金黃的樹林間有兩條路, Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 很遺憾我無法同時涉足。 And sorry I could not travel both 身為旅者,我久久佇立, And be one traveler, long I stood 窮盡目光追隨其中一條, And looked down one as far as I could 直至它消失在叢林深處; To where it bent in the undergrowth; 然后我走向另外一條,也許這是更好的選擇, Then took the other, as just as fair, 這個選擇也許更加合理, And having perhaps the better claim, 因為它人跡罕至,草木繁密; …… 也許很久以后在某地, I shall be telling this with a sigh 我會回首往事一聲嘆息: Somewhere ages and ages hence: 林中曾經(jīng)蜿蜒著兩條路,而我- Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- 我選擇了人跡罕至的那一條, I took the one less traveled by, 完全不同的人生,就此開啟。 And that has made all the difference. *自譯,時間關(guān)系,中間段落省略 后記:很久未曾動筆,不是不想寫,是不知從何寫起。也怕不能發(fā)乎情,止于禮,因為積累了太多情緒。兩周前開始給學校帶初中閱讀課,于我而言這是一個重大的決定,也是一個艱難的決定,畢竟一天上七節(jié)課,往返三五個小時,年紀大了,體力心力都是挑戰(zhàn)。以此為契機,重新開始記錄吧,也給上大孩子閱讀課的老師家長們一個參考。 種一棵樹最好的時間是十年前,第二好的時間是現(xiàn)在。 |
來自: 新用戶3451G7HJ > 《待分類》