脛神經張力檢查 (Tibial Nerve Tension Test)目的: 評估患者是否存在脛神經根病變相關的神經學癥狀 檢查過程: 患者仰臥位,脊柱處于中立位置,膝關節(jié)完全伸直,髖關節(jié)屈曲并內收。當患者出現下肢神經癥狀后,緩慢地將患側腿放下直至神經學癥狀緩解位置并保持。接著背屈/外翻踝關節(jié)或屈曲頸椎嘗試誘發(fā)神經學癥狀。 說明: 陽性結果為患者踝關節(jié)背屈/外翻或頸椎屈曲時神經學癥狀再現。 統(tǒng)計學參數: 未知 小貼士
Coppieters MW, Alshami AM, Babri AS,Souvlis T, Kippers V, Hodges PW. Strain and excursion of the sciatic, tibial,and plantar nerves during a modified straight leg raising test. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2006;24(9):1883-9. Boyd BS, Topp KS, Coppieters MW. Impactof movement sequencing on sciatic and tibial nerve strain and excursion during the straight leg raise test in embalmed cadavers. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy. 2013;43(6):398-403. Magee DJ. Orthopedic Physical Assessment: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013. |