高三年級的二模即將來臨,今晚昕媽抽空推出一篇作文解析,為小伙伴們加加油! 原題如下圖所示: 1.審題。這一步至關重要,是寫好考場作文的關鍵,如果跑題或是沒有完全滿足題干要求,那么即便你的文字功底再好,也是徒勞無功。 2. 列提綱。建議先列個提綱,這是避免跑題,寫出優(yōu)秀作文的有效策略。有了提綱,作文不僅切題,而且會條理清晰。 3. 謀篇布局。根據提綱謀篇布局,確定文章結構順序。這道題目要求寫植樹活動的日記,只要將時間、地點、人物、植樹過程以及感受描寫清楚即可。 4.順理成章。經過審題、列提綱、謀篇布局,接下來自然順理成章。詳見下面我寫的范文。 March 7 , Sunday fine Today, I am very glad to participate in the activities of Arbor Day organized by the Student Union. Early in the morning, my classmates and I set out for the park with tools and seedlings. Upon arrival, we immediately began to plant trees together. Some dug the pits, some put the seedlings into the pits and filled them with earth , then others watered them. Through our efforts, the park was loaded with rows of seedlings, standing in the sun. Exhausted as we were, we tasted the joy of Labour. |
來自: 新用戶8607mFpZ > 《待分類》