, and forlater-stage patients it is less than 10% Cancer is no cause for alarm. The important thing is to detect, diagnose and treat it early on to prolong lifespan. 定期體檢太重要 Regular checkups are extremely important 肺癌 我國發(fā)病率,死亡率均第一 肺癌占全部癌癥死亡22.7% China ranks first in incidence and mortality of lung cancer patients in the world. Lung cancer accounts for 22.7% of the total cancer mortality rate. 以前:篩查肺癌靠胸片為主 現(xiàn)在:精準診斷,低劑量CT In the past, chest X-rays were the main tool for lung cancer screening Now, low-dose CT provides accurate diagnoses 科普時間到了,為你深扒一下 Time for science popularization, Give you a deep explanation 01 肺結節(jié)到底是什么鬼? What is a lung nodule? Lung nodules appear on CT scans as small, localised, quasi-circular, dense shadows of single or multiple counts. These nodules are singular, well-defined, opaque in images, with diameters of 3cm or less, and show no signs of hilar enlargement or pleural effusion. 02 報告常說的毛玻璃樣結節(jié)又是什么? What are the commonly reported GGNs (ground-glass nodules)? 毛玻璃樣結節(jié)是一種影像學表現(xiàn),是指局部結節(jié)樣區(qū)域,肺的模糊度增加,表現(xiàn)為密度輕度增高的云霧狀淡薄影或圓形結節(jié),樣子像磨砂玻璃一樣,所以叫毛玻璃樣結節(jié)。 GGNs are imaging manifestations that refer to a localised nodule-like area with increased lung ambiguity, showing as a nebulous faint shadow or round nodule with mildly increased density. They have the appearance of ground glass, hence the name 'ground-glass nodules’. 03 為什么我們要這么重視肺毛玻璃結節(jié)? Why should we be vigilant of GGNs? 單純磨玻璃樣變惡性率高達59%-73%;混合性磨玻璃樣病灶惡性率>93% 因為毛玻璃結節(jié)有可能是早期肺癌,我們不能放任其發(fā)展,及早的采取措施,防止向周圍及遠處臟器轉移,甚至造成更為嚴重的后果。 The malignancy rate of pure GGNs is as high as 59%-73%; the malignancy rate of mixed GGN lesions is greater than 93%. Since GGNs can be early-stage lung cancers, we must intervene by taking early measures to prevent it from metastasizing to surrounding and distant organs, or leading to even more severe consequences. 患者對待毛玻璃結節(jié)的兩種態(tài)度 隨它去-體檢沒什么可做的 太緊張-過度就醫(yī) The two types of attitudes patients have towards ground-glass nodules Let it be – checkups are pointless Extremely anxious – excessively visiting the doctor 我們到底該怎么辦? What should we actually do? 很簡單 It’s simple 1 找影像科診斷專家問診 Inquire with a diagnostic radiologist 2 讀片,片子就像是“罪犯現(xiàn)場”,專家尋找蛛絲馬跡,不放過每個角落,每一病灶。 When reading radiographs, the radiograph is like the “crime scene”, the specialist searches for clues, and scours every nook and every lesion 3 解讀片子,具體病例,具體分析、給予最終診療方案。 Study the radiograph –conduct a case-specific analysis – and provide the ultimate treatment plans 溫馨提示:Tips 孤立的純毛玻璃樣肺結節(jié):如果小于5mm,一年隨訪一次;如大于/等于5mm,3個月后復查CT,至少每年1次肺CT檢查,觀察結節(jié)大小性質變化。肺部毛玻璃結節(jié)一般主張大于8mm,結節(jié)形態(tài)欠規(guī)則,邊緣存在分葉,毛刺等惡性征象就需要手術切除。 Solitary pure GGNs: if it is smaller than 5mm, follow up once a year; if it is 5mm or larger, CT scan re-examination after 3 months, and lung CT scan at least once a year to observe changes in size and nature. Excision is required if malignant symptoms appear, such as:GGNs in the lungs become larger than 8 mm, irregular nodule shapes, lobulated margins, and jagged edges. 低劑量肺CT公認為肺癌早期發(fā)現(xiàn)早診斷最有效的手段 Low-dose lung CT is widely recognized as the most effective tool for early detection and diagnosis of lung cancer 總結 /Summary/ 在癌癥萌芽或者早期狀態(tài)下,及時切斷發(fā)展趨勢,得癌不可怕,只要早發(fā)現(xiàn),早治療。 如果您有肺部結節(jié)問題的困惑,請及時聯(lián)系我們的影像科李成州主任, 他可是火眼金睛的“神探”哦。 Put a stop to the growth of cancer before it starts, or while it’s still in its early stages. Getting cancer isn’t scary as long as it is detected and treated early. If you have questions or concerns regarding the Lung nodules , please get in touch with Dr. ChengZhou Li from our imaging department. He is an expert “detective” with a discerning eye. 專家介紹 影像科 【李成州】副主任醫(yī)師 上海交通大學醫(yī)學院附屬同仁醫(yī)院影像科行政副主任、核醫(yī)學科(籌)主任 從事肺癌篩查和影像診斷、PET/CT應用工作,對肺癌的診斷和分期有豐富的經驗。 擅長: 肺磨玻璃結節(jié)的診斷,肺小結節(jié)的鑒別診斷,PET/CT和PET/MR的臨床應用。 特需門診時間:周三上午 |