ABS=absolutely 絕對地; ABT=about; AFAIK=as far as I know 據我所知; AFK=away from keyboard 離開一會兒(游戲、網聊中途暫時離開); AYT=Are you there? 你在嗎?; AC=Air Conditioning 空調; APT=Apartment 公寓; ASAP (讀法/ 'es?p /) =As Soon As Possible 盡快 B-DAY=birthday; B/C=because;B4=before; B2B=business to business; B2C=Business To Consumer; BAK=Back At Keyboard回到電腦前了; BBL=be back later一會兒回來; BFF=best friends forever; BBQ=Barbecue燒烤; BOGOF=Buy One Get One Free買一贈一; BRT=Be Right There馬上到 C=see; C'MON=come on; CAUSE=COS=COZ=bcz=because; CELL=cellphone; CHAO=goodbye(西班牙語); CIAO=Hi or Bye意大利語問候或告別語; CEO=Chief Executive Officer首席執(zhí)行官; COURSE=of course; CU=see you; CYL=catch you later 回頭見; COKE=Cocaine/Coca Cola D8=date; DADT=Don't Ask, Don't Tell; DG=Don't Go; DICK=Penis; DIY=Do It Yourself 自己動手做; DOC=doctor; DB=Douche Bag 討厭鬼; DDMMYY=Day Month Year 日月年; DERP=Reply to stupid comment or action(回應他人說的傻話或做的蠢事); DIG=Understand/Enjoy, like EH=What?Huh?什么?嗯?(驚奇或疑問); E-DATING網上約會; ECO=Ecological/Economical生態(tài)的/經濟的; EG=For example; ETC=Et Cetera(and so on); ELOL=Evil Laugh Out Loud邪惡的大聲笑出來; EM=E-Mail/Them; EMO=Emotional; EX=Former girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband etc. F=FUCK; F2F=Face to face 面對面; F2T=Free to talk; F9=fine;F@=fat; FAM=family; FK=French Kiss 濕吻; FO=Fuck off 滾蛋; FOC=Free of charge 免費; FW=FWD=Forward 轉發(fā); FS=For Sale 待售; FAQ=Frequently Asked Question 常見問題; FYI=For Your Information 僅供參考 G'DAY=Good Day, hello; G2G=Gotta go; G2H=Go to hell; G2S=go to sleep; G4U=Good for you 真替你高興/不錯嘛; G8=Great; G9=Good night; GA=Go ahead; GE=Good evening; GF=girlfriend; GG=good game; GL=good luck; GN=GOOD NIGHT; GR8=Great; GUD=Good; H=Hug 擁抱; H&K=Hug&Kiss; HO=Hold on 等等; H5=High Five 擊掌慶賀; H8=Hate; HAGD=Have a good day; HAY=How are you; HBU=HBY=How About You? 你呢?HBD=Happy birthday; HD=High-Definition; HON=Honey; HF=Have fun 玩的開心; HJ=Hand job 手淫; HR=Human Resources I<3U=I love you; I'MA=I'm going to; IA=I agree; IB=I'm back; IBB=I'll be back; IBYP=I Beg Your Pardon; IC=I see; ICB=I can't believe; ICR=I can't remember; ID=Identity身份標識; IDC=I don't care; IDK=I don't know; IDM=It doesn't matter; IJK=I'm Just kidding J=joking; J4F=Just for fun; JA=just a minute; JC=Just curious/Jesus Christ只是好奇/老天!; JDI=just do it; JGI=Just google it; JFGI=Just fucking google it; JJ=Just joking; JK=Just kidding; JN=Just now; JW=Just wondering; JKL=Just Kidding, LOL; JS=Just Saying K=OK; KK=OK, cool; K1=The best, awesome; KF=kinda funny 有些搞笑; KINDA=kind of 有些; KIO=Knock it off=Stop it 住口,停止做; KIU=Keep it up 堅持,繼續(xù)下去; KL=Cool; KMA=Kiss my ass 滾粗,沒門兒; KMP=Keep me posted 保持聯系; KNO=Know; KO=Knock out 擊倒,打破 L=laugh; L8=late; L8R=Later; LAFS=love at first sight一見鐘情; LAM=leave a message; LAN=local area network局域網; LES=lesbian; LMC=let me check/see; LMO=leave me alone; LOL=laugh out loud大笑; LMAO=laugh my ass off 笑死我了; LU=Love You; |