FIGURE11 Schematic outline of the medial surface of the hemisphere to illustrate thesulci and gyri of the human brain. 大腦半球內(nèi)表面的示意圖,用來說明人腦的腦溝和腦回。 Abbreviations: AC, anterior commissure=前連合; accs, anterior calcarine sulcus=距狀前溝; aps, anterior parolfactory sulcus=嗅旁前溝; asos, accessory supra-orbital sulcus=眶上副溝; cas, callosal sulcus=胼胝體溝; CC, corpus callosum=胼胝體; CgG, cingulate gyrus=扣帶回; cgs, cingulate sulcus=扣帶溝; cos, collateral sulcus=側(cè)副溝; cos-o, collateral sulcus, occipital ramus=側(cè)副溝,枕支; cos-ph, collateral sulcus, parahippocampal extension=側(cè)副溝,海馬旁延伸段; cs, central sulcus=中央溝; Cu, cuneus=楔葉; culs, cuneal limiting sulcus=楔葉界溝; cus, cuneal sulcus=楔葉溝; EC, entorhinal cortex=內(nèi)嗅皮質(zhì); FuG, fusiform gyrus=梭狀回; fus, fusiform sulcus=梭狀溝; Fx, fornix=穹窿; GA, gyrus ambiens=復(fù)回; GR, gyrus rectus=直回; hif, hippocampal fissure=海馬裂; Is, isthmus=峽; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus=顳下回; LgG-I, inferior lingual gyrus=舌下回; LgG-S, superior lingual gyrus=舌上回; lgs, lingual sulcus=舌溝; lots, lateral occipitotemporal sulcus=枕顳外側(cè)溝; mcgs, marginal ramus of the cingulate sulcus=扣帶溝緣支; ocpas, occipital paramedial sulcus=內(nèi)側(cè)旁枕溝; pacf, paracentral fossa=中央旁窩; PaCL, paracentral lobule=中央旁小葉; pacs, paracentral sulcus=中央旁溝; pccs, posterior calcarine sulcus=距狀后溝; PCgG, paracingulate gyrus=扣帶旁回; pcgs, paracingulate sulcus=扣帶旁溝; PHG, parahippocampal gyrus=海馬旁回; pof, parieto-occipital fissure=頂枕裂; pps, posterior parolfactory sulcus=嗅旁后溝; PrCu, precuneus=楔前葉; prculs,precuneal limiting sulcus=楔前界溝; prcus, precuneal sulcus=楔前溝; PtG, paraterminal gyrus=終板旁回; rhs, rhinal sulcus=鼻溝(嗅腦溝); RoG, rostral gyrus=嘴回; ros, rostral sulcus=嘴溝; sbps, subparietal sulcus=頂下溝; ScaG, subcallosal gyrus=胼胝下回; SlG, semilunar gyrus=半月回; sos, supra-orbital sulcus=眶上溝; sps, superior parietal sulcus=頂上溝; tcos, transverse collateral sulcus=側(cè)副橫溝; Th, thalamus=丘腦; ti, temporal incisure=顳切跡; TLGP, temporo-limbic gyral passage=顳葉邊緣葉過渡回 Un, uncus=鉤回; uns, uncal sulcus=鉤回溝。 以上內(nèi)容僅作學(xué)習(xí)交流。如有不當(dāng)之處,多多指教。 |