Quora has affected my life in so many ways that I cannot thank this wonderful site enough. Here are some changes that Quora has brought in my life.
Made me more humble: I sometimes used to turn arrogant because I thought my knowledge transcends most of my peers. But looking at the world of knowledge here be it in the detailed answers of Balaji Viswanathan, the amazing scientific knowledge of Robert Frost or the sound advice answers by Oliver Emberton, I realized that there is so much to learn in this world for me. I became more humble and started respecting my peers.
Turned me into a better writer: I never thought I could be a decent writer until I started writing at this platform. I started with some witty one-liners but then turned to writing detailed answers on various topics. Whenever I am not doing work nowadays, you can find me browsing Quora on my phone. All the amazing answers written here inspire me to improve my writing style and now my writing appeals to a large audience.
Brought me a world of happiness: Whenever someone sends me a direct message about how wonderful my writing is, it puts a big smile on my face. When people thank me for my answers, promote it to others or leave a wonderful comment, I feel glad that I can help others by my writing. I have been on Facebook for more than 6 years but the joy I have got by writing on Quora cannot match any number of likes I have received on my profile picture.
Made me a better thinker: The world of knowledge at Quora in diverse topics has expanded my mind in different ways. The numerous discussions I have had here on different answers have increased my ability to look at multiple perspectives before coming up with arguments. It has improved my decision-making skills and made me more proactive.
Awarded me with fame: I never started writing on Quora with an aim of becoming famous in the Internet world. A few days back someone on Quora asked me this question How did Nikant Vohra develop such deep insights about life and motivation? . I never thought someone would ever think of me being insightful about life. My teammates in my company after having looked at my answers have awarded me with the status of a great writer. This has resulted in an increased reputation for me in my personal life.
This is just the tip of iceberg I have mentioned above. There are so many other hidden ways in which Quora has made me better that I cannot think of them right now. Take advantage of this wonderful site as much as you can. I can truly change your life.