AURA是本雅明在《機械復制時代的藝術品》中提出的一個傻逼的概念,大意是物品特別是藝術品 帶有的一種特殊的氛圍或者光環(huán),一般翻譯成靈暈或者靈光,我比較傾向于靈暈 因為靈光顯得這個概念明晃晃的 靈暈則讓這層氣暈顯得更加難以捉摸。 之所以覺得傻逼是因為雖然我覺得很有道理,但是靈暈的提出不能解決任何問題,反而在提醒我們事物的消逝。
舉個例子,看廢名的小說時我們感受不到線性的敘事線索,而是一種持久的滯留的霧蒙蒙的感覺,所謂想象的雨不濕人。靈暈詮釋的不是簡單的心與現(xiàn)實的二元對立,而是一種兩者之間的關系。我們在觀測日食的時候當太陽的光芒被遮住的時候太陽的光暈才會出現(xiàn),靈暈想要表達是這個時候的感覺 它可以被感覺到可以被看到但是無法被觸摸。
AURA是一個未來的空間,一個自我的天地。在本雅明的時代,普通的早餐室也能也能找到靈暈 空肚子的人講述夢時,仿佛在說夢話。早餐室是做夢之屋逝去的空間,是擁有意象的時辰。
靈暈是正在消逝的,無可厚非,因為伴隨著靈暈正在消逝的還有人們對待一般事物的耐心,再也不可能有像令狐磊說的 能在在學校里找到一個正好漏出一條光線可供閱讀的角落的幸福感。我們的時間正在被手機上的淘寶提醒,歌手新專輯,熱點透視所取代,這還是沒有打開微信的時候。再也不可能像本雅明一樣能從早餐室 博物館前廳什么的地方得到什么傻逼的想法。
以下是本雅明《機械復制時代的藝術品》全部涉及aura的上下文 == Aura(Webster詞典) 1a:a subtle sensory stimulus (as an auroma);微妙的感官刺激,如香氛。 1b:a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source <the place had an aura of mystery>;縈繞著源散發(fā)出的特殊氣體。 2:a luminous radiation: NIMBUS;發(fā)光體,輻射,圣像頭上的光環(huán)。 3:a subjective sensation (as of lights) experienced before an attack of some nervous disorders;神經(jīng)錯亂前體驗到的一種主觀感覺。
== 暈(古漢語常用字典) 1.日月周圍形成光圈。引:光影模糊的部分。 2.昏眩,眼花。
1.靈暈與本真性、獨一無二有關,靈暈的消褪即本真性的消失。 2.靈暈與時間、空間中的距離有關,靈暈的消褪即距離的消失。 3.靈暈與精英文化有關,靈暈的消褪即大眾影響的日益增長。 4.靈暈與崇拜和儀式有關,靈暈的消褪即加強藝術品的展覽價值,削弱其崇拜價值。 5.靈暈與人的面容有關,靈暈的消褪即人從影像中消失。 6.靈暈與舞臺有關,靈暈的消褪即攝影機取代了觀眾。 7.靈暈與創(chuàng)造性、天才、永恒價值和神秘有關,靈暈的消褪即達達主義者。 8.靈暈與正義有關,靈暈的消褪即毒氣戰(zhàn)爭。
Sec II
One might subsume the eliminated element in the term “aura” and go on to say: that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art.
The concept of aura which was proposed above with reference to historical objects may usefully be illustrated with reference to the aura of natural ones. We define the aura of the latter as the unique phenomenon of a distance, however close it may be.
If, while resting on a summer afternoon, you follow with your eyes a mountain range on the horizon or a branch which casts its shadow over you, you experience the aura of those mountains, of that branch.
This image makes it easy to comprehend the social bases of the contemporary decay of the aura.
To pry an object from its shell, to destroy its aura, is the mark of a perception whose “sense of the universal equality of things” has increased to such a degree that it extracts it even from a unique object by means of reproduction.
Sec IV
An ancient statue of Venus, for example, stood in a different traditional context with the Greeks, who made it an object of veneration, than with the clerics of the Middle Ages, who viewed it as an ominous idol. Both of them, however, were equally confronted with its uniqueness, that is, its aura.
It is significant that the existence of the work of art with reference to its aura is never entirely separated from its ritual function.
Sec VI
For the last time the aura emanates from the early photographs in the fleeting expression of a human face. This is what constitutes their melancholy, incomparable beauty.
Sec IX
for the first time – and this is the effect of the film – man has to operate with his whole living person, yet forgoing its aura. For aura is tied to his presence; there can be no replica of it. The aura which, on the stage, emanates from Macbeth, cannot be separated for the spectators from that of the actor. However, the singularity of the shot in the studio is that the camera is substituted for the public. Consequently, the aura that envelops the actor vanishes, and with it the aura of the figure he portrays.
Sec X
The film responds to the shriveling of the aura with an artificial build-up of the “personality” outside the studio. The cult of the movie star, fostered by the money of the film industry, preserves not the unique aura of the person but the “spell of the personality,” the phony spell of a commodity.
The same is true of their paintings, on which they mounted buttons and tickets. What they intended and achieved was a relentless destruction of the aura of their creations, which they branded as reproductions with the very means of production.
Imperialistic war is a rebellion of technology which collects, in the form of “human material,” the claims to which society has denied its natural materrial. Instead of draining rivers, society directs a human stream into a bed of trenches; instead of dropping seeds from airplanes, it drops incendiary bombs over cities; and through gas warfare the aura is abolished in a new way.
參考: 1.The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction 2.張旭東 譯《機械復制時代的藝術作品》
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