Moon and Planets at Twilight Explanation: This week's ongoing conjunction of Venus and Jupiter may have whetted your appetite for skygazing. Tonight is the main course though. On November 28, a young crescent Moon will join them posing next to the two bright planets above the western horizon at twilight. Much like tonight's visual feast, this night skyscape shows a young lunar crescent and brilliant Venus in the western evening twilight on October 29. The celestial beacons are setting over distant mountains and the Minya monastery, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, China, planet Earth. Then Mercury, not Jupiter, was a celestial companion to Venus and the Moon. The fleeting innermost planet is just visible here in the bright twilight, below and left of Venus and near the center of the frame. Tomorrow, November 29, the crescent Moon will also help you spot planet Saturn for desert. 暮色之下的月亮和行星 這星期發(fā)生的金星合木可能會激起你仰望星空的意愿。今晚的星空是一場好戲。11月28日的黃昏,在西方地平線附近,一輪年輕的新月將與這兩顆明亮的行星一起出現(xiàn)在夜空。與今夜即將開始的視覺盛宴類似,上圖這片夜空是10月29日在夜幕下出現(xiàn)的一輪新月和明亮的金星。這對天空燈塔照亮了遠處的山脈和寺廟。這短暫出現(xiàn)的最內(nèi)側(cè)行星在黃昏之下可以看到,它位于金星的左下側(cè)、影像中央附近。明天就是11月29日了,新月的月光將會幫助你看到土星。 高清原圖地址: https://apod./apod/image/1911/2019_10_29_Village_Moon_Venus_Mercury_1500px.png 近期文章: Astronomy Picture of the Day——地平線附近的金星和木星 Astronomy Picture of the Day——哈勃展示的木星新肖像 Astronomy Picture of the Day——獵戶座東升 NASA 微店 |