1 導讀 感謝思維導圖作者 Mayof, 女,大三, catti三級備考中, 比較文學考研備考中 2 聽力|精讀|翻譯|詞組 The diversification illusion 投資多元化假象 英文部分選自經濟學人Finance and economics版塊 The diversification illusion 投資多元化假象 Reserve managers are locked in an unhealthy relationship with the dollar 外匯儲備經理與美元的虐戀 James M. CAIN’s novel “The Postman Always Rings Twice” portrays a violent love affair between Frank Chambers, a drifter, and Cora Papadakis, a former beauty queen now married to a man she despises. Their romance is doomed from the beginning. Every attempt to find happiness fails. Any attempt at being apart is equally hopeless. “Why did you have to come back?” she hisses after one break-up. “I had to, that’s all,” he replies. The story comes to mind when contemplating the fate of the managers of the world’s $11trn-worth of foreign-exchange reserves. This is not to say they are obsessives wracked with guilt and paranoia (though a few might be). But rather that, like Frank and Cora, it has probably occurred to them that their dominant relationship, which is with the dollar, may not be entirely good for them. The latest figures from the IMF show that the share of dollars in global reserves fell to 62% at the end of last year. Reserve managers seem to be for a cooler, less intense affair with the dollar. But eventually, they will find that it is hard to break free. That is not so much because the alternatives to the dollar have flaws (though they do); rather, it is because the pain of a weaker dollar will become too much to bear. The dollar is the closest thing to a world currency. Commodities that are traded globally are quoted in dollars. So are other currencies. A lot of cross-border trade is invoiced and settled in dollars, too. Dollars are the unit by which the world of finance keeps score. So there is logic to countries keeping stores of them in reserve. It is generally dollars that you need in an emergency. But money is also a store of value. There is no guarantee that the dollar will hold its value better than other currencies. So like other portfolio managers, reserve-holders seek to diversify. That means fewer dollars. 但貨幣也是一種價值儲存工具。沒人能保證美元會比其他貨幣更保值。因此,與其他組合投資經理一樣,外匯儲備經理也在尋求投資多元化。這意味著更少的美元儲備。 There are other reasons for breaking free of the greenback. Its global role gives America the means to impose financial sanctions to great effect. Its use of such powers has steadily grown. In response, Russia has slashed the share of dollars in its currency reserves. It is not hard to imagine that some other countries have weighed the odds of at some stage being caught in a dispute with America. Changes in the market value of currencies can mask underlying shifts in the mix of assets within reserves. For instance, if the euro falls sharply against the dollar, its share in reserves would also fall without any change in the stock of assets held. Steven Englander of Standard Chartered, a bank, applies a constant exchange rate to the IMF data to adjust for this valuation effect. What emerges is a clearer long-term trend downwards in dollar holdings and a sharp sell-off last year (see chart). What kept the dollar strong was the strength of private-sector purchases. Reserve managers appear to be countercyclical investors, selling when others are buying. This is rather cheering. The dollar looks overvalued on many benchmarks. And if anyone can take a long-term view, it ought to be reserve managers. Even so, Mr Englander suspects that some of them are waiting for signs of dollar weakness before selling. 外匯儲備經理似乎是反周期的投資者,即在別人購入時他們賣出。這就很有意思了。美元在許多標準中都被高估。如果說(市場上)誰能高瞻遠矚,那必然應該是外匯儲備經理。即使這樣,Englande先生覺得有些儲備經理仍在等待美元走弱信號以賣出。 By then it may be too late. Once private-sector demand for dollars wanes, the combination of this downward pressure and selling by reserve managers might mean that the dollar has to fall a long way to balance supply and demand. That would be a big headache for reserve managers. In one regard they are not like other portfolio managers. They are also charged with keeping their own currency at a competitive level to support exports. Reserve managers who start off wanting to sell dollars often end up buying them back when they see competitiveness is at risk, says Mr Englander. Their attempts to diversify by, say, selling those dollars for euros is doomed to fail. It is hard to induce private-sector investors to buy dollars for euros when they, too, are trying to diversify away from them. The outcome, says Mr Englander, is that both dollar and non-dollar reserves increase, with the dollar share not much changed. In Cain’s novel, the star-crossed lovers are joined by a dark passion and by complicity in a murder. What tethers reserve managers to the dollar is not quite as sinister. For a while they can achieve a little distance: if they want to get out of dollars, they can do so while everyone else is trying to get into them. But if the dollar falls hard enough, they will be buyers. Ask a reserve manager, then, why he ever went back, and he may tell you: “I had to, that’s all.” 翻譯組: Vivian,女,金融碩士,愛潛水愛運動 Ashley,女,金融碩士,愛寵物愛英語愛旅游愛TE Nana,女,南開世界經濟碩士,努力學習經濟學和英語中 Gloria,女,經濟學在讀,愛健身愛電影愛古怪新奇的事物 May ,男, 跨界財經、法律、政治,熱戀越野跑,迷戀經濟學人 校核組: Jessie Lulu, 金融從業(yè)者,愛陽光,愛細雨,愛經濟學人 Summer,女,QE在職,夢想能仗翻譯/音樂 /健康走天涯 3 觀點|評論|思考 本期評論員 Alan,男,金融工程碩士,經濟學人粉絲 這篇文章探討了reserve manager在構建外匯儲備投資組合時遇到的約束條件,說全世界央行的reserve manager既要diversify他們的外儲組合,又要面對在diversify的過程中把美元拋出導致本幣升值的困境,所以經常遇到的情況是reserve manager diversify到一半又要買回美元。導致這一困境的原因是,reserve manager和一般的fund manager不一樣,他們的主要職責是維持匯率穩(wěn)定和適量外匯儲備以達到匯率內外部平衡,而不是追求其投資組合收益率最大化。 在做兩者的權衡過程中,一國往往會權衡其得失來作判斷。例如一國的出口占其國民經濟很大一部分且有大量外匯儲備余額,那么它就會傾向于大量買入美國資產而不太計較其是否多樣化;但如果一國出口占經濟比重較小且有外債償還壓力的話,那么它就傾向與不太在意匯率給經濟帶來的影響,而更優(yōu)先考慮外儲價值的縮減會引發(fā)對于其償債能力的擔憂,從而傾向多樣化甚至最大化其外儲價值。 事實是,做reserve manager有多個目標要達到,而不像一般portfolio manager只要最大化價值就可以了,所以外儲投資更多在于在多個約束條件下達到某種平衡。 比如,管理外匯儲備最重要要考慮的地方在于它對于國內貨幣供給和匯率的影響。央行的資產負債表上資產端對應了國內資產和國外資產,國外資產也就是外匯儲備,負債端對應了貨幣供給。 央行資產負債表:
所以外匯儲備的增加會增加貨幣供給,進而在利率市場上使利率下降,進而在匯率市場上讓本幣貶值(開放經濟下)。假使有一兩年發(fā)生這樣的情況,一國的出口出奇得好,導致外匯儲備暴增,這部分暴增甚至不能用國內資產在央行資產負債表上的減少來沖銷掉,導致該國會經歷輸入性通貨膨脹。 再比如,管理外匯儲備除了要考慮對本國的內部環(huán)境的影響外,還要考慮對他國外部環(huán)境的影響。一國的貿易盈余對應的是另一個國家的貿易赤字。一國的經常項目赤字意味著該國背負了債務需要將來以貿易盈余的形式償還。按古典經濟學理論來說,貿易盈余國的外儲增加導致利率下降從而匯率貶值,會鼓勵其出口,對應的另一國就有升值壓力抑制其出口,但是這是不考慮其他因素的條件下才會出現(xiàn)的結果,現(xiàn)實中一國的匯率受很多其他因素影響,比如一國持續(xù)進行沖銷操作使其貨幣有出口優(yōu)勢,那么對應的另一國就處于長年貿易赤字的位置上,這對于該國的出口部門是個很大的打擊,而這會導致該國推行報復性的貿易政策。所以一國的外匯管理不止需要考慮自己內部環(huán)境,還要考慮外部環(huán)境。 而外儲管理的過程中就應當綜合考慮外儲對于經濟中各個參與者的影響來進行管理,和央行在制定貨幣政策過程中要受到三元悖論的限制但盡可能使其貨幣政策兼顧三方面帶來的影響十分類似,這意味著reserve manager要兼顧多方面的情況下做出盡可能好的決策。 4 愿景 小組 |