很久以前翻譯的一篇東西。個人認為,有這個問題集作一個指引還是挺好的,在作者對角色的性格感到模糊的時候,它能幫作者思考,從而為角色賦予更完整的人格。而且就算不設計人物,自己回答回答這些問題也蠻有趣的-v- 以下是正文: 人物設定問題集 譯:新浪微博@笛子Ocarina 轉(zhuǎn)載請保留此行 ------------------------------------- 基本資料 姓名: 昵稱(一個或多個): 生日(星座): 血型: 外貌: - 性別 - 年齡 - 身高 - 體重 - 頭發(fā)顏色/頭型 - 眼睛顏色 - 化妝 - 服裝穿著 種族: 運動特長/有無活動不便: 背景: ------------------------------------- 社交等級相關 宗教信仰: 出生地點: 故事發(fā)生的時間和地點: 父母資料: - 種族/籍貫 - 社交等級 - 宗教信仰 - 生活習慣 - 與孩子(們)的關系如何 - 是否在世 兄弟/姐妹/其他親戚資料: - 種族/籍貫 - 社交等級 - 宗教信仰 - 生活習慣 - 與主人公的關系如何 - 是否在世 家族情況/族譜: ------------------------------------- 人生大綱設定 時刻記?。?br>- 你的人物是如何從開始那樣變成現(xiàn)在這樣的? - 在故事開始之前,他們的生活如何? - 對他們而言成長意味著什么? - 他們的童年是否愉快? - 他們經(jīng)歷過什么艱難困苦、克服過什么難題? - 他們的人生是否跟他們起初預料的一樣? - 直到當前為止,他們的人生是容易還是艱難? - 他們現(xiàn)在能在一起是被迫的,還是自我選擇的? - 他們有后悔的事嗎? - 什么樣的環(huán)境造就了他們?nèi)缃竦男愿瘢?br>- 在過去是否發(fā)生了讓他們無法釋懷、給他們深刻傷痕、或改變了他們的性格的事? ------------------------------------- 心理設定 表面目標(表現(xiàn)出的): 內(nèi)心目標(內(nèi)心的,潛意識的): 其它目標: 在故事領域之外的人生/職業(yè)等等的目標: 性格概述: 愿望/想要的東西: 恐懼/害怕的東西: 黑暗的秘密: 內(nèi)向還是外向? 理性還是感性? 這個角色經(jīng)歷過的最大的矛盾是什么? 自我中心、自私,還是無私? 最喜歡/最討厭的食物或飲品: 受教育程度/重要的學習經(jīng)歷: 最討厭的活動: 最喜歡的活動: 最后悔的事/最天馬行空的夢想: 是否有幽默感——什么事能讓你的角色大笑? 崇拜/向往/模仿的人: ------------------------------------- 哲學與道德相關 人物對以下事物的態(tài)度: - 自己 - 他人 - 友誼 - 性 - 愛情 - 家庭 - 婚姻 - 國家 - 世界 - 宗教 政治立場: - 保守/傳統(tǒng)/中立/激進 - 支持/反對當前社會 - 在政治方面活躍或缺乏興趣 是否迷信: 最能反映他們世界觀的座右銘: ------------------------------------- 生活方式 最親密的朋友: 職業(yè): 對工作的態(tài)度: 特殊造詣: 此人物是否出名: 隸屬哪個集團/組織/俱樂部: 最喜歡的音樂/明星/電視劇/電影: 業(yè)余愛好: ------------------------------------- 其它 該角色在面對如下事情時會作何反應: - 繼承一筆巨額財產(chǎn) - 重視的人死去 - 自然災害(火山、地震等) - 被槍打傷 - 遇見多年不見的老友/宿敵 - 孩子出世/撫養(yǎng)孩子 - 被強暴/調(diào)戲/虐待 - 意料之外的贊揚/別人的好意 - 絕癥(艾滋病、癌癥等) - 在高速路上爆胎 - 一段跨種族的關系 - 在電視上露臉五分鐘 ------------------------------------- 問題集 1、如果你的人物今晚就得死,而且來不及跟其他人說什么了,他最后悔的事是沒跟誰說什么東西?為什么他一直沒跟那人說? 2、你的人物會不會以接受1百萬現(xiàn)金為代價離開當前的國家、并永遠不再回來? 3、你的人物被賦予了一項特殊技能:只要想著一個人的死、并重復說兩次“再見”,那人就真的會死。死者會死于自然原因,沒人會懷疑你的人物。那么你的人物會在什么情況下用這種能力?(或:如果你的人物在腦海里想過要殺掉誰,在親自面對那個人并與他目光對接之后,你的人物還會不會真的殺掉他?你的人物有沒有特別想殺掉誰或希望誰去死?) 4、對你的人物而言,怎樣的夜晚算是一個“完美的夜晚”? 5、你的人物愿意選擇事業(yè)有成私生活平淡,還是個人生活豐富多彩事業(yè)平平?(很多人都想要愉快的個人生活,但大家為什么還是花大把心血在職場上?如果你的人物覺得私生活更加重要,那么他會不會真以個人生活為最優(yōu)先?還是說他只是不想承認工作更重要?他們是否用工作作為逃避的手段?他們是否希望能通過事業(yè)的成功換來個人的幸福?) 6、如果你的人物明早醒來便能獲得一項能力或特質(zhì),他希望獲得什么? 7、你的人物將有機會遇到一個完美的夢中情人,兩人能產(chǎn)生出最熱烈的感情。但遺憾的是,這個人在六個月之后就會死去。既然已經(jīng)知道事后的痛苦,你的人物是否仍然愿意跟那人一見、并墜入情網(wǎng)?如果那個人六個月之后不會死,而是會背叛呢?(在愛情方面,你的人物更看重的是電光石火還是天長地久?他希望愛自己的人能給自己什么?當他的情人做出什么事的時候,他會覺得是被背叛了——漠不關心、不誠實、不忠?) 8、你的人物希望做男人還是做女人?他們要好的朋友們多是男性還是女性? 9、如果殺掉一個無辜者能讓全世界免于饑荒,你的人物會不會去殺這個人?(一個無辜的生命死在自己手上,或知道成百上千人的死是因為自己,這兩種情況哪個更讓你的角色痛苦?你的角色對為達成偉大目標而放棄了自己原則的人有何看法?如果他愿意犧牲自己,卻不愿意奪走他人性命,那么是否有什么事會重要到讓他甘愿一死?) 10、你的人物最珍視的回憶是什么? 11、如果你的人物知道一周之后會爆發(fā)核戰(zhàn),他會做什么? 12、你的人物迄今為止最偉大的成就是什么?他是否希望能做更偉大的事? 13、在遇到火災時,你的人物最會去搶救/帶出的一件物品是什么? 14、你的人物遇到如下情境:在面前有十把手槍,只有一把里有子彈。他要挑一把槍,對自己額頭扣下扳機。如果他挑的是空槍,他就能獲得1百萬現(xiàn)金。他會冒這個險嗎? 15、如果你的人物能選擇自己死亡的方式,他會如何選擇?(英勇就義、作為某個大事件的殉難者,還是平靜而終?為什么大家都傾向于“在睡眠中安詳死去”?) 16、在你的人物的生命里,他們最感激的是什么? 17、你的人物是否心胸寬大/容易釋懷? 18、當你的人物要講一個故事的時候,他們會不會把這個故事夸大/修飾?如果會,那么為什么? 19、你的人物覺得他對自己的人生把握/控制的程度是多高? 20、當需要援手的時候,你的人物會去跟別人求助嗎? 21、你的人物是否喜歡當名人?什么樣的名人? 22、你的人物最難以舍棄的習慣是什么?他是否經(jīng)常為了擺脫這個/這些習慣而掙扎? 23、你的人物在為什么而努力奮斗:成就、安全、愛情、力量、激情、知識,還是其它什么? 24、你的人物是不是很容易感到尷尬? 25、如果你的人物從未做過某件事,那這件事對他而言是會更有吸引力還是會更不想讓他做? 26、你的人物在生活里有多少性伴侶?他們希望能再多些還是少些? 附上原文: Character Questionnaire ---------------------------------- Basic Attributes * Given Name: * Nickname(s): * Appearance: - gender - age - height - weight - hair color/style - eye color - makeup - clothing style * Race/ethnicity: * Physical abilities/limitations: Background ------------------------------ Socioeconomic class/standing: * Religion: * Place of birth: * Place and time of story: * Parents' profiles - race/ethnicity: - socioeconomic level: - religion: - habits: - quality of relationship with child(ren): - living/deceased: * Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each) - race/ethnicity: - socioeconomic level: - religion: - habits: - quality of relationship: - living/deceased: * Family structure/life: --------------------------------------- Brief Life Story It is very important to write a biography for your character. The more detail you create, the deeper you can make your character, and this rich history will be such a rich source of information that it will change and evolve your story accordingly. Make sure to keep in mind: - How did your character get here from there? - What was their life like before the story began? - What was growing up like for them? - Did they have a good or bad childhood? - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? - Has their life worked out like they expected? - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? - Do they have regrets? - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? (warning: do not create cheap Freudian backstory as motivation for your characters! i.e. 'His mother beat him as a child, and now he hates all women.' 'She was once robbed at gunpoint, and now has a irrational fear of guns.' People are more complex than this. If such a traumatic event happened in their lives, then make the psychological or emotional consequence unexpected rather than exactly what any five-year-old would instantly assume.) ------------------------------- Psychology * Outer Goal (physical): * Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): * Superobjective: * Life, career, or personal goals outside of the realm of the story: * Defining characteristic: * Hopes/desires: * Fears/phobias: * Dirty Secrets: * Introvert or extrovert?: * More thinking or feeling?: * What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: * Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: * Favorite and hated foods/drinks: * Education or important learning experiences: * Most hated activities: * Most enjoyed activities: * Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: * Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? * Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? -------------------------------- Philosophy & Morality * Attitudes toward: - self - others - friendship - sex - love - family - marriage - country - the world - religion * Political philosophy: - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: - public causes supported/protested: - politically active/apathetic: * Superstitions?: * Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: 'What goes around comes around.' 'Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse.' etc.): ------------------------------------ Life & Lifestyle * Closest friend(s): * Job/career/occupation: - Attitude towards job: * Noted accomplishments: - Famous/infamous? * Clubs/organizations belonged to: * Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: * Hobbies: ------------------------------------- Food for Thought * How would your character react to: - Inheriting $1 million: - The death of a loved one: - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: - Being fired: - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: - Having or raising children: - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: - An unexpected kindness or compliment: - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: - A flat tire on the expressway: - An interracial relationship: - Five minutes on local or national TV: -------------------------------- From The Book of Questions A further source of great questions to ask your characters is the brilliant work The Book of Questions. This is filled with juicy and thought-provoking questions that explore personal philosophy, morality, politics, knee-jerk reactions, secret fantasies, wishes, and much more. It's also a great party activity to sit around with your friends and pass the book around as you each take turns selecting questions for all to answer. A. If your character were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would they most regret not having told someone? Why haven't they told them yet? B. Would your character accept $1,000,000 to leave the county and never set foot in it again? C. Your character is given the power to kill people simply by thinking of their deaths and twice repeating the word 'good-bye.' People would die a natural death and no one would suspect them. Are there any situations in which they would use this power? [If they can imagine themselves killing someone indirectly, could they still see doing it if they had to look into the person's eyes and stab the person to death? Have they ever genuinely wanted to kill someone or wished them dead?] D. What would constitute a 'perfect' evening for your character? E. Would your character rather be extremely successful professionally and have a tolerable yet unexciting private life, or have an extremely happy private life and only a tolerable and uninspiring professional life? [Since so many people place great emphasis on a happy private life, why do people often wind up putting more energy into their professional lives? If you feel that their private life is more important to your character, do their priorities support this? Are they simply unwilling to admit that work is more important? Do they use work as a substitute? Do they hope professional success will somehow magically lead to personal happiness?] F. If your character could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or quality, what would it be? G. Your character has the chance to meet someone with whom they can have the most satisfying love imaginable - the stuff of dreams. Sadly, they know that in six months the person will die. Knowing that pain that would follow, would they still want to meet that person and fall in love? What if they knew their lover would not die, but instead would betray them? [In love, is intensity or permanence more important to them? How much do they expect from someone who loves them? What would make them feel betrayed by their mate - indifference? Dishonesty? Infidelity? H. Does your character prefer being around men or women? Do their closest friends tend to be men or women? I. Would your character be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world? [Would it torment them more to have the blood of an innocent person on their hands or to know they let millions of people die? What do they think of people who achieve great things by compromising their principles? Many are will to give their own lives but not to take the life of another; is anything so important they would sacrifice their very soul for it?] J. What is their most treasured memory? K. If your character knew there would be a nuclear war in one week, what would they do? L. What is the greatest accomplishment of your character's life? Is there anything they hope to do that is even better? M. One would be the one material item your character would save during a fire? N. Your character is offered $1,000,000 for the following act: before them are ten pistols - only one of which is loaded. They must pick up one of the pistols, point it at their forehead, and pull the trigger. If they can walk away they do so a millionaire. Would they accept the risk? O. If your character could choose the manner of their death, what would it be? [Would they die a hero's death, die a martyr to some great cause, die in a natural catastrophe, or die peacefully? Why is it so tempting to have death catch us in our sleep?] P. For what in your character's life do they feel most grateful? Q. How forgiving is your character? R. When your character tells a story, do they often exaggerate or embellish it? If so, why? S. How much does your character feel in control of the course of their life? T. Is it easy for your character to ask for help when they need it? Will they ask for help? U. Would your character like to be famous? In what way? V. What are your character's most compulsive habits? Do they regularly struggle to break those habits? W. What does your character strive for most in their life: accomplishment, security, love, power, excitement, knowledge, or something else? X. How easily embarrassed is your character? Y. Does the fact that your character has never done something before increase or decrease its appeal to them? Z. How many different sexual partners has your character had in their life? Would they prefer to have had more or fewer? |