I want a long lasting relationship. Someone who will be there for me, support me, trust me, comfort me, appreciate me, and love me. 想要一份長長久久的愛情 I don't need you to love all of me. I need you to love me enough not to leave me. 不求你多么愛我,只要你不離開我就夠了 We can achieve every great thing we want in this world, but without the people we love, it's nothing. 親愛的,如果沒有你,一切都失去了意義 I never thought love could be so magnificent until I saw the sincere look in your eyes, telling me that this time...I would never shed another tear. 愛情很有魔力,我被你迷住了 Sometimes I wish I had never met you because then I could go to bed at night not knowing there was someone like you out there. 有的時候,我寧愿不曾遇見你,也免得如今的思念 Whenever I think about all the wonderful things that lie ahead of us, I fall totally and completely in love with you all over again. 我的未來始終有你的影子,一切的美好都隨著你而來 I want to stare into your eyes and never look away; I want you to hold me in your arms and tell me it's okay; 我想永遠望著你,哪怕一秒,也不舍得離開 I want to kiss with a passion that only we can share, and when it all falls down I want you to be there. 我要你永遠陪著我,縱使??菔癄€,天翻地覆 I do not know how much I love you, but I do know how much more I wish to 我特別希望可以多愛你 I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And Ill never love you any less than I do, right this second. 此時此刻,我最愛你 喜歡學習英語,請關注微信公眾號:英語文摘(ID:digest4u) |