## Group1:normal ## Group2:tumor ## Calculating the p-values of each probe... ## |=================================================================|100% Completed after 20 m ## Saving volcano plot as: methylation_volcano.pdf
head(res) ## mean.normal mean.tumor mean.normal.minus.mean.tumor ## cg21870274 0.7868787 0.5479701 0.23890856 ## cg16619049 0.2781233 0.2591982 0.01892506 ## cg18147296 0.7219909 0.6847735 0.03721734 ## cg13938959 0.6958773 0.4552416 0.24063575 ## cg12445832 0.4654454 0.2479300 0.21751535 ## cg23999112 0.7941180 0.5310289 0.26308907 ## p.value.normal.tumor p.value.adj.normal.tumor ## cg21870274 9.732669e-18 2.668610e-16 ## cg16619049 2.314279e-02 4.306785e-02 ## cg18147296 1.024600e-01 1.566558e-01 ## cg13938959 4.389698e-18 1.321596e-16 ## cg12445832 2.608577e-18 8.391252e-17 ## cg23999112 4.649043e-13 5.043637e-12 ## status ## cg21870274 Hypermethylated in normal ## cg16619049 Not Significant ## cg18147296 Not Significant ## cg13938959 Hypermethylated in normal ## cg12445832 Hypermethylated in normal ## cg23999112 Hypermethylated in normal