CD1 中國古樂·原始狩獵圖 CHINESE ANCIENT MUSIC Picture of Primitive Hunting 出版發(fā)行:中國唱片廣州公司 版權(quán)提供:CRC ISRC:CNF130343500 產(chǎn)品編號:GCD-5289 神秘的上古音樂,奏古樂遺響,聽楚聲余韻。 01 楚商(曾侯乙編鐘與樂隊) 4'16" Chu Shang(Chime bells from Marquis Yi's tomb and orchestra) 02 云 3'40" Clouds 03 哀郢(塤與古琴) 2'50" For those fallen for their country(Xun and Qin) 04 神人暢(編鐘) 2'44" Cods and men rejoice(Chime bells) 05 長門怨(陶塤與古琴) 5'42" A grieved life in Changmen spirit(Xun and Qin-zither) 06 楚歌(塤與樂隊) 5'29" Chu song(Xun and orchestra) 07 山鬼(古樂隊) 10'25" Mount spirit(orchestra) 08 酒狂(古琴) 2'14" Wine frolic(Qin solo) 09 廣陵散(古琴) 13'32" Guangling tune(Qin solo) 10 原始狩獵圖(骨哨與樂隊) 7'09" Picture of primitive hunting(Bone-Whistle and orchestra)
CD2 中國古樂·高山流水 CHINESE ANCIENT MUSIC High Mountains and Flowing Water 出版發(fā)行:中國唱片廣州公司 版權(quán)提供:CRC ISRC:CNF130343600 產(chǎn)品編號:GCD-5290 悠悠的上古樂風,神奇秘譜,伯牙鼓琴,磬瑟琴簫! 01 流水(編磬) 2'16" Running waters(Bianqing) 02 高山流水(古箏) 5'20" High mountains flowing water(Zheng) 03 流水(古箏) 4'12" Running waters(Qin) 04 祭(古樂隊) 5'52" Offering sacrifices(orchestra) 05 招魂(排簫) 3'40" Calling back the spirit of the dead(Pan-pipes) 06 澹月映魚(瑟) 2'26" The silent moon mirrored in the fish pond(Se) 07 幽蘭(古琴與編鐘) 7'29" The elegant orchid in jieshi tune(Qin and Chime bells) 08 梅花三弄(古琴) 8'04" Three variations on the plum(Qin song) 09 龍船(琵琶獨奏) 4'15" Dragon Boat(Pipa solo) 10 古風操(古琴) 5'12" Gufengcao(Qin) 11 孔雀東南飛(管子) 7'46" The peacocks fly to the southeast
CD3 中國古樂·霓裳羽衣 CHINESE ANCIENT MUSIC Dance music of imperial palace 出版發(fā)行:中國唱片廣州公司 版權(quán)提供:CRC ISRC:CNF130343900 產(chǎn)品編號:GCD-5291 盛唐詩韻,霓裳羽衣,敦煌古樂,世界矚目。 01 秋江夜泊(簫) 7'10" Mooring at night on the Qiu River(Xiao) 02 玉樹后庭花(歌曲) 1'55" Flowers and jade trees at back countyard(Song) 03 離騷(古琴獨奏) 10'16" Li Sao(Qin solo) 04 霓裳中序第一(合奏) 2'28" Prelude of dance music of imperial palace(Ensemble) 05 陽關(guān)三迭(古琴獨奏) 5'29" Three variations at Yangguan pass(Qin solo) 06 唐曲三首:一品弄、西江月、長沙女引(塤與樂隊) 7'36" Three Tang melodies-Yipinnong/Xijiangyue/Changshanvyin(Xun and orchestra) 07 漁舟唱晚(古箏獨奏) 3'02" Fishermen's song at dusk(Zheng solo) 08 春鶯囀(合奏) 7'18" Birds singing in spring(Ensemble) 09 大漠抒懷(篳篥與樂隊) 7'52" Vast desert(Bili and orchestra) 10 秦王破陣樂(編鐘樂隊與歌隊) 2'40" Battle music for king Qin's army(Chime bells and chorus)
CD4 中國古樂·杏花天影 CHINESE ANCIENT MUSIC Shadows of Apricot Blossoms 出版發(fā)行:中國唱片廣州公司 版權(quán)提供:CRC ISRC:CNF130343300 產(chǎn)品編號:GCD-5292 宋畫意境,婉約詞風,低吟淺唱,弦絕聲苦! 01 杏花天影(詞調(diào)歌曲) 3'05" Shadows of apricot blossoms(Song with title of ci tune) 02 瀟湘水云(古琴獨奏) 7'56" Xiaoxiang's waters and clouds(Qin solo) 03 惜紅衣(合奏) 2'29" Love for the red dress(Ensemble) 04 鬲溪梅令(合奏) 2'45" Plums by the Ge River(Ensemble) 05 醉吟商小品(詞調(diào)歌曲) 2'36" Short drinking music in shang Mode(Song with title of ci tune) 06 暗香(合奏) 3'30" Delicate fragrance(Ensemble) 07 揚州慢(詞調(diào)歌曲) 3'22" Song of Yangzhou in andante(Song with title of ci tune) 08 玉梅令(合奏) 2'14" Jade plum blossoms(Ensemble) 09 疏影(合奏) 3'15" Scattered shadows(Ensemble) 10 黃鶯吟(古琴、簫、琵琶) 2'29" Oriole singing(Qin,Xiao and Pipa) 11 角招(合奏) 3'36" Jiao shao(Ensemble) 12 越九歌 帝舜楚調(diào)(詞調(diào)歌曲) 2'45" Ritual songs for Yue:Chu tune on Emperor Shun(Song with title of ci tune) 13 石湖仙(合奏) 2'46" The immortal of stone lake(Ensemble) 14 泛滄浪(合奏) 5'48" Floating across waters(Ensemble) 15 古怨(合奏) 2'53" Ancient lament(Ensemble)
CD5 中國古樂·洞庭秋思 CHINESE ANCIENT MUSIC Autumn Meditation at Dongting Lake 出版發(fā)行:中國唱片廣州公司 版權(quán)提供:CRC ISRC:CNF130344000 產(chǎn)品編號:GCD-5293
01 洞庭秋思(古琴、簫、二胡) 4'05" Autumn meditation at Dongting Lake 02 憶故人(古琴與樂隊) 7'38" Remembering an old friend(Qin and orchestra) 03 陽春白雪(琵琶獨奏) 3'27" The spring snow(Pipa solo) 04 朝元歌(古琴、簫、琵琶) 4'08" Chao Yuan Song(Qin,Xiao and Pipa) 05 烏夜啼(古琴獨奏) 5'47" Crow croaking at night(Qin solo) 06 海青拿天鵝(琵琶獨奏) 9'11" Vulture catches swan(Pipa solo) 07 傍妝臺(簫與樂隊) 4'26" Dressing table(Xiao and orchestra) 08 潼關(guān)懷古 山坡羊(元散曲) 1'50" Recalling the past at Tongguan pass(Scattered tune of Yuan) 09 納西古樂 白沙細樂套曲 序曲:篤(樂隊與聲樂) 10'22" 第一樂章:一封書 第二樂章:美麗的白云 Ancient music of the Naxi Nationality-Suite of Baisha Xiyue(Ensemble of Chinese musical instruments)
CD6 中國古樂·平沙落雁 CHINESE ANCIENT MUSIC Wild Goose On The Peaceful Beach 出版發(fā)行:中國唱片廣州公司 版權(quán)提供:CRC ISRC:CNF130343800 產(chǎn)品編號:GCD-5294 明清音樂,動靜相宜,琴音諧暢,世俗情趣 01 秋風辭(雙管獨奏)5'35" Lyrics on autumn wind(Double-Pipe solo) 02 平沙落雁(古琴獨奏)7'26" Wild goose on the peaceful beach(Qin solo) 03 青蓮樂府(琵琶獨奏)6'44" Qinglian's collected songs(Pipa solo) 04 陽春(古琴獨奏)6'53" Sunny spring(Qin solo) 05 行街四合(絲竹樂合奏)5'11" Walking on the street(Silk and bamboo ensemble) 06 蔭華山(古曲)2'22" The Yinhua mountain 07 夜深沉(京胡與樂隊)4'08" Deep night(Jinghu and orchestra) 08 良宵引(古琴獨奏)2'08" Tune of happy evening(Qin solo) 09 飛花點翠(琵琶獨奏)6'28" Fallen petals scattered on green meadow(Pipa solo) 10 滄海龍吟(合奏)7'01" Dragon chanting in the vast sea(Ensemble)
CD7 中國古樂·王昭君 CHINESE ANCIENT MUSIC Wang Zhaojun 出版發(fā)行:中國唱片廣州公司 版權(quán)提供:CRC ISRC:CNF130343700 產(chǎn)品編號:GCD-5295 中國古代人物,歷史典故,樂韻回蕩,千年流芳! 01 王昭君(笙與樂隊) 13'10" Wang Zhaojun(Sheng and orchestra) 02 屈原問渡(曾侯乙編鐘與樂隊) 5'51" Qu Yuan asking way at the ferry crossing(Chine bells from Marquis Yi's tomb and orchestra) 03 霸王卸甲(琵琶獨奏) 7'56" Conqueror Xiang Yu's triumphant retum(Pipa solo) 04 胡笳十八拍(琴歌) 4'48" Beats on the Hujia(Qin song) 05 蘇式牧羊(中胡) 4'26" Su Wu tending sheep(Erhu) 06 竇娥冤(古琴、簫、琵琶) 4'34" The injustice done to Dou E(Qin,Xiao and Pipa) 07 文姬歸漢(古箏) 12'42" Lady Wenji returned to Han dynasty(Zheng) 08 聽松(二胡) 3'55" Listening to the soughing winds in the pines(Erhu)
CD8 中國古樂·鳳凰臺上憶吹簫 CHINESE ANCIENT MUSIC Remembering Of The Xiao On The Phoenix Platform 出版發(fā)行:中國唱片廣州公司 ISRC:CNF130343400 條形碼:9787885140144 產(chǎn)品編號:GCD-5296 纏綿舊夢,宮庭哀怨,離愁別苦,終日惜春憶故人。 01 思春(琵琶獨奏) 5:02 Yearn for love(Pipa solo) 02 湘妃怨(古琴獨奏) 2:21 Concubines Xiang sorrow(Qin solo) 03 漢宮秋月(琵琶獨奏) 5:37 An autumn moon shines on the Han Palce(Pipa solo) 04 翠樓吟(詞調(diào)歌曲) 3:02 Green pavilion chant(Song with title of ci tune) 05 鳥驚喧(古曲) 7:59 Noisy birds(Ancient tune) 06 西廂詞(漢樂箏曲) 3:01 Song of the Westem Chamber(Zheng) 07 燈樓(笛風古樂) 11:24 Lighttower 08 秋夜(古琴、簫、二胡三重奏) 5:26 Autumn night(Qin,Xiao and Erhu) 09 昭君怨(漢樂箏曲) 3:22 The grievance of Zhaojun(A collection music) 10 月兒高(古箏) 7:28 The moon rises 11 鳳凰臺上憶吹簫(琴歌) 2:27 Remembering Of The Xiao On The Phoenix Platform(Qin song)