【造詞理據(jù)】源自PIE詞根*stere-(拉緊、伸展=spread),象形。S形表類似繩索的東西,引申指綁緊、拉緊,后抽象指緊張、焦慮。 【例句】MM as if deep in thought, led in a short while and suddenly and very strain ofsay: "Ah, if I one day to you also tired, how does that do? " MM若有所思,過了一會兒,忽然很緊張的說:“哎,要是我有一天對你也厭倦了,那怎么辦啊?” 【同根詞】consternate; consternation; construct; construction;destroy; destruction; industry; instruct; instruction; instrument; obstruct;obstruction; perestroika; prostrate; sternum; sternocleidomastoid; strain(n.2) "race, stock, line;" stratagem; strategy; strath; strato-; stratocracy;stratography; stratosphere; stratum; stratus; straw; stray; street; strew;stroma; structure; substrate; substratum; substructure. 【討論】structure作為同根詞,就否定了str或st是詞根,表“站立”的可能。 【造詞理據(jù)】源自PIE詞根*kele-(叫喊),擬聲詞。模仿航海時為了升帆、拉索而呼喊的聲音(以實現(xiàn)同心協(xié)力),后引申指拉、拖拽。 【例句】 You have to think how the company will perform in the long haul. 你應(yīng)該考慮公司的長期的運轉(zhuǎn)。 【同根詞】acclaim; acclamation; Aufklarung; calendar;chiaroscuro; claim; Claire; clairvoyance; clairvoyant; clamor; Clara;claret; clarify; clarinet; clarion; clarity; class; clear; cledonism; conciliate;conciliation; council; declaim; declare; disclaim; ecclesiastic; eclair;exclaim; glair; hale (v.); halyard; intercalate; haul; keelhaul; low (v.);nomenclature; paraclete; proclaim; reclaim; reconcile. 【造詞理據(jù)】源自PIE詞根*do-(給=give)。擬聲詞,模仿哼聲示意送出信函,引申指給予、交給,在這里指捐贈或捐贈的物品。 【例句】Ambassador Yang spoke at the donation ceremony held at NALIS. He said he was happy to donate the books to the National Library. 劉彥明參贊在捐贈儀式上說,這是中國使館第一次向圖書館捐贈圖書。 【同根詞】 add; anecdote; antidote; betray; condone; dacha; dado;data; date (n.1) "time;" dative; deodand; die (n.); donation; donative; donor;Dorian; Dorothy; dose; dowager; dower; dowry; edition; endow; Eudora;fedora; Isidore; mandate; Pandora; pardon; perdition; Polydorus; render;rent (n.1) "payment for use of property;" sacerdotal; samizdat; surrender;Theodore; Theodosia; tradition; traitor; treason; vend. 【造詞理據(jù)】源自PIE詞根*sker-(彎曲=bend),象形。C為S的同音[s]的通轉(zhuǎn),S形表彎曲的形狀,引申指彎曲、束縛。也指勒馬繩。“勒馬繩”和“彎曲”有何關(guān)系呢?在馬前進時,馬脖子向前挺直,你要左轉(zhuǎn),得用繩子將馬脖子拽向左邊,即向左彎曲;讓馬停下得往后拽繩,使脖子向后彎曲。路緣也是用條石組成彎曲的限制道路的邊沿。 【例句】For local governments building on arable land is often a money-spinner. Central-government efforts to curb this have not worked. 因為地方政府經(jīng)常通過在耕地上建房來生財,中央政府限制占用耕地的努力并未奏效。 【同根詞】bias; carnage; carnal; carnation; carnival; carnivorous;carrion; cenacle; charcuterie; charnel; corium; cortex; crone; cuirass;currier; curt; decorticate; excoriate; incarnadine; incarnate; incarnation;kirtle; scabbard; scar (n.2) "bare and broken rocky face of a cliff or mountain;"scaramouche; scarf (n.2) "connecting joint;" scarp; score; scrabble; scrap (n.1) "small piece;" scrape; screen; screw; scrimmage; scrofula; scrub (n.1) "low, stunted tree;" scurf; shard; share (n.1) "portion;" share (n.2) "iron blade of a plow;"sharp; shear; shears; sheer (adj.) "absolute, utter;" shirt; shore (n.) "land bordering a large body of water;" short; shrub; skerry; skirmish; skirt. 【討論】這些同根詞,否定了sharp中S表牙齒、screen中S表牙齒,引申指分開等的解釋。 ------------------------------------ 單詞成就英語,英語照見未來