剛剛過去的五月,“國際章”章子怡可謂是開啟了刷屏模式。 在今年的戛納電影節(jié)上,章子怡拿下了最多套Look記錄↓↓↓。 更值得注意的是,在本屆戛納國際電影節(jié)公布的官方大師班陣容中,章子怡作為首位獲邀的亞洲電影人將帶來大師班活動,而她也是大師班創(chuàng)辦以來的最年輕的女性電影人。 感受一下和她同辦大師班的另外三位大師的咖位:阿蘭·德龍、西爾維斯特·史泰龍、尼古拉斯·溫丁·雷弗恩。 Zhang Ziyi is the first Asian actress and the youngest female filmmaker to attend a Cannes Film Festival masterclass. And this year's just concluded 72nd Cannes festival masterclass also featured American actor Sylvester Stallone, French actor Alain Delon and Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn. 雖然受到諸多關(guān)注,但章子怡在戛納整個人的狀態(tài)卻十分放松,還玩起了vlog ↓↓↓ 還很沒有影后包袱地吃起了泡面,雖然只吃了四口,然后就喜提熱搜(心疼汪峰一秒)…… 隨手一噴的高跟鞋噴霧也成了小姑娘們爭相追捧的神器↓↓↓ 不得不說,今年四十歲的章子怡這狀態(tài)也是十分能打了,走到哪都能毫不費力地成為焦點(就連“死亡芭比粉”都能救活↓↓↓)。 不過令人有些意外的是,走哪都是MVP的“國際章”在自己的重回好萊塢之作中,竟然心甘情愿地給四個怪獸當(dāng)起了配角???…… 章子怡的這部好萊塢回歸之作《哥斯拉2:怪獸之王》已于5月31日上映,目前國內(nèi)票房已突破5億! 還沒看過電影的盆友可先戳樓下的預(yù)告圍觀~ 這部電影是《哥斯拉》續(xù)集,同時也承接了電影《金剛:骷髏島》的劇情,構(gòu)成了“怪獸電影宇宙”的時空(世紀(jì)君先前還采訪了同系列電影《金剛:骷髏島》男主抖森,回顧戳這里)。 乍一聽“章子怡打怪獸”的畫風(fēng),或許的確有些令人難以想象,而在戛納,章子怡也被媒體cue到了參演這部怪獸片的原因。
Meanwhile, Zhang's latest film Godzilla: King of Monsters will simultaneously open in China and North America on May 31. Speaking about the movie, she says: 'The reason that I decided to participate the film is simple. They offered me an emotional character. They are not just using my name and reputation.' 前段時間,《哥斯拉2:怪獸之王》在北京舉辦了中國首映禮,導(dǎo)演邁克爾·道赫蒂、主演維拉·法梅加、“小11”米莉·博比·布朗和章子怡都來到了現(xiàn)場~ 而世紀(jì)君也在現(xiàn)場采訪到了章子怡,和她聊了聊中國演員在好萊塢的問題~ 《哥斯拉2:怪獸之王》是一部好萊塢大片,同時其中也有不少東方元素。在這樣一個多元化劇組工作是種什么樣的體驗?有沒有一些印象深刻的跨文化故事分享呢? 作為一個中國演員能夠參與到這樣一個級別的戲里面對我來說挺開眼的。對于一個演員來說,重要的是他們很尊重中國演員,導(dǎo)演很尊重我這個角色,也很尊重我,所以給了我很大對這個角色的表演空間。我的角色比較豐富,她不是那種符號化的角色,我最怕碰到這樣的(符號化)角色,就有一點浪費時間了。表演過程當(dāng)中導(dǎo)演并沒有給很大的壓力,一定要按照他的意圖去表演,我們相互給人物增加了很多的東西,這個是讓我很開心的地方,幾乎沒有什么沖撞,或者是有矛盾的點。 好玩的地方其實也蠻多的,因為現(xiàn)場其實會碰到很多你不知道的一種拍攝的經(jīng)驗,比如說哥斯拉從大海里面出現(xiàn)的那一場戲,我們是在一個甲板上拍的,基本上就是一個甲板,沒有什么晃動效果,除此之外會有暴雨,會有燈光耀眼的感覺,再就什么都沒有了,也沒有搖擺,什么都沒有,都要靠演員之間相互配合和想象去完成跟巨獸的表演。 'As a Chinese actress, it was quite an eye-opening experience to participate in a film of such scale,' said Zhang during an interview in Beijing on May 14. She is grateful that director Dougherty respected her and her role, and gave her a big space and freedom for her to fully develop the character. 'My character is a little complex, she is not the symbolic role which I feared I would be getting, which would have been a waste of time,' the actress said, adding she was able to enrich the role after she and the director had some good exchanges. However, as with her fellow actors, she never actually saw any real size monsters, not even a puppet and other props. 'We have to use our imagination,' she explained. 而章子怡在影片中的角色也十分值得推敲,電影中,章子怡飾演了一位出身怪獸研究世家的女科學(xué)家,同時也是“帝王計劃”研究機構(gòu)的成員。她對于中國龍的神話研究后來也成為眾人與哥斯拉共同抗擊敵對怪獸的關(guān)鍵。 Zhang plays a scientist working for a secret crypto zoological agency known as Monarch, who inherit her family's psychic ability to connect with the monsters. In the film, her research on Chinese myths about Chinese dragons proves significant in human efforts to help Godzilla fight its rival monsters and protect the world. 不過其實,看過電影的細(xì)心觀眾會發(fā)現(xiàn)一個關(guān)于角色的彩蛋:其實,章子怡是一人分飾兩角(在此本君就不劇透啦,大家可以自己去發(fā)現(xiàn)~)…… 而在演員這條路上,章子怡似乎一直都在突破自我,嘗試各種不同的角色。 她是《我的父親母親》中的單純村花招娣…… 是《臥虎藏龍》中隱忍倔強的玉嬌龍…… 是《2046》中的應(yīng)召女白玲…… 是《一代宗師》中文武雙全的宮二…… 是《羅曼蒂克消亡史》中無可救藥的狐媚子小六…… 也是《無問西東》中命運坎坷的女大學(xué)生王敏佳。 雖然在大銀幕上塑造了諸多經(jīng)典形象,但拍戲似乎并非是章子怡人生的第一選擇。 她從11歲起開始練舞,花了六年時間磨練自己中國傳統(tǒng)舞蹈的舞技,還練了一小段時間的古典芭蕾。 但她在先前的不少采訪中表示,那時候就冥冥中感覺,自己未來不會成為一名舞者?,F(xiàn)在想來,章子怡的直覺,是對的。 Trained as a dancer since the age of 11, Zhang spent six years honing her skills in traditional Chinese dance and, for a short period, classical ballet. However, as she has said in numerous past interviews, she knew she didn’t have a future in dance. “It was just a feeling I had then. When I look back at it now, I see that I was right,” she says. 19歲時,章子怡被著名導(dǎo)演張藝謀選中,出演電影《我的父親母親》,她的這部電影處女作也斬獲了柏林電影節(jié)的銀熊獎,令她剛出道便成名。 In reality, the transition was made a whole lot smoother when she caught the eye of the pre-eminent Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who was auditioning actors for a commercial he was directing at the time. Her first starring role, at the age of 19, came swiftly afterwards in the director’s Silver Berlin Bear-winning drama The Road Home (1999). 后來的一系列機會,在她看來似乎都是水到渠成,她接連出演了《臥虎藏龍》、《尖峰時刻2》等大片,進(jìn)一步奠定了自己在影壇的名氣與地位。
但章子怡能夠走到今天,絕非僅僅是運氣。 章子怡在一場采訪中表示,其實也是在拍攝完電影《英雄》之后,她逐漸意識到自己對表演的激情,發(fā)現(xiàn)每個角色獨特且有趣的一面,才真正決定自己要走上演員這條路的。 Her sustained success since, however, has been no accident. “[Before Hero], it was simply a case of opportunities knocking, so I went with them,” she says. “I didn’t especially feel that I was going to make acting my career. But gradually, after making film after film, I discovered that I was indeed passionate about acting. Every new role has unique aspects that only belong to that character. Every new character is like that, which is what makes [acting] interesting to start with. 決心要走演藝之路的章子怡,對自己也是挺狠的。 在章子怡的詞典中,似乎沒有“替身”一詞。她的所有打戲,幾乎都是親自上陣。 吊威亞對她而言都是家常便飯。在接受《Vogue》雜志采訪時談及被網(wǎng)友吐槽的“摳圖”技術(shù),她表示:“遇到這樣的表演,我是一定會退貨的。” 而為了演好好萊塢的大片,她更是刻苦學(xué)習(xí)英語。 當(dāng)年,在向?qū)а菟蛊柌駹幦 端嚰炕貞涗洝分械呐鹘恰靶“俸稀币唤菚r,章子怡的英語還十分不熟練,只會說經(jīng)紀(jì)公司五分鐘前教給她的幾個單詞:“選我!” When she met director Steven Spielberg for the title role of American film, 'Memoirs of a Geisha' , Zhang could only blurt out a few words her agent had taught her five minutes ago: 'Hire me!' 最終她還是成功拿下這一角色,這也意味著她在全片中都只能講英文。為了提高自己的英語水平,她不斷地聽歌學(xué)單詞。 不過這也曾鬧了個笑話:她反反復(fù)復(fù)地聽美國說唱歌手埃米納姆(Eminem)的歌,由于不太清楚里面唱的是什么,就寫下歌詞不斷重復(fù)歌中的單詞,后來她才意識到,歌中有不少臟話…… She finally got the role, which meant she had to speak only English in the film. To improve her English, Zhang listened to and repeated words and phrases she heard on music CDs. One of the artists she was listening to was Eminem, which obviously led to some embarrassing moments for Zhang. 'I didn't always know what Eminem was talking about, so I wrote down the lyrics and repeated them. Later, I understood how rude they were.' 但功夫不負(fù)有心人,伴隨她漸漸獲得認(rèn)可的演技和作品。英語水平也有了很大進(jìn)步!來感受一下她最近在戛納的全英文采訪↓↓↓ 章子怡表示,自己最喜歡的一個英文短語是:逼上絕路 (to drive one up the wall),而學(xué)英語,正是將自己逼上了絕路。 銀幕上的章子怡常以堅毅決絕的形象示人,然而在銀幕之外,已為人妻為人母的她似乎“下凡”了。 她不再和大銀幕死磕,而是多了更多的煙火氣。 她還上起了綜藝,將自己最放松的一面展示了出來。 前段時間在戛納接受采訪時,章子怡認(rèn)為成為母親改變了她的人生。
然而,她和如今的丈夫汪峰一路走來,遭受了不少非議,就連家人也曾表示反對。 在綜藝節(jié)目《妻子的浪漫旅行》里,章子怡也吐露了心聲,談到兩人從戀愛到結(jié)婚四年,攜手面對風(fēng)風(fēng)雨雨。 她表示:當(dāng)生活、事業(yè)、朋友、環(huán)境都特別順的時候,也許夫妻兩人在一起很融洽。但是當(dāng)你碰到障礙的時候,其實更需要兩個人,攜手共同面對狂風(fēng)暴雨。 When the environment of life, career, friends, and life is particularly smooth, maybe the couple will be more accommodating if they stay with each other. But when you encounter obstacles, you actually need to work together with your partner to face the storm. 她還說:“哪怕所有人誤會你,我不誤會你就行了,因為日子是我們倆過”。 曾經(jīng)在無數(shù)動人愛情故事里演盡悲歡離合的章子怡,或許如今,只想做她自己吧。 綜合來源:China Daily, China.org, Time Out, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Hong Kong Tatler |