中英雙語,啟蒙教育: 普通歇后語90句 Common 90 Riddles 李鑫 譯 1、拐杖吹火Use the walking stick to blow fire--一竅不通 be completely ignorant of. 2、古曲演奏render ancient music --老調(diào)重彈play old theme again. 3、瓜熟蒂落The fruits are ripe and they will fall off--時(shí)機(jī)成熟Once the time is ripe. 4、關(guān)羽赴宴GuanYu attended a party--單刀直入Enter with a single broadsword.( come straight to the point). 5、關(guān)門打鑼Close the door to beat gong --(鳴)名聲在外 (blare voice is in the outside;)be well-known; 6、關(guān)門養(yǎng)虎Close the door to keep a tiger--后患無窮source of endless trouble. 7、過河拆橋burn the bridge after crossing it--不留后路do not leave oneself a way to go. 8、旱苗得雨Drought seedling is getting rain--正逢時(shí)Be good in its season . 9、管中窺豹look at leopard through a tube--略見一斑see a sample of it from a part to whole. 10、姑娘繡荷包The girl embroiders wallet--專心致志devoting herself to it. 11、孤兒遇親人The orphan meets his close relatives--喜出望外be overjoyed ; 12、古董店老板a curio store owner--眼里識貨his eyes are able to tell good from bad; 13、關(guān)公當(dāng)木匠Guan Yu was a carpenter--大刀闊斧put the axe in the helve. 14、關(guān)公賣豆腐Guan Yu sold bean curds--人強(qiáng)貨不硬The man was strong enough but his goods were soft. 15、關(guān)公舞大刀Guan Yu handled a broad-sword--拿手好戲masterpiece. 16、關(guān)公在曹營Guan Yu was in the Cao camp--心不在焉be absent-minded. 17、關(guān)公看《春秋》Guan Yu read 《The Spring an Autumn Annals》 --一目了然--be clear at a glance. 18、關(guān)羽投降曹操Guan Yu capitulated Cao Cao--身在曹營心在漢his body was at Cao camp but his heart at Han. 19、關(guān)羽失荊州Guan Yu lost Jing state--驕兵必?cái)?/font>An army puffed up with pride is bound to lose. 20、關(guān)云長放屁Guan Yu broke wind--不知臉紅do not know blush with shame. 21、關(guān)公面前要大刀handled sword in front of Lord Guan--不自量;overrate one's own abilities. 22、牯牛陷在泥潭里--進(jìn)退兩難The bull sinks in the mire pond--be caught in a dilemma. 23、關(guān)門唱山歌--自我欣賞Close the door to sing folk song--appreciate by one's own. 24、觀世音菩薩The Guan Shiyin bodhisattva--有求必應(yīng)give response to every prayer;never refuses a request. 25、過街的老鼠The rat scamper across the street--人人喊打everyone shouts and wants to beat it . 26、過年娶媳婦There is a wedding on New Year's Day--雙喜臨門 --two happy events come to a same door. 27、冠軍和亞軍Champion and silver medal winner--數(shù)一數(shù)二number One or number Two- highest rank. 28、管水員開閘門the member who take care of water opened a water gate--放任自流let sb. Do as he likes;任其自流Allow it from flow. 29、光棍兒種地--自食其力Bachelor son kind ground--earn one's own living. 30、觀音菩薩打噴嚏--好神氣The kwanyin boddhisattva sneezes--very proud. 31、觀音菩薩下毒手--面善心不善The kwanyin boddhisattva puts poison in a hand--the look familiar heart isn't kind. 32、廣東人說北京話--南腔北調(diào)The Cantonese says words--mixed accent of north and south in Peking. 33、哈巴狗搖尾巴--獻(xiàn)殷勤The pug wags tail--dedicate attentive. 34、海龍王打哈欠--好大的口氣Sea Long Wang gapes--very big tone. 35、海里的蝦米--翻不起浪The dried shrimp in the sea son--turn over not rise wave. 36、害啥病吃啥藥--對癥下藥Harm what the disease eat what medicine--prescribe medicine for specific ailment 37、含冰糖說好話--甜言蜜語Contain rock sugar to put in a good word--sweet talk. 38、寒冬臘月的馬蜂窩--空空洞洞The hornet nest--nothing substantial in month of cold winter La;空洞Is empty. 39、寒冬臘月送扇子--不識事務(wù)The cold winter La month sends fan--do not know business. 40、寒號鳥曬太陽--得過且過The cold number bird takes a sunbathe--let what will do well enough alone. 41、寒暑表--有升有降Thermometer--have already already risen to decline. 42、寒天吃冰棍--心里有火Is cold sky of the stick--in the mind eating ice to have fire. 43、韓湘子出家--一去不復(fù)返Han Xiang Zi house--a don't reply to return. 44、韓湘子吹笛--不同凡響Han Xiang Zi plays flute--outstanding. 45、韓湘子吹蕭--不同凡響Han Xiang Zi blows Xiao--outstanding. 46、韓湘子的花籃--要啥有啥Han Xiang Zi's flower basket--want what have what. 47、韓信點(diǎn)兵--多多益善Han Xin orders a soldier--the more the better;越多越好It's more good to is more many 48、韓信伐楚--明修棧道,暗渡陳倉Han Xin fells Chu--fix plank way clearly, dark Du Chen Cang. 49、漢高祖斬白蛇--一刀兩斷Man Gao Zu Zhan white snake--make a clean break. 50、旱地的烏龜--無地容身The tortoise of dry land--nowhere to live;無處藏身Have no place to hide a body;無處逃生Have no place to flee for life. 51、旱地的魚蝦--活不長The fish shrimp of dry land--live not long. 52、旱地里的蛤蜊--橫行不了幾天The clam in the dry land--can not walk sideways for several days. 53、旱地里的蛤?。晒亩?font face="Times New Roman">The toad in the dry land--dry drum belly. 54、旱天的井--水平太低The well--level in sky of drought is too low. 55、旱田里的泥鰍--鉆得深The loach in the dry land--drill deeply. 56、好漢不吃眼前虧--識時(shí)務(wù)The good brave fellow doesn't accept short--term loss--understand the changes of the times. 57、好漢上梁山--逼出來的;Beam mountain of good brave fellow--force out. 58、好花插在牛糞上--可惜;The good flower puts on the cow muck--regrettable. 59、好花離了土--活不成;The good flower left soil--live not become. 60、好馬不吃回頭草--倔強(qiáng);The good horse doesn't eat to turn head grass--obstinate. 61、好馬遭鞭打--忍辱負(fù)重;Good Ma Zao whips--meekly tolerate insult negative heavy. 62、好心當(dāng)作驢肝肺--不識好歹;The good heart regards as donkey liver lung--do not know somehow. 63、耗子打洞--找門路;The mouse beats hole--seek way of approach. 64、耗子戴眼鏡--鼠目寸光;The mouse wears glasses--the rat eyes inch light. 65、耗子的眼--見識短;The eye of mouse--experience short. 66、耗子盯小偷--賊眉鼠眼;The mouse stares at a thief--thief eyebrow rat eye. 67、耗子進(jìn)風(fēng)箱--找氣受;The mouse enters bellows--seek spirit to be subjected to. 68、耗子看糧倉--監(jiān)守自盜;The mouse sees food Cang--custodian turned thief. 69、耗子啃書本--咬文嚼字;The mouse chews book--chew words. 70、耗子舔貓屁股--送死;The mouse licks a cat bottom--walk into death. 71、耗子跳到鋼琴上--亂談(彈);The mouse jumps in the piano--talk indiscriminately (play). 72、喝敵敵畏跳井Drink DDVP and jump into well--必死無疑;is certain to die. 73、和尚打架--抓不到辮子;The monks fight--could not grasp any pigtail. 74、和尚打撐起雨傘陽The monk put up a parasol--(發(fā))無法無天there is no hair nor sky;defy laws. 75、和尚殺牛--口善心惡Monk kills a cow-- A fair face ,but a foul heart . 76、和尚頭上的虱子--明擺著The cootie on the monk head--put clearly. 77、荷包里的東西--十拿九穩(wěn)The thing in the wallet--almost certain. 78、荷包里裝針--鋒芒畢露Pack needle--sharp point to finish dew in wallet. 79、荷花出水Lotus flower grows out off the water--一塵不染spotless. 80、鶴立雞群Excel others as a crane among chickens--才貌出眾--the personal appearance is outstanding. 81、橫著扁擔(dān)走路Thwart the carrying pole walks--霸道violent in action. 82、橫著竹竿進(jìn)城Thwart the bamboo pole goes into the city--行不通(走)--Walk(go) impassability;won't do. 83、紅著眼睛咬著牙open red eyes and bite the teeth--懷恨在心--hide hatred in the heart. 84、猴子扳苞谷The monkey pulls Indian corn--掰一個(gè),丟一個(gè) break off one , throw one. 85、猴子戴眼鏡The monkey wears glasses--冒充斯文pretend to be cultured; 86、猴子撈月亮--一場空The monkey gets moon--one is empty. 87、猴子爬上旗桿頂--高高在上The monkey climbs a flagpole crest--Gao Gao is in the top. 88、猴子扇扇子--學(xué)人樣Monkey fan--scholar kind. 89、后半夜做美夢--好景不長The after midnight has beautiful dream--good fortune doesn't last long. 90、候車室里的掛鐘--群眾觀點(diǎn)The wall clock--crowd's standpoint in the waiting room. 91、狐貍拜年The fox makes New Year's visits--用心歹毒an evil heart. 92、狐貍吃不到的葡萄The grape that the fox could not eat of --全是酸的whole is sour. 93、狐貍的尾巴The tail of fox--藏不住can not be hidden. 94、狐貍騎老虎--狐假虎威The fox rides tiger--a bully with a coward's heart. 95、掛著蚊帳點(diǎn)煙熏蚊香Hang mosquito net and light mosquito repellent incense--多余surplus. |