《小池》 The little lotus bloom has just shown its tip slight When all at once you see a dragonfly alight. 小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上頭?!ㄋ危钊f里 《蜂》 You gather honey from flowers sweet. For whom are you busy and fleet? 采得百花成蜜后,為誰辛苦為誰甜?——(唐)羅隱 《墨梅》 It does not need you to praise its fair hue you see, But only leaves a pure spirit between earth and sky. 不要人夸顏色好,只留清氣在人間。——(元)王冕 《竹石》 Upright stands the bamboo amid green mountains steep, Its toothlike root in broken rock is planted deep. 咬定青山不放松,立根原在破巖中?!ㄇ澹┼嵺?/span> 《憫農(nóng)》 Each bowl of rice, who knows? Is the fruit of hard toil. 誰知盤中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。——(唐)李紳 《清明》 A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. 清明時節(jié)雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂?!ㄌ疲┒拍?/span> 《登鸛雀樓》 You will enjoy a grander sight If you climb to a greater height. 欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。——(唐)王之渙 《題西林壁》 Of Mountain Lu we cannot make out the true face, For we are lost in the heart of the very place. 不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中?!ㄋ危┨K軾 《觀書有感》 How can it be so clear and cool? For water fresh comes from its source. 問渠那得清如許?為有源頭活水來?!ㄋ危┲祆?/span> 《靜夜思》 Looking up I see the moon so bright; Bowing in homesickness I'm drowned. 舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉(xiāng)?!ㄌ疲├畎?/span> 《賦得古原草送別》 Fire tries to burn them up in vain; They rise again when spring winds blow. 野火燒不盡,春風(fēng)吹又生。——(唐)白居易 《九月九日憶山東兄弟》 Alone, a lonely stranger in a foreign land, I doubly pine for my kinsfolk on holiday. 獨在異鄉(xiāng)為異客,每逢佳節(jié)倍思親?!ㄌ疲┩蹙S 《別董大》 Fear not you've no admirers as you go along. There is no connoisseur on earth but loves your song. 莫愁前路無知己,天下誰人不識君。——(唐)高適 《出塞》 If the Flying General were still there in command, No hostile steeds would have dared to invade our land. 但使龍城飛將在,不教胡馬度陰山?!ㄌ疲┩醪g 《夏日絕句》 Be man of men while you are alive; Be soul of souls even though you're dead! 生當(dāng)作人杰,死亦為鬼雄?!ㄋ危├钋逭?/span> 《游子吟》 Such kindness as young grass receives, From the warm sun can't be repaid. 誰言寸草心,報得三春暉?!ㄌ疲┟辖?/span> 古詩詞中有很多我們從小就熟記于心的名句名篇,今天木木老師只選取部分來分享,同學(xué)們可以積累起來,說不定哪天寫作文“立意”的時候就能用上了呢~ |