對喜歡吃辣的人來說,有一款來自貴州的風味辣醬一定并不陌生。它(她)外表樸實無華,內心熱情火辣。它在你童年時代就已經熟識,它陪伴你度過每一個宅家泡面的日子,撫慰你每一次食欲不佳的筵席。它讓你拙劣的廚藝大添光彩,單調的飲食樂趣十足……老干媽通過亞馬遜漂洋過海,用舌尖的愉悅征服了美利堅人民。她還有一個洋氣的新名字:憤怒女士辣醬(Angry Lady Sauce)。 亞馬遜網站老干媽介紹: Hands down, Chinese company Lao Gan Ma makes the most sophisticated, toothsome hot sauce we've ever tasted. Seriously, don't be fooled by the grumpy-looking lady on the jar! The deeply caramelized chilies, garlic, onions, fermented soybeans and peanuts give this chili paste unbelievable layers of flavor and texture, while Sichuan peppercorns add a mouth-tingling zip... 無可否認,中國出產的老干媽牌辣醬堪稱我們吃過的最滋味豐富、最可口的辣醬。說真的,別被瓶罐上滿臉皺紋的老婦人圖片所誤導!深炸過的焦黃色辣椒、大蒜、洋蔥,拌之以大豆和花生,這一切使這種辣醬具有無以倫比的味覺層次感和口感,再加上一點四川胡椒,刺激你的味蕾…… This chilli sauce certainly adds a lot of flavor to dishes. It goes literally
with everything, ramen, dumplings, noodles, rice dishes, and tons of other
stuff. 美國網友評價: 1.I loves me my Angry Woman Sauce! I have no idea if this is authentic but it
just tastes "Chinese" to me. Can't get enough and confess to eating right out of
the bottle or finding something, anything, to use as a "delivery mechanism".
Yum! 2.I have at least 20 different hot sauces, this is by far the best one. It's
been described as sophisticated- I'd agree. There chili oil, bean and chili
flakes and peanuts, which work together perfectly. The spice level is also
great- not the lasting habanero style burn, but more of a warm smooth
heat. 3.This stuff is dangerously addictive. You've been warned. I wanted something
similar to what I got at the Szechuan restaurant. Well I then came across this
and was please with the reviews then purchased two jars. SO GLAD I DID. It does
have some tiny peanut pieces that are crispy toasty, yum. The heat is very
notable and smooth. It is quite salty, also. Great
condiment! |