English Text is further down. 體內(nèi)充足的維生素C是幫助免疫系統(tǒng)的強大武器,在流感流行期間或整年保持充分的維生素C的攝入量,例如橙汁和檸檬水,都會非常有助于預(yù)防和療愈。而且橙汁和檸檬水也是最佳鈣質(zhì)來源。 Children's health Every parent wants their child to be healthy and thriving. Not only do we want our children to be healthy while they are under our roof,but we also want to set them up with the best possible health from a young age so they can avoid or minimize chronic illnesses as adults. In the following article,I will outline some rudimentary practices that are beneficial for children of all ages. Immune Systems and Deficiencies When thinking about children’s health,we need to consider two things. First,it is important to strengthen your child’s immune system so that it is ready to react appropriately when your child is exposed to a bug or toxin. Second,start working on eliminating deficiencies in your child’s diet. The health problems we have as adults partly stem from deficiencies we experienced in childhood,so it is important to work on these immediately to stave off any chronic illnesses that may crop up in the future. Common Health Problems in Children Why is it important to work on building up the immune system and eliminating deficiencies?There are so many common health problems children experience that make life harder for the child and the parents. Not only is it scary for families to go through illnesses,but it is not enjoyable to be at the doctor’s office every single week because of symptoms and illnesses that can be avoided. Many children experience ear infections,which are caused by the bacteria streptococcus as well as by certain viruses. Children pick up colds,flus,and fevers all year long,and they might get bronchitis,pneumonia,or sinus infections. It is also common for children to get mystery swollen glands and a fever which are very early signs of mono. Doctors try to avoid diagnosing younger children with mono because of training they receive in medical school that prohibits this. If the truth that children may have an Epstein-Barr virus infection very early on becomes known,there will be much greater awareness of the virus and it will need to become a focus of research and funding,which requires millions of dollars. This is the reason it’s prohibited. It's not the doctors’faults. It has nothing to do with them. Even blood labs aren’t responsive to early EBV testing in children,toddlers and even babies for this very reason. This might sound controversial but it’s the truth. I share more of the unknown truth about EBV in detail in my book Thyroid Healing. Another common ailment is tonsillitis. Medical research is still unaware of the true cause of tonsillitis. Medical science and research aren’t aware that the true cause is a form of EBV when it is in the tonsils,along with EBV’s cofactor—the bacteria streptococcus—and this can be healed by working on lowering your viral and bacterial load with the information I share in my books,radio shows,and articles. For more information about how to heal Epstein-Barr Virus,check out my bookThyroid Healing. And for more information on how to address a streptococcusinfection,you can listen to my radio show and read the blog articleon this topic. Other common health problems in children include issues that stem from liver stagnancies,like eczema,psoriasis,constipation,food allergies,and sleep issues. It’s possible to have a stagnant liver even as a child because our parents can pass down toxins,viruses,bacteria,radiation and more at conception and throughout pregnancy (and at any time in our youth or adulthood,)and they can affect the liver of a child even before birth. You can learn more about eczema and psoriasisin my radio show and article. These ailments caused by a sluggish liver are often labeled as autoimmune diseases,when actually they can be healed by bringing in some foods to build up the child’s immune system. There are also viral conditions that children often experience,which requires the immune system to be further supported to fend off these pathogens.While many of these health problems get labeled as autoimmune diseases,this is simply not the case. Your child’s body is not attacking itself. Please do not fall into this trap of confusion. Our bodies love us unconditionally and are always working for us,not against us. You can trust your body,and your child’s body,is always supporting you. It’s also vital that you know that these symptoms and conditions are not genetic. You and your child do not have faulty genes. This is another mistaken theory that is leaving people feeling let down by their own bodies. It’s absolutely critical to know the truth about these two misguided theories,which is why I address them in detail in my book Thyroid Healing. You and your loved ones need to know the truth for the sake of your health. Foundational Immune System Support SUPPLEMENTS Remember that not all supplements are created equal. It’s crucial to purchase vitamins that are truly pure and high quality so you can feel confident that they will actually support your child’s immune system. A multivitamin that I love that supports children of all ages is from MaryRuth’s Organics. They have a morning multivitaminand a night time multimineralsupplement that I recommend for children on a daily basis. This product is very pure and does not contain MSG hidden under another name,like so many of the so-called natural vitamin products available to us in health food stores. Liquid zinc sulfate is a supplement I recommend for people of all ages. For your child,make sure he or she is getting a couple of drops of zinc on and off throughout the year for protection and immune support. As a society,we are devastatingly zinc deficient. It is one of the most important supplements to focus on because without zinc,our health can fall apart. At the core of so many of the health problems children experience is a zinc deficiency that starts early on. Probiotics can also be included in your children’s routine. Garden of Life Raw Probioticsare safe,gentle,and helpful for children.Elderberry syrupis an incredible supplement that you can incorporate throughout the winter months and even throughout the summer,as well. Instead of cod liver oil,which was an old staple that is not actually helpful for immune support,try a plant based algae EPA/DHA. Hawaiian spirulinaand barley grass juice extract powder is helpful for removing heavy metals in our children’s systems. In my book Medical Medium,I shared that we come into this world with toxic heavy metals that are passed on to us from many generations before and with each generation they become stronger and more dangerous. Medical science and research are not aware that heavy metals cause or contribute to conditions such as autism,ADHD,obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, eczema,psoriasis,learning difficulties,and more,so it’s critical to know how to safely remove them. If you are breastfeeding and worried about taking steps to eliminate heavy metals,do not worry because the metals will not go into your breast milk if it’s the specific combination of the five foods I recommend. It is still safe to take some Hawaiian spirulina and barley grass juice extract powder when breastfeeding,along with the other three heavy metal removal foods that I share on my heavy metal detox blog post and radio show. These two supplements balance out the immune system and are helpful in many other ways,which I speak about throughout the materials offered on this site and in my books. FOOD ALLERGIES You can also strengthen your child’s immune system by removing certain foods from his or her diet. When you hear complaints about tummy aches or digestive issues,consider eliminating gluten and dairy products. I am aware that we have been told our whole lives that cow’s milk is essential for our children’s health and that dairy builds strong bones. However,this is inaccurate. Children do not require dairy to have strong bones. In fact,it is the calcium and silica in plant foods that strengthen bones. If you are worried about removing dairy, please know that we have been misinformed about this aspect about health. Also,consider removing eggs,corn,and soy. These are common allergens that are not supportive for children’s immune systems. I discuss these foods and why they are important for everyone to avoid,including children,in my book Thyroid Healing.Remember that you have options when it comes to eliminating foods. If it feels overwhelming to remove all of these foods from your family’s diet,consider taking out one or two at a time and see how this affects your child’s health and immunity. Another note,if you are not breastfeeding and would still like to give your child milk,you can make your own supplemental milk at home that is very healthy and full of vitamins and minerals your child needs. Just blend avocado,ripe banana,and water or coconut water to create a delicious drink to replace breastmilk or to supplement on top of it. WHEN DEALING WITH A FEVER If your child comes down with a cold or flu, hydration is critical. As soon as you feel your child is developing a fever,stop the solid foods right away and increase the liquids. Give your sick child plenty of lemon water,vegetable broths,fresh cucumber juice,coconut water or even a pure bottled fruit juice such as 100% apple juice and you can dilute it with a little bit of water or coconut water. Giving your child food when the fever has begun will only spike their temperature and make it more difficult to fight. It’s crucial to stave off the fever with high quality hydration. THE MEDICINAL KIT In addition to the regular supplements I’ve recommended above,it is helpful to have some herbs and supplements on hand in preparation for times of crisis. When you or your child feels something coming on,you can turn to this kit to find what you need. There’s nothing worse than your child becoming ill late on a Friday or weekend night and wishing wish you had some elderberry syrup on hand! Eclectic Institute has a line of children’s herbs that I have trusted in for years. Some of their best products are the Kid’s Echinacea Goldenseal Throat Spray,Kid’s Elderberry Red Root Throat Spray,Kid’s Herbal Cough Elixir,and Herbal Biotic. Another important herb to have on hand is Mullein Ear Oil,which is highly effective for ear infections. You can put a couple of drops of this in your child’s ear to prevent ear infections and to help the infection if it’s already started. Ask your health practitioner for advice on how to use these supplements best for your family. Helpful Foods for Deficiencies When considering deficiencies in your children,it is very helpful to work on correcting them early on so that your kids are set up for a better life for years to come. Decades into the future deficiencies will crop up if they are not handled at a young age,even if your child’s health seems good and stable during their younger years. The following are some foods that are very helpful to include in your child’s diet. If your children are older already,there’s nothing to be concerned about,you can simply take these steps now to support them. I understand that children are their own individuals with their own unique opinions and preferences;so if your child simply won’t eat certain foods at this age,perhaps that will change in the future. For example,if your child won’t eat avocado,try offering them another one of the foods from the list below. By keeping your house full of delicious fruits,leafy greens,and vegetables,you will be able to see your child make their own decisions and reach for the healthful foods they are interested in. Just keep your counters stocked with their favorites from this list,and maybe soon their palate will begin to expand. Bananas are one of the top foods for children. They are loaded with amino acids,protein,and even healthy fats. Bananas are filled with potassium,which is critical for brain health and brain development. These are an absolute staple to include in your child’s diet. And do not be afraid of the sugar in fruit. Feel free to encourage your children to eat as many bananas as they please because this amazing fruit is so essential to their health. If you are afraid of fruit,you may want to read the chapter called “Fruit Fear”in my book,Medical Medium. Berries are another staple food to provide to children. They are absolutely packed with phytochemicals,antioxidants,and anthocyanins. Try to incorporate wild blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and any other type of berries your children gravitate toward.Apples and pears are some more fruits that are important to include in your child’s diet. And remember to have sweet potatoes and winter squash on hand to throw into your meals. Try to incorporate turnips,different varieties of potatoes,coconut,and avocado,as well. These are all great foods to help your children avoid deficiencies. Celery and cucumbers are also important to include because they have mineral salts,which build electrolytes. When electrolytes are strong,this strengthens the brain’s neurotransmitters. This is important to consider when it comes to the problem so many children have with staying focused. Another fantastic food to give to children is homemade popsicles. Brew some lemon balm tea,mix it with raw honey,and freeze it in popsicle molds. You can also make popsicles out of blended fruit like cantaloupe and watermelon popsicles. This is a wonderful way to get your children to eat more of the antioxidant- and vitamin-rich foods to prevent deficiencies.Try making sweet potato soup for your little ones. Simply boil sweet potatoes and blend them with hot water,nutmeg,and cinnamon. This creates a nutrition-filled,warming soup that is satisfying to anyone who loves sweets. I share the truth about how all of these foods and many more benefit us and our children physically,emotionally,and spiritually in my book Life-Changing Foods. The book also has 50 mouth-watering healing recipes for you and your family to enjoy!You can even do gluten free waffles and pancakes using millet and oat flour. And you can make banana ice cream by freezing ripe bananas,then blending them in a high-speed blender or food processor. This is a delicious snack or breakfast and a great alternative to dairy-based ice cream filled with toxic sugar and heavy metals.You may be wondering if you should stay away from bottled juices. Bottled juices are great when you can find them organic with no natural flavors or additives. They are available at most grocery stores these days and they provide a convenient source of anthocyanins,minerals,vitamins,and antioxidants. Fresh juice is always best,but bottled juices serve a helpful purpose too. Moving Forward There is so much to say when it comes to children’s health. This article simply lays out some helpful steps you can take to build up your children’s immune system and eliminate deficiencies. Remember just to take it one step at a time. This information may seem overwhelming and a lot to take in all at once. There is so much misinformation out there and I want to help ensure your child has the best possible chance for a healthy life by sharing these truths with you. 愿天下人健康、平安、喜樂。 以下是三種查找公眾號所有發(fā)布過內(nèi)容的方式: - 如欲搜索各種療愈食物相關(guān)信息,請在公眾號菜單->疾病篇中點擊查看“療愈食物索引鏈接”一文; - 如欲搜索相關(guān)排毒療愈凈化法,請在公眾號菜單->療愈篇中點擊查看不同的凈化療愈法; - 如欲搜索健康菜譜,請在公眾號菜單->更多中點擊“美味食譜索引”一文。 要了解更多相關(guān)信息,請見以下四本書詳細關(guān)于現(xiàn)代各項慢性疾病的解說諸如:1型和2型糖尿病和低血糖、慢性疲勞癥候群,腎上腺疲勞、癌癥、偏頭痛、不育癥、各種婦科疾?。ㄗ訉m肌瘤、多囊卵巢綜合征、經(jīng)前綜合征等)、更年期綜合征、所有甲狀腺問題(從結(jié)節(jié)到囊腫、甲衰甲亢到甲狀腺癌癥)、眩暈、帶狀皰疹、自身免疫性問題(紅斑狼瘡、風濕性關(guān)節(jié)炎、多發(fā)性硬化癥、纖維肌痛癥等各類被稱為自身免疫性問題)、所有胃腸道問題(諸如胃酸反流、乳糜瀉、便秘、腸漏癥、小腸細菌過度增生、腸易激綜合征、結(jié)腸炎等)、肝炎和肝臟相關(guān)疾病、所有肺部疾病、念珠菌感染、EB病毒、萊姆病、憂郁癥、注意力不足多動癥、自閉癥、老年癡呆癥、帕金森癥、創(chuàng)傷后壓力群侯癥、濕疹、銀屑病、足底筋膜炎、鏈球菌引起的各類問題(青春痘、尿路感染、盆腔炎、鼻竇炎等)、各種皮炎皮疹問題、痛風、脹氣、結(jié)石、腎上腺壓力、疲勞、脂肪肝、體重問題、肩周炎、各種神秘疼痛和身體感覺、失眠和各種睡眠問題、懷孕不孕等相關(guān)問題等各類健康狀況做全面詳細說明,第三本中對100多種各種癥狀的真正原因(包括各種疼痛、增重、減重、長期饑餓感、掉頭發(fā)、頭發(fā)質(zhì)地改變、失眠、疲勞、精力不足、腦霧難以集中精神、失憶、身體敏感、盜汗、發(fā)熱、出汗過度、體溫波動、浮腫、情緒波動、易怒、焦慮、抑郁、躁動不安、不安腿綜合征、頭痛、頭暈、關(guān)節(jié)疼痛、肌肉無力、刺痛和麻、抽搐和痙攣、心臟問題、三高、耳鳴、平衡問題、美尼爾癥、嘴巴里奇怪的味道、皮膚干燥、便秘、性欲低下、例假不正常、眼睛模糊、皮膚顏色異常等)。 第三本書 關(guān)于甲狀腺 第四本中文版尚未出版 第五本 關(guān)于西芹汁是如何能夠療愈兩百多種病癥的。 一位被上天刻意訓練了25年的醫(yī)療靈媒!一本慢性?。y治疾病的食療全書!看了本書,你會用全新的眼光看待世界與自己的健康!安東尼.威廉從小擁有療愈人的天賦,至今已成功幫助數(shù)萬名被誤診,或是因為病怎么治都治不好而受苦的人恢復健康。四歲的某一天,他在吃晚餐時走向奶奶,將手放在奶奶的胸膛,開口說:“肺.癌。奶奶有肺癌?!碑敃r他連“肺癌”兩個字都說不清楚,遑論明白意思,奶奶也好端端的,所以家人為此震驚無比。但事后奶奶去照X光,證實果真罹患肺癌。之后,無論遇到什么人,他都能清楚知道對方的身心健康狀況,以及需要做些什么來改善。對自己的這項天賦異能,他從好奇、排斥、驕矜、逃避,到完全臣服,進而將此能力奉獻給因病所苦之人?,F(xiàn)在,他將二十五年來為許多人找回健康的過程中所得知的大量療愈資訊公諸于世。 |