The word nothingness easily reminds one of the doctrine of a state of neither this nor that. But nothingness does not mean nothing exist, on the contrary, it means existence. Or rather, nothingness means everything since everything comes from nothingness. Nothingness as the origin of everything refers to pure nothing, which means pure existence. They are equal to each other and verify one another. When nothingness is defined as existence, it does not mean there is no nothingness. It means nothingness is ontological. Nothingness is negative in itself, which is the proof of its existence. It is Denying itself that rightly dialectically verifies its existence. It's the law of being. One who is familiar with the cannon of Buddhism titled The Cannon of Heart must remember its lines which say nothingness is not different from the world,or vice versa. HERE lies the problem of doctrine of the what's so called religion: It can not teach us the origin of the world since nothingness and the world are isomorphic. It is impossible for the doctrine of Buddhism to provide a final answer to the question: where does the world come from? Then what is nothingness?What is everythingness? Nothingness is permanent while everythingness is changing forever. Nothingness is the pattern while everythingness is the traces of nothingness. Nothingness, by our ontological interpretation, can be brought to the being conception, yet its purpose is not to lay a foundation for the existential ontology but for a understanding of that world——the world for spirit. Nothingness, as it contains everything in this world, necessarily forecasts the existence of that world.If you care about the death and the resting place for spirit, you are surely interested in the topic. Under the guidance of the holy book, you will find the road, the right road. |