人這一生,一定要有別人拿不走的東西,如肚子里的文化 In this life, there must be something that others can't take away, such as the culture in the stomach 選擇有意義,有時(shí)間的工作,而不是被迫謀生 Choose meaningful and time jobs, not forced to make a living 生活能治愈的,是愿意好起來的人 Life can be cured, is willing to get better 世界讓我遍體鱗傷,但傷口長出來的卻是翅膀 The world makes me black and blue, but the wounds grow out of wings 修己以清心為要,涉世以慎言為先 Self cultivation should be based on pure heart, and the world should be based on careful words 希望你任何時(shí)候都不缺失從頭再來的勇氣 I hope you never lack the courage to start all over again 看到世界的樣子其實(shí)是你自己的樣子 The way you see the world is actually the way you are 那些真正研究過自己的人才會(huì)成為最好的連接者 Those who have really studied themselves will be the best connectors 無論你喜歡與否,人們都會(huì)根據(jù)你總和誰在一起來判斷你 Like it or not, people will judge you by who you are with 好的人生,需要靜下來,時(shí)時(shí)去觀照自己 A good life needs to be quiet and take care of itself from time to time 只要你擁有熱氣騰騰靈魂,日子就不會(huì)差 As long as you have a steaming soul, life will not be bad |