To be more grateful in life means that you are also allowing yourself to be happier, more contented and more satisfied with everything that has been going on around you. But with all the stress, all the disappointments and all the anxiety around you, I bet you ask yourself this question all the time: 對于周邊的一切,一個人愈加感恩,就愈能活得快樂,活得滿足。但在種種壓力,失望以及焦躁的重壓之下,你肯定會疑惑道:“我的感恩之心還能表現(xiàn)得更淋漓盡致么?” Well, my dear friend, I think I have ten tips to help you with this particular concern. Here they are: 好了,親愛的朋友,鄙人自認為有十種方式可幫你排難解惑。如下: Learn to live in the moment 活在當下 Life is a wonderful adventure filled with enriching experiences and endless possibilities. Don’t just go through the motions of repetitive activities and boring tasks. No! Being a mindless zombie can make you more likely to take things for granted. Instead of doing something just for the sake of doing it, actually make an effort to savor the experience. You’re supposed to attend a conference? Absorb it. Babysit your niece? Savor the moment. Eat a 15-minute lunch? Taste each bite. 人生就像一場冒險,充滿了豐富的體驗和無盡的可能。不要單單走一下過場,重復無聊的事情。也別行尸走肉般地將一切視為理所當然。與其為了完成任務而做事,不如細細體會萬事的韻味。若你參加會議,就好好地吸收每個細節(jié)。若你要照看侄女,就好好地體驗每一刻。若你要吃一刻鐘的午餐,請細嚼慢咽。 Make an Oath of Gratitude 誓言要感恩 Being aware of your goal to be more grateful can help you look for things to be really more grateful for. Gratitude is a conscious decision. You have to practice it consistently. 只有明確了自己懷著感恩的目標,你的世界才會懂得更加真摯地去感恩。那是一種意識上的覺悟,只有恒久地練習,才能真正實現(xiàn)。 Immerse yourself with inspirational thoughts and motivational quotes. 沉浸于激勵和鼓舞中 Your feeling of gratitude is a direct manifestation of your environment. If you feel more driven, more passionate, and more alive, you are also bound to appreciate more, live more, and be more content. 你感恩的一舉一動就是對環(huán)境的直接表現(xiàn)。如果你越是覺得有動力,有熱情,有活力,那你就越應該去欣賞,去體會,懂知足。 Make your own Gratitude Board. 制造自己的感恩版塊 You’ve heard of Motivation Boards, Disaster Boards and Dream Boards, so why can’t you have Gratitude Boards as well? Instead of posting your dreams and your disasters, it’s better for you to post the ideals that you feel grateful for. Just a hint: focus more on people and experiences rather than on materialistic stuff that don’t necessarily last very long. 既然有動力版塊,災難版塊和夢想版塊,那你為什么不能擁有一個感恩版塊呢?與其張貼你的夢想和災難,不如分享你感恩的心情。給大家一個提示:既然物質(zhì)的東西不會永垂不朽,不如將更多的注意放在身邊的人和體驗上。 Control your thoughts. 自我控制 Of course you have the power to control what you’re thinking of! Consider this exercise, for example: if you find yourself thinking more and more self-entitled, stop. If you find yourself repeating negative junk, stop. And if you find yourself comparing yourself to other people, stop. You are given consciousness. Make use of it wisely. 你一定有控制自己所思所想的能力!也不妨采用下面的建議:如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的思想越來越以自我為中心了,停!如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在沒完沒了地講廢話,停!如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在跟別人攀比,停!你是個有意識的人,何不好好地利用這意識。 Always resist the temptation of comparing yourself with other people. 抵住攀比的誘惑 As humans, we have the natural tendency to compare ourselves with others with the hope of attaining satisfaction. Right now, I’m telling you that this activity does not help you feel to be more grateful in life. It does the opposite! You will always be meeting someone richer, more attractive, more successful and more intelligent than you are. Comparison will just rob you off your self-worth and make you feel inferior to others! Don’t do it, please. 作為人類,攀比乃是天性,我們只為得到希望中的滿足感?,F(xiàn)在,我要告訴你這種行為于感恩是毫無幫助的。其影響還恰恰相反!畢竟身邊比你更富足,更有魅力,更成功,更聰明的大有人在。攀比只會讓你自掉身價,感覺遠不如人!所以請停止。 Watch your words. 明智地說話 You can feel more grateful in life if you are using more positive and more enlightening words. Words that stress you and make you feel worthless should definitely be eliminated. 如果你的言語更加積極,更加啟迪人心,那你的生活就會愈加感激生活。而那些讓人焦躁,毫無意義的話還是趕緊收回吧。 Appreciate what you have right now. 感激你的現(xiàn)在 The happiest people are those who are contented with what they currently have, not with what they lack. Apply an abundance mindset in your way of thinking – every action begins with the mind, after all. 最快樂的那些人總是會知足常樂,而不會傷懷所缺的。利用知足的心態(tài)去考慮---畢竟,行動始于思想。 Acknowledge the past, but move on. 接受已發(fā)生的 繼續(xù)向前邁步 I’m not saying that you should ignore the past, naturally. That’s impossible. What I’m saying is that you should be aware of your past mistakes, past heartbreaks, past failures and past frustrations. Use them as stepping stones. Acknowledge the fact that they did happen in the past and utilize the lessons you learned from them in the present so that you won’t experience them in the future. Be more grateful of the bad as well! 要你自然而然地忘掉過去那是不可能的。我的意思是你要意識到過去所犯的錯誤,過去的傷痕,過去的失意以及過去的挫折。將它們看作人生的墊腳石,勇于承認它們確實發(fā)生過,并且要吃一塹長一智,以免未來再次發(fā)生。即便是脫于理想的事物,我們也要對其感恩。 Help other people and touch their lives meaningfully. 贈人玫瑰,手有余香 There really is nothing more rewarding in this world than helping other people improve their lives. This activity doesn’t only make you feel great about yourself – it also makes you value what you have in your life. Go on and sponsor a child’s education. Give your old clothes and books to a charitable institution. Donate your time and offer to teach children for free once a week. Hold feeding programs with non-profit organizations. 世上再也沒有什么事能比幫助別人,改善他人生活更加有意義了。善舉不僅會讓你充滿自信---還會讓你審視所有事物的價值。比如資助一個孩子上學,捐贈衣物和書籍給慈善機構(gòu),每周花時間給小孩免費補習一次,參與非營利組織的事物供給活動等。 |