我的名字 叫食死者 是一個能敏銳嗅出新的不幸氣味的人 第一時間奔到喪主家 貪戀死屍 是一個不受歡迎 高聲歎息的人 我在羊水中 連著臍帶 從裏側(cè) 日夜 蠶食著母親 鑚破血糊糊的產(chǎn)道 爬出 我早已失去父親 也始終沒有親屬和家累 甚至沒有搖籃 童車和襁褓 我豎起髒污的指甲 抓撓伸過來的乳房 我咬破乳頭 吸吮摻血的乳汁 然後被人吃驚地揪下來 扔出去 我的年齡不詳 應該說是不定 零歲 又是百歲 乃至超歲 我一頭白髮 滿身皺褶 不斷哭叫 如果要找我 那就要到所有臨終的床前 我會混在圍著瀕死的人傷心欲絕的家人中間 誰都不會注意到我 一個陌生人 我是一個經(jīng)常企望死亡的人 一個一直深受幻滅渴求折磨的人 一個自身死亡遭到拒絕的 不吉利的人
▎My Name
My name is someone who devours death; someone who sharply sniffs out the fragrance of a new misfortune; someone who rushes to the house of mourning, gobbles up the dead flesh, and, unsolicited, raises a high-pitched voice of lament; I, in the amniotic fluid, still tied to the umbilical cord, infested mother from inside night and day, broke the bloody birth canal, and crawled out. Father had been lost in advance. Relatives and relations had ceased to exist from the start. There were neither a cradle, nor a perambulator, nor clothes for the newborn. I planted my dirty nails in the breast that was offered, bit off the nipple, and sucked the milk mixed with blood. Alarmed, mother tore me off and threw me out. My age is uncertain or, I'd say, unsettled. It is at once zero and one hundred or, rather, nth. Covered with gray hair and wrinkles, I keep raising my birth cries. If you want to look for me, do so in all deathbeds. I am someone who is blended into the sorrowful family surrounding the one about to die, a stranger no one ever notices. I am someone who always thirsts for death anew, someone who continues to be tormented by a thirst for ceasing to exist, someone inauspicious for whom dying is denied.
(Translated by Hiroaki Sato) 作者:高橋睦郎 Takahashi Mutsuo 日本當代著名詩人、作家和批評家。1937年出生於北九州市,畢業(yè)於福岡教育大學文學部。少年時代開始同時創(chuàng)作短歌、俳句和現(xiàn)代詩。出版有詩集和詩選集廿七部、長篇小說三部、評論集十三部等,詩作被翻譯成多種語言。高橋睦郎整體詩風穩(wěn)健、機智、厚重,並帶有一定的悲劇意識。其創(chuàng)作在傳統(tǒng)與現(xiàn)代之間進行了有意義的嘗試,為現(xiàn)代詩新的寫作方法提供了可能,於2000年獲頒紫綬褒章勛章。 題圖:Mitsukini Defying the Skeleton,Utagawa Kuniyoshi 繪 |