How to get address from all open IE windows I have a code to get only the first/active IE window url address (from delphi3000): function Get_URL(Servicio: string): String; var Cliente_DDE: TDDEClientConv; temp:PChar; begin Result := ''; Cliente_DDE:= TDDEClientConv.Create( nil ); with Cliente_DDE do begin SetLink( Servicio,'WWW_GetWindowInfo'); temp := RequestData('0xFFFFFFFF'); Result := StrPas(temp); StrDispose(temp); CloseLink; end; Cliente_DDE.Free; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Edit1.Text := Get_URL('IExplore'); end; ----------------------------------------------------- I tried to "play" with the code a bit... it seems to work if i change temp := RequestData('0xFFFFFFFF') to: temp := RequestData('1'); //1 window or temp := RequestData('2'); //2 window or temp := RequestData('3'); //3 window and so on... until temp returns '' (empty string) Anyway, try it. |