再好的東西都有失去的一天,再深的記憶也有淡忘的一天.再愛的人也有遠走的一天,再美的夢也有蘇醒的一天.該放棄的絕不挽留,改珍惜的絕不放手.分手后不可以做朋友,因為彼此傷害過;也不可以做敵人,因為彼此深愛過.--莎士比亞 No matter how good things are lost a day, and then deep memory also has forgotten one day. And then a loved one has gone to the day, and then dream of the United States has regained consciousness one day. The waiver must not retain, treasure will never change a free hand. can not be friends after breaking up, because the two sides hurt; can not do the enemy, because the love each other too . - Shakespeare's