Pose #1. The Downward-Facing Dog 0:45
Pose #2. Plank 1:52 體式2。平板式 -The plank is actually one of the rare exercises that not only strengthen your core but also work your entire body. Pose #3. Upward Plank 2:56 -The Upward Plank pose stretches your upper body, improves your balance, and strengthens your arms, legs, glutes, and core. Pose #4. The Tree 3:56 -Tree pose strengthens and tones the calves, ankles, and inner thighs, so doing this exercise regularly will leave you with some very nice-looking legs.
-Among other things, Warrior 1 also gives a good stretch to your chest, lungs, shoulders, hips, thighs, and the list goes on. Pose #6. Warrior 2 7:15 -Warrior 2 stretches your hips and inner thighs while improving your balance tenfold. Pose #7. The Extended Side Angle 8:52 -This particular pose is designed to target the sides of the torso and strengthen the legs, hips, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest, and spine. Pose #8. Seated Forward Bend 10:32 -This pose is awesome for stretching your lower and upper back as well as your hamstrings.
Pose #9. Bridge 11:30 -Bridge manages to stretch both the front and back of the body.
-Child's pose is the best resting pose for any stress and tension relief.
Pose #11. Cobra Pose 13:22 -Cobra pose straightens your back and opens up your chest and shoulders.
Pose #12. Bow Pose 14:24 -Bow pose is a miracle for stretching the whole front and back of your body, while additionally improving your posture and spinal flexibility. Pose #13. Boat pose 15:22 -Boat pose is a huge stress reliever.
Pose #14. Fish Pose 16:26
Pose #15. Wind Relieving17:29 體式#15.祛風式, -Wind relieving pose helps improve your digestion and release toxic gas from your system. 摘要 Practicing yoga regularly is known to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health. 眾所周知,定期練習瑜伽可以改善你的身體、心理和精神健康。
這些體式不僅能幫助你快速獲得夢寐以求的身體,還能改善你的消化,緩解背部和頸部疼痛,伸展你的髖部、大腿和腳踝。 They are also great at relieving stress. 編譯之國際著名科普網(wǎng)站“美好的一面”有趣滴水聲計時你造嗎? |