那輪傍晚的落日,哀怨地為隔世的愛情畫上一個句號。 That round of sunset in the evening, sadly for the love of the past to draw an end. 只是后來我們依然孤單,你換了幾站,我一直流浪。 But later we still lonely, you change a few stations, I have been wandering. 走錯了路要記得回頭,愛錯了人要懂得放手。你裝作刀槍不入的樣子,就要做好被萬箭穿心的準備。 Take the wrong way to remember to look back, love the wrong person to know how to let go.You pretend to be invulnerable, be prepared to be shot through. 安慰的話有很多,給別人的很多,給自己的很少。 There are a lot of words of comfort, a lot for others, little for myself. 生于這世上,沒有一樣感情不是千瘡百孔的。 Born in this world, there is no feeling is not full of holes. 從一瞬間的愛到一生的情,需要更多的理解與包容,親愛的是否原諒我? From the moment of love to the love of a lifetime, need more understanding and tolerance, dear forgive me? 你若不離,我亦不棄。 If you do not leave, I also do not abandon. 男:“你可以借我你的杯子嗎?”女:“干嘛?”男:“因為我想借你一輩子?!?/p> Man: 'Can you lend me your cup?'Female: 'why?'Male: 'because I want to lend you a lifetime.' 愿我們的心像y一樣,合二為一,永不分開。永遠永遠…… May our hearts, like Y, be as one and never separate.Forever and ever... 我不允許你不理我,你在我心中是那么重要,沒有你我會很不自在,不要折磨我好嗎? I don't allow you to ignore me, you are so important in my heart, without you I will be very uncomfortable, don't torture me, ok? “你猜我想吃什么”“不知道啊”“癡癡地望著你” 'Guess what I want to eat.' 'I don't know.' 'I'm staring at you.' 我對你好的前提是你對我也不錯,歲數大了,沒時間做單方面輸出了。 I am good to you on the premise that you are good to me, too, old, no time to do unilateral output. |
來自: 昵稱28556420 > 《待分類》