本案是梵幾家具國子監(jiān)街設立的家具、雜貨、咖啡綜合空間。接下這個院落的時候,建筑正在翻蓋中,是一座兩進式的中式建筑,其中前院包含一個地下室。設計師保留了梁柱結構的本來木色,幷且拆除了部分的瑣碎建筑及裝飾,意圖讓建筑的結構更加簡潔大氣。 The project is about Fnji furniture space which is built on the Guozijian hutong in Beijing. The space, including furniture, groceries and cafe, is a two way stepped Chinese style architecture whose front yard contains a basement. The designer kept the original wood color of the beam, and demolished part of trivial buildings as well as decoration to make the structure concise and decent.
為了增加家具展示面積,前院需要搭建玻璃空間。但如何設置玻璃房,以及如何與木建筑完美結合是本次設計的重要課題。多相建筑工作室的協(xié)助使得這項目有了更明確的方案。整個前院院落由三個玻璃盒子組成,三個空間形成相望感,其中兩個由連廊連接,讓整個前院建筑與三個玻璃盒子完成連通。 In order to add more space for displaying furniture, the front yard needed to build glass space. However, how to build glass rooms to fit the wood building is the important key of the design. The assist of Duoxiang Architecture Studio consummated the plan of glass rooms. The whole front yard is made up by three glass boxes which show the face to face positions with each other. Additionally, two of the boxes are connected by the corridor to combine the yard and the glass boxes.
后院的設計,保留了院落,并且增加錯落的連廊和戶外休息臺,解決了原有建筑的高度差問題。后院的咖啡區(qū)和茶室都采用了折疊落地窗,在天氣舒適的季節(jié)可以與院落無障礙連通。 The design of the back yard kept the yard itself, and added scattered nest and open rest platform to solve the problem of height difference of the original building. Both of the Cafe area and tea room used folding french windows, and they can join up the yard in a good weather.
本案的燈光設計,在家具展示區(qū)選用了照度較高的射燈,結合自然光,整體空間較明亮??Х葏^(qū)則采用了全鎢絲燈照度,相對溫暖私密。幷在整個建筑中用燈帶強調建筑結構。 The light design of the project used the high light leveled spotlights which combine the natural light to build a bright furniture space. In the cafe area, tungsten filament lamps was used to create warm and private space relatively. Also, the design team used lamp belt to emphasize the structure of the whole space.
本案的設計整體把握上需要拿捏中式建筑與西方極簡主義的融合,其中大量使用原色木材、天然石材等材質,意在讓本身尊貴有儀式感中國式建筑更加親切自然。 Overall, the design of the project needs to balance Chinese style architecture and western minimalism. The designer used a mass of primary colored wood as well as natural stones to make the honorable Chinese architecture which is full of sense of ceremony become approachable and natural.
作品名稱: 北京國子監(jiān)梵幾客廳空間設計
project: design of Fnji Beijing Guozijian Space