一、 愛你的人會心甘情愿輸給你,學會了遷就,懂得了忍讓,才能證明深愛著你,他給你的或許不多,但有了寬容,就等于給了你全部。 有的時候一個錯誤就能輕易讓別人忘記你所有的好。 the person who loves you will be willing to lose to you, learn to accommodate, understand tolerance, in order to prove that he loves you deeply, he may not give you much, but with tolerance, it is tantamount to giving you all. Sometimes a mistake can easily make others forget all your good. 二、有的人該忘就忘了吧,所謂的念念不忘,在自己眼里,是愛,在對方眼里,是煩,在別人眼里是賤。有時候我們不開心、不幸福,是因為能力跟不上野心,欲望越過了需求…… some people should forget it. The so-called mindfulness, in their own eyes, is love, in the eyes of the other party, is annoying, in the eyes of others is cheap. Sometimes we are unhappy and unhappy because our abilities can not keep up with our ambitions and our desires surpass our needs... 三、其實“醉生夢死”只不過是她跟我開的一個玩笑,你越想知道自己是不是忘記的時候,你反而記得更清楚。我曾經(jīng)聽人說過,當你不能夠再擁有,你唯一可以做的,就是令自己不要忘記。 Actually, "Drunken Life, Dream and Death" is just a joke she played on me. The more you want to know if you have forgotten, the better you remember. I've heard that when you can't have it anymore, the only thing you can do is not forget it. 四、心儀一個人,是我一個人的事,就讓我站在角落里,偷偷看著你,心有余想,口不出聲。所有人都是過客,早晚得散,所以聚的時候要卯足了勁開心。等到散了呢,誰也別惦記誰,各自往各自的下一站奔,再找新的開心。 to love someone is my own business, so let me stand in the corner and secretly look at you, with more than one thought in mind and no voice. Everyone is a passer-by, sooner or later, so when we get together, we should have a good time. When it's over, nobody cares about who. They run to their next stop to find new happiness. 五、不摔一跤,不知誰會扶你。不缺錢用,不知誰會幫你。不病一場,不知誰最疼你,不經(jīng)一事,不知誰要騙你。人與人,不是都可以信任,心與心,不是都愿意付出誠懇。 遇事了,才知道誰會對你真心。有些人只會錦上添花,不會雪中送炭。有些人只會做表面功夫,不會坦誠相待。珍惜該珍惜的人,感恩幫過你的人。 do not fall, I do not know who will help you. No shortage of money, I don't know who will help you. I don't know who loves you the most. I don't know who's going to cheat you. People and people, not all can trust, heart and heart, not all willing to pay sincerely. When something happens, you know who will be sincere to you. Some people will only add to the cake, not send charcoal in the snow. Some people will only do superficial work and will not be frank with each other. Cherish those who should be treasured and be grateful to those who have helped you. 六、許多人存在著,卻如同未存在一樣。我們走著走著就散了!當你越來越漂亮時,自然有人關注你。當你越來越有能力時,自然會有人看得起你。改變自己,你才有自信,夢想才會慢慢的實現(xiàn)。 Many people exist, but they do not. We walk and then we fall apart! When you become more and more beautiful, people will naturally pay attention to you. As you become more and more capable, you will naturally be looked up to. Change yourself, you will have self-confidence, dream will slowly come true. 七、人生就像一趟只有初始站的列車,經(jīng)過一個又一個站點,有人下車了,也有人在不斷上車,下車的跟你揮手,上車的向你招手。漸漸的你認識了一個又一個車友,有人遺忘了,也有人在不斷相識,列車總是太匆匆,容不得裝下全部。生命之旅如同時光般一去不返,留下的只有你走過的痕跡。 life is like a train with only the initial station. Passing through one station after another, some people get off the train, others get on the train constantly, wave to you when they get off, and wave to you when they get on. Gradually, you know one after another, some people forget, some people are constantly acquainted, the train is always too hasty to accommodate all. The journey of life goes on like time, leaving only traces of you. 八、做與不做的選擇,決定了人生的方向;人生就像是一張不能涂改的答卷,上面布滿了選擇題,也許你選擇的這個答案會讓你前途無限光明;也許你選擇的這個答案也可能會讓你走向深淵,使你再想回到原點,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己已經(jīng)回不去了。 Choices made or not made determine the direction of life; life is like an irrevocable answer sheet filled with multiple choice questions. Maybe the answer you choose will make your future infinitely bright; Maybe the answer you choose will also make you go to the abyss, make you want to go back to the origin, but find that you can't go back. 九、不記得是誰說過: “父母在,人生尚有歸途。 父母不在,人生只剩來處。失戀的那一陣子,總是忍不住想要找ta,好在是和平分手,ta還安靜地躺在自己的聯(lián)系人列表里。 do not remember who said: "Parents in life, there is still a way back. When parents are absent, there is only room for life. For a while, I couldn't help wanting to find ta. Fortunately, it was a peaceful breakup, and TA was still lying quietly in his contact list. 十、 不管是做人,還是待人,都要記?。喝瞬荒軕T,慣出來的都是毛病,讓一步是情,忍一時是善,但是讓步?jīng)]有原則,忍耐失去底線,就不是一種美德了。 Whether you are a person or a person, you should remember that people can't get used to it. What you get used to is all faults. One step is love and one moment is good. But concessions without principles and losing the bottom line are not virtues. 十一、不心存僥幸,就躲過了被欺騙和欺瞞,就不會摔跟頭,就等于夯實了自己的人生基礎。沒有嗜好,就躲過了圈套,就等于獲得了平坦人生。不給自己下定義,就躲過了層層牢獄,等于給自己創(chuàng)造了無窮機遇。不借錢也不給他人借錢,就躲過了心神煎熬,等于擁有了自在舒適的心態(tài)。不生,就躲過了死,等于進入了永恒。 If you don't take chances, you will avoid being deceived and deceived. If you don't fall behind, you will consolidate your life foundation. If you don't have hobbies, you'll get out of the trap and you'll get a flat life. If you don't define yourself, you'll escape from prisons, which will create endless opportunities for yourself. If you don't borrow money or lend money to others, you will avoid suffering and have a comfortable mind. If you do not live, you will escape death, and you will enter eternity. 十二、 不上不下,那大多就是一種尷尬的狀態(tài),但卻是很多人的狀態(tài)。世界上所有的人分布成了一個橄欖型,大多數(shù)的人都被卡在橄欖大大的肚子里,過著平淡的生活,羨慕著一端,同情著另一端。 do not go on, that is mostly an embarrassing state, but it is the state of many people. All the people in the world are distributed into an olive type. Most of them are stuck in the big stomach of olives. They live a plain life, envying one end and sympathizing with the other. 十三、當一個人活得有趣,其實這個人就活得通透了。有趣的不一定能成就多大的事業(yè),但他能成就快樂的生活。生活有了質(zhì)感和喜感,其實才是真正的強者,一朵花開就能燦爛,一陣清風也會憧憬,生活才有喜感,幸福指數(shù)才會越高。 When a person lives interestingly, in fact, he lives thoroughly. Interesting doesn't necessarily make a big difference, but he can make a happy life. Life with a sense of texture and joy, in fact, is the real strong, a flower can be brilliant, a breeze will look forward to, life will have a sense of joy, happiness index will be higher. 十四、 越是成熟的稻穗,越懂得彎腰。很多東西可遇而不可求,不屬于自己的,何必拼了命去在乎。你在意什么,什么就會折磨你。"期待"是所有心痛的根源。 The more mature the rice panicle, the more knowledgeable it is to bend down. Many things can be met but can not be sought, do not belong to their own, why desperately care about. Whatever you care about will torment you. "Expectation" is the root of all heartache. 十五、耐心點,堅強點,即使看不到希望,也依然相信自己。我們最先衰老的不是容貌,而是不顧一切的闖勁。真的努力后,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己要比想象的優(yōu)秀很多。 be patient, be strong, believe in yourself even if you can't see the hope. It's not our looks that we grow old first, but our desperate aggressiveness. If you really work hard, you will find that you are much better than you think. 十六、難是好景的機遇,是重任的墊腳石。人生有很多事,需要忍;人生有很多欲,需要忍;付出是應該的;得到是暫時的;幸福是相對的;痛苦是經(jīng)常的;生命是倒計時的;日子是順著過的;人生是說不清的;霉頭總會有的;命是必須信的;運是可以開的;人生是需要悟的;生命是需要愛的。 Difficulties are good opportunities and stepping stones for heavy responsibilities. There are many things in life that need to be tolerated; there are many desires in life, which need to be tolerated; giving is due; getting is temporary; happiness is relative; pain is constant; life is countdown; life goes by; life is indescribable; there will always be bad luck; life needs to be realized; life needs love. 十七、在滄桑歲月里幾度沉浮,人生有遺憾,才會有憧憬,才會有夢想和追求。輕到一吹既散的數(shù)字 也重千斤 墜著心一點一點下沉 饒是心再堅強 也有被萬鈞之力撕扯的鈍痛 In the vicissitudes of life, there are several ups and downs, life has regrets, there will be vision, there will be dreams and pursuits. Light to blow the scattered figures and heavy to drop the heart bit by bit is the heart is strong and has been teared by the strength of the blunt pain. |
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