題圖來自google,是哈利波特系列電影中的Hermione Granger的劇照。 提出一個好的問題難。 可提出一個令人忽視的問題,處處踩雷區(qū)其實也蠻不容易。 以下是我讀完“如何機智地提問(How to ask questions the smart way) ”換了一個思路,提煉得出的指南—— “如何愚蠢地發(fā)問” How to ask questions the stupid way 根據(jù)如果你想要被忽視,那么你最好要做(bu)到(yao)以(dui)下(hao)兩(ru)類(zuo),共(jin)分(gong)十(yu)點(le): 一、就是隨便問問: I.Ask randomly 1. 把你的問題放在一個和所問主題無關(guān)的論壇; Put your problem on a forum not relevant to your topic; 2. 廣泛撒網(wǎng),在你所能想到的所有不同的群體里都發(fā)布; Put your question everywhere you can get access to; 3. 把非常初級小白的問題發(fā)在一個討論高難度技術(shù)問題的論壇,反之亦然; Propose a basic question in forums discussing difficult problems, and vice versa; 4. 發(fā)一封個人郵件給你既不熟悉也沒有必要幫你解決問題的人; Send a private email to someone you have no acquaintance or having no responsibility to answer your question; 5. 群發(fā)群顯群回復(fù),撈到一個回答算一個,千萬不要單獨發(fā)送; Send your problem to everyone you know in this area, and wait; 二、朕即世界中心: II. I am King of the world: 6. 寫完立刻發(fā)送,不要檢查語言是否準確、沒有語法錯誤或者拼寫錯誤; Send immediately when you draft the content without checking the expression, grammar nor spelling; 7. 標題一定要多用感嘆號,千萬不要描述具體細節(jié),比如“救急?。?!我電腦上的視頻不能播放了,急需?。。 ?,最好加上“萬分緊急”、“十萬火急”; The title should stress the urgency with exclamatory mark, and provide no more details; 8. 郵件正文寫得越長越復(fù)雜把你的人生故事都告訴給對方,能簡單兩三句說的也使勁兒往復(fù)雜了寫; Write as long as you can, make it complicated, try to tell your life story, never finish it in five sentences; 9. 寫完就算、問到就結(jié)束,從此消失,千萬不要把自己后續(xù)解決的過程和結(jié)果告訴對方; When you get the reply, disappear ASAP, never send follow-up emails to talk about how you solve the problem; 10. 如果對方發(fā)給你的回答,你不理解,立刻回信要求對方作出更清晰明確的解釋。千萬不要自己動手在網(wǎng)上搜,或者咨詢相對有經(jīng)驗的朋友。 If the answer you received is beyond your understanding, request a clearer clarification. Do not search the internet by yourselves or consult a skilled friend. 歡(dou)迎(xiao)補(ni)充(mei)!(?) (截止日期為3.31 00:00) 相關(guān)推送: |