Meniere's disease 梅尼埃病 Differentiatingsyndrome to decide treatment 【辨證論治】 Thecommonly-used syndromes of Meniere's disease include insufficiency of brain marrow, qi deficiency of upperenergizer, cold and water invading the upper, liver yang stirring the upper, turbidphlegm blocking middle energizer, etc. The syndrome of insufficiency of brainmarrow is characterized by longer course of vertigo as well as symptoms of yindeficiency of the kidney like aching pain of loins and knees and red tonguewith scanty fur. Treatment should be nourishing the kidney yin. The syndrome ofqi deficiency of the upper energizer is marked by lusterless complexion, withsymptoms of deficiency of qi and blood. Treatment should lie in tonifying qiand blood. The syndrome of cold water invading the upper has the features ofaversion to cold, with symptoms of yang deficiency. Treatment should includewarming and strengthening the kidney yang. The syndrome of liver yang stirringthe upper has the characteristics of severer vertigo as well as the closerelation between the onset of the disease and emotional changes. Treatmentshould be calming the liver and suppressing yang. The syndrome of turbid phlegmblocking middle energizer is marked by obesity or frequent expectoration andwhite and greasy fur. Treatment should include strengthening the spleen toremove phlegm. 梅尼埃病的常見證型有髓海不足、上氣不足、寒水上犯、肝陽上擾和痰濁中阻等證。 髓海不足證的特點是眩暈病程較長,有腰膝酸軟、舌紅苔少等腎虛癥狀,治療宜滋補腎陰; 上氣不足證的特點是患者面色不華,有氣血虛弱癥狀,治療應(yīng)補益氣血; 寒水上犯證特點是患者畏寒怕冷有陽虛癥狀,治療宜溫補腎陽; 肝陽上擾證的特點是患者頭暈較重,發(fā)病與情志波動關(guān)系密切,治療應(yīng)平肝潛陽; 痰濁中阻證的特點是患者肥胖,或經(jīng)??┨?,舌苔白膩,治療宜健脾化痰。 TO BE CONTINUED。。。 |