問: 嗨,巴夏。 Hi,Bashar. 巴: 祝你有美好的一天 And you a good day. 問: 日安 Good day. 非常感謝你給日本這個機會獲得這些訊息 Thank you very much for the opportunity to give the message to Japan. 巴: 這是我們的榮幸 It is our pleasure. 感謝你給我們這個機會 讓我們能夠傳達那種反射 Thank you for the oppertunity to be able to deliver that kind of reflection 問: 是的,因為很多很多日本人得到了巴夏的訊息 Yeah,because many many people inference got the inference from Bashar 然后它們改變了他們自己的生活 and they changed their own life 許多生命都被改變 many lives has been changed. 我覺得許多日本人正在等待著 and I think many Japanese people are waiting for you 直接從你那里接收訊息 to receive the message directly from you. 你有去日本的計劃嗎? are you any plans to go to Japan? 巴: 沒 No 問: 我可以問為什么嗎? may I ask why 巴: 你可以問 you may ask 問: 為什么?(謝謝) why(thank you) 巴: 正如你所見 你們星球上正在發(fā)生的一些事情需要一種能量的平衡 as you can see there are things going on your planet that require the idea of energy balancing 來自我的文明的每個存有 each being from my civilization and 還有許多來自其他文明的存有 many other civilizations are involved 都參與了幫忙協(xié)助平衡你們世界的能量 in the idea of aiding and assisting in the energy balancing of your world 通過類似事件 平衡你們世界的能量 territories that we are responsible for 或者說 不同的存有負責的“地區(qū)”不同 through many of these kinds of events have specific shall we say 日本不是我的“區(qū)域” Japan isn’t mine 問: oh oh 巴: 但是我們社會的其它存有 But others of my society and 還有來自其他社會的存有 參與了 from other societies are involved 需要傳達的訊息會被傳達到的 the messages that need to be delivered will be delivered 就算理論上講 不從我這里 even if it’s not literally by me 你理解嗎? do you understand? 而且記住 我并不在那里 and remember I’m not there anyway 我此刻 并不在這個管道所在的地點 I’m not where the channel is right now anyway 訊息能通過許多方式傳達 the message can come through in many ways 這個管道 在某種意義上 the channel in a sense to use your language 用你們的語言委婉地講 只是一個電話 euphemistically is just a telephone 你(們)可以在任何地點接電話 通過任何東西 用許多不同的方式(接電話) you can receive the call anywhere through anything in many different ways 而且你們正在接收訊息 用任何你們需要的方式 and you are receiving it in all the ways that you need to 不要認為這些訊息必須通過某種方式傳達 人們才能選擇受到積極的影響 do not feel that it must specifically be delivered in a certain way for people to choose to be affected positively 因為有許多 許多 許多 許多 許多 許多存有 for there are many many many many many beings 包括你們自己的指引 一直都在幫忙和協(xié)助 including all of your own guides that are aiding and assisting you all the time 由此而言 我并不特殊 in that context I am not special 你理解嗎? you understand? 問: 你能再多解釋一點嗎? can you explain me more,a little bit more? 巴: 我的飛船 正如我們說過的 my ship as we have said now is 在你們星球稱為亞利桑那圣多納的區(qū)上空2500英尺的地方 about 2500 of your miles above the area on your planet you call Sedona Arizona 因為圣多納能量漩渦 是你們稱為北美大陸的主要能量漩渦 because the Sedona vortex is the major vortex of what you call the North American continent 它連接了許多其它實相和許多其它緯度 that connects to many other realities and many other dimensions 它服務著你們的整個星球 It severs your entire planet 我的精力集中在 那個 能量漩渦上 that I remain focus on that vortex and 如此 就算管道的身體離開美國大陸也沒問題 thus the idea of the channels body leaving the continental United States is fine 但是我不能通過他傳送我的能量 but I can’t send my energy through it 否則北美大陸所需維持的能量會被稀釋 or it will in that sense dilute the energy required to remain in the North American continent 具體點說 經(jīng)由我的頻率(的改變) specifically through my vibration 來自我的社會的其它成員 在你們?nèi)毡镜貐^(qū)也正在做著同樣的事情 other members of my society are doing the same thing in your Japanese area 問: 明白了 I see 巴: 有幫助嗎?(是的) does that help?(yes) 巴: 謝謝 thank you 問: 我在Youtube上看到海嘯過后有好多UFO and I see so many UFOs in the Youtube after the tsunami 巴: 是的 yes 許許多多來自不同文明的存有 there are many many observations 都目擊了正在發(fā)生的事情 你們正在做些什么 你的反應 等等等等 being made by many civilizations about what is going on with regard to what your people are doing how they are responding so on and so forth 就那種意義上講 我們正在測量評估 we are taking measurement in that sense 就我們自己而言 我們大部分時候在觀察 ourselves we are in that sense mostly though watching 你們所有人經(jīng)歷了這些以后作出了什么決定 what kind of decisions you all make about what it is you have experienced 因為對我們而言它會決定 你們將何時準備好接受其它改變 because it will determine for us when you are ready for certain kinds of other changes 基于你們根據(jù)你們所經(jīng)歷的做出的選擇 as to based on what choices you make from these experiences 那會引領(lǐng)我們更好的了解 你們何時準備好接觸 and that leads us to greater understanding of when you may be ready for contact 問: oh我知道了 oh I see 巴: 有幫助嗎? does that help? 問: 是的,所以其它星球上的存有正在關(guān)注著日本嗎? yes,so uh,so the older,other planet existence is watching Japan or anything 巴: 許多 many of them
許多存有也在關(guān)注你們星球上的其它地方 and many other places on your planet 也有可能是關(guān)于去體驗某些事情 that are also potentially about to experience certain things 問: 另外我真的很擔心 and also I’m really worried about 巴: 擔心 worried 問: 是的 擔心 顧慮 關(guān)于日本孩子的健康問題 yeah,worried about a concern,about the health of which chidren in Japan 因為核能 because of the nuclear 巴: 是 yes 問: 到處飛(到處都是) well flying around 巴: 再次重申一些方法可以徹底去毒 在那些情況中 there are ways again to thoroughly detoxify that situation 關(guān)鍵是 the point is 這會不會給你們一個機會 is this gives you an opportunity to speed up your focus 幫助你們集中精力 加速發(fā)現(xiàn)去毒的方法 in finding out what those ways are 而且那會使這個世界受益 and that will benefit the world 問: 我明白了 I see 巴: 記住 我理解你們星球上許多人認為這似乎令人費解 remember I understand that from many of the points of view of people on your planet,this seems incomprehensible 但那些孩子的靈魂出生時就清楚自己在做什么 but the spirits of those children knew what they were doing when they were born 他們就知道自己會經(jīng)歷什么 when they were born and knew what they would experience 并且知道那些經(jīng)歷會帶給你們的地球什么改變 and know what a difference it would make to your planet 就那點而言 他們就是那么強大 選擇了去經(jīng)歷這些 in that sense they are that strong to have chosen to have this experience 因為那些經(jīng)歷會給你們星球帶來改變 because of the changes it would bring about on your planet 因為他們知道身體是暫時的 because they know the body is temporary 他們是偉大的大師 正服務著你們的世界 they are great masters being of great service to your world 不要浪費機會 don’t waste the opportunity 問: 好的,非常感謝你! okay,thank you very much 巴: 謝謝你! thank you |
來自: 昵稱43664099 > 《待分類》