3.MRI: 在肺結(jié)節(jié)的檢出方面,MRI的敏感度遠低于CT,主要原因是肺部質(zhì)子密度低,磁敏感性不均勻,空間分辨率低。應用常規(guī)的T1WI或者T2WI很難顯示5mm以下的結(jié)節(jié)。對于GGN,尤其是pGGN,MRI不能顯示。因此,目前不推薦使用MRI檢查診斷GGN。 4.PET-CT:PET-CT對GGN病變的診斷價值有限。主要原因是:(1)陽性率低,pGGN假陰性率100%,mGGN假陰性率也達60%以上。因此,其定性價值有限。(2)此類病變即使是惡性也很少發(fā)生淋巴或血行轉(zhuǎn)移,因此分期價值也有限。(3)標準攝取值(standard uptake value,SUV)診斷良惡性的特異度較低,脫氧葡萄糖(FDG)高攝取不一定是腫瘤,低攝取也不能排除腫瘤。但最大SUV(SUVmax)對腫瘤預后有一定預測價值,高攝取的提示預后較差。因此,建議SUVmax聯(lián)合觀察CT形態(tài)學改變來對結(jié)節(jié)進行定性和預后評價。結(jié)合美國內(nèi)科醫(yī)學學會(American College of Chest Physicians,ACCP)2013版臨床指南中對疑似肺癌結(jié)節(jié)使用PET-CT檢查的建議,我們的建議如下: (1)pGGN,不推薦PET-CT檢查。 ?。?)mGGN,實性成分<5mm的,不推薦PET-CT檢查。 ?。?)對直徑10mm以上的mGGN,實性成分>5mm的,如果定性困難,可推薦PET-CT檢查。 ?。?)高度懷疑惡性的mGGN病變,實性成分>5mm的,行全身PET-CT檢查進行術(shù)前分期時可以推薦 ?。?)伴有肺內(nèi)其他實性結(jié)節(jié),或者有肺外惡性腫瘤病史的GGN患者,建議行PET-CT檢查。(未完待續(xù)) 延伸閱讀圖文資料 →→ A. 磁共振對肺部結(jié)節(jié)的鑒別(病例) http://www./index.aspx?Sec=sup?=mri&Pag=dis&ItemId=76941 58歲男性,右上肺鱗狀細胞癌史。 A. CT掃描肺窗顯示右中葉一9mm胸膜下結(jié)節(jié)。 B.T13D快速場回波(梯度回波),顯示右中葉9-mm 結(jié)節(jié) . C.T2三翻轉(zhuǎn)快速自旋回波黑血序列, 結(jié)節(jié)信號弱,難以辨認。 病理:碳末沉積纖維化結(jié)節(jié),無腫瘤細胞。 延伸閱讀圖文資料 →→ B. PEC-CT對肺部結(jié)節(jié)的鑒別(病例) Lung Cancer Case [http://www.] 病例1:病例資料提供:美國匹茲堡大學醫(yī)學中心 病史: 男性,67歲,最近CT發(fā)現(xiàn)肺部三枚結(jié)節(jié),擬進行PET-CT掃描。 影像學發(fā)現(xiàn): 核醫(yī)學PET/CT 申請檢查的目的:肺癌分期 注入藥物:8.43 mCi 18F FDG 靜脈注射 掃描技術(shù)(略) 血糖:97 mg/dL 對照:過往外院CT掃描 Clinical History 67-year-old man with 3 pulmonary nodulesdetected on a recent CT scan, was referred for a PET/CT scan. Imaging Findings NUCLEAR MEDICINE PET/CT STATED REASON FOR REQUEST: Staging lung cancer RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL ADMINISTERED: 8.43 mCi 18F FDG IV. TECHNIQUE: Emission scanning was performed extending from the base of the skullthrough the pelvis approximately 1 hour post radiotracer injection. Images werereconstructed with and without attenuation correction using the CT attenuationcoefficients. BLOOD GLUCOSE: 97 mg/dL COMPARISON: Previous outside CT scan. PET/CT所見:本次掃描CT上可見3個結(jié)節(jié),其中2個位于右肺,1個位于左肺。右肺中間的病灶可見明顯的FDG攝取。右肺和左肺的其余病灶FDG攝取不明顯。 PET/CT FINDINGS: There were 3 nodules notedon the CT portion of this examination, 2 in the right lung and 1 in the left.The medial lesion within the right lung demonstrated marked FDG uptake. Theremaining nodule in the right lung and the left lung nodule demonstrated nosignificant FDG uptake. 鑒別診斷: 本次掃描的表現(xiàn)需鑒別的病變包括:FDG攝取不明顯的轉(zhuǎn)移性腫瘤,如支氣管肺泡癌,高分化腺癌,或錯構(gòu)瘤、肉芽腫等良性病變。 Differential Diagnosis The differential for this finding would include a second primary malignancywhich is not FDG avid such as bronchoalveolar carcinoma or a welldifferentiated adenocarcinoma or a benign lesion such as hamartoma orgranuloma. 討論: 本例非常有趣,外院CT掃描發(fā)現(xiàn)兩肺3個結(jié)節(jié),PEC-CT掃描結(jié)果只有一個結(jié)節(jié)表現(xiàn)出明顯FDG攝取。對該病灶進行活檢的結(jié)果為腺癌。外科醫(yī)生和病人決定把三個結(jié)節(jié)都切除。最后病理證實三個結(jié)節(jié)分別為三種不同的病理性質(zhì):右肺中間的為腺癌,右肺靠胸膜下的結(jié)節(jié),是由癌栓引起的肺梗死而成,左肺的結(jié)節(jié)則是良性的錯構(gòu)瘤。在本特殊病例,PET-CT準確地鑒別出了惡性病灶,但……. Discussion This is a very interesting case of a gentleman with 3 pulmonary nodules on anoutside CT scan. He was referred for a PET/CT scan, which showed only 1 of the3 nodules was FDG avid. A subsequent biopsy of the FDG avid nodule showedadenocarcinoma. The surgeon and the patient decided to resect all 3 nodules.The pathology of the 3 nodules showed adenocarcinoma, a more peripheral area ofinfarct from tumor embolus and in the other lung a benign hamartoma. In thisparticular case, PET/CT accurately identified the malignant nodule from theother 2 benign nodules. Data courtesy of Dr. Todd Blodgett,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 病例2 ECR 2013 / C-1880 Lung Adenocarcinoma: radiologic-pathologiccorrelation according to the new multidisciplinary classification ?。╝)PET-CT影像:左上肺直徑10mm的 pGGN,無FDG攝取。因病灶在6個月的隨訪中增大而進行了外科切除。(b)病理顯示肺腺癌(中央纖維變形)并周邊廣泛鱗屑樣生長。 (a) images; a 1 cm pure GGN in the left upperlobe which does not show a FDG uptake. Patient underwent surgical resectionbecause the lesion has grown since the last CT scan performed 6 months before.(b) Resection specimen shows an invasive LA (central area with fibrosis) withprevalence of lepidic growing (peripherally). References: - Rome/IT |
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