看完指環(huán)王+霍比特人的你,十年等待一個《the last goodbye》的你,有沒有想過如果時空可以穿越至中土世界,將是一件非常愜意迷人的事情。尤其是那兒有充滿生活樂趣的夏爾,高貴神秘的洛絲蘿林,氣勢恢宏的米那斯提力斯。還有一幫有情有義的小伙伴。那么接下來就讓我們看看生活在中土世界的優(yōu)缺點吧!
Pro: Exploring the vast beautiful landscapes. 優(yōu)點:可以涉獵美麗的風景!
Con: Ending up in Mordor. 缺點:然后去了魔多沒了然后……
Pro: Taking a walk through the woods. 優(yōu)點:可以在樹林漫步!
Con: Then being attacked by giant spiders. 缺點:然后被巨型蜘蛛咬得體無完膚……
Pro: Having a feast with Dwarves. 優(yōu)點:可以和矮人一起胡吃海喝!
Con: Having to clean up after them. 缺點:然后你負責吃后的清理工作……
Pro: Drinking with hobbits. 優(yōu)點:你可以和霍比特人一起喝酒
Con: Being stared down if its at The Prancing Pony. 缺點:然后在躍馬酒店被眾人的眼神殺死……
Pro: Chilling with elves in Rivendell. 優(yōu)點:可以在瑞文戴爾與冰清玉潔的精靈游玩!
Con: Until they decide to leave to the Undying Lands. 缺點:然后他們拋下你去了不死之地……
Pro: Visiting an epic city like Minas Tirith. 優(yōu)點:可以造訪剛鐸的首都,史詩級的城堡,米那斯提力斯。
Con: Being hunted down by a pack of Wargs on the way. 缺點:然后在去的路上成為餓狼們的盤中餐……
Pro: Lighting it up with Gandalf. 優(yōu)點:可以和甘道夫一起抽煙聊天。
Con: Got too stoned, wondered off, and ran into these three. Con: 然后吸了太多,沉迷其中不能自拔,終于變成了他們仨……
Pro: Canoeing down a magestic river. 優(yōu)點:可以泛舟于迷人的江河之上
Con: You become prey to a monster in the water. 缺點:然后成為水怪的獵物
Pro: Hanging out with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. 優(yōu)點:可以和阿拉貢、萊戈拉斯及金歷幽會
Con: Having to go into battle with them. 缺點:然后他們早已去打仗…… |