Parameter Explanation
YEAR Year spelled out YYYY 4 digits of year YYY 3 digits of year YY 2 digits of year Y 1 digit of year IYYY 4digits year based on the ISO standard IYY 3 digits of ISO year
IY 2 digits of ISO year I 1 digit of ISO year Q Quarter of year (1 .. 4) MM Month (01 ..12) MON Abbreviated name of month MONTH Name of month, padded with blanks to length of 9 characters. RM Roman numeral month (I .. XII) WW Week of year (1-53) where 7 days 1 week (與星期幾無關(guān)) W Week of month (1-5) where 7 days 1 week (與星期幾無關(guān)) IW Week of year (1-52 or 1-53) based on the ISO standard. (周一到周日為一周,若1日為周五-周日,則為上年最后一周)
D Day of week (周日1 .. 周六7) DY Abbreviated name of day.
DAY Name of day DD Day of month (1-31) DDTH Day of month (1-31)
DDD Day of year (1-366) J Julian day;the number of days since January 1, 4712 BC. HH Hour of day (1-12). HH12 Hour of day (1-12). HH24 Hour of day (0-23). MI Minute (0-59). SS Second (0-59). SSSSS Seconds past midnight (0-86399). FF Fractional seconds. XXXXX 轉(zhuǎn)換為8進(jìn)制
to_char(1210.73, '9999.9') would return '1210.7'
to_char(1210.73, '9,999.99') would return '1,210.73' to_char(1210.73, '$9,999.00') would return '$1,210.73' to_char(21, '000099') would return '000021' to_char(21, '999999') would return ' 21'
to_char(21, 'FM999999') would return '21'
to_char(sysdate, 'FMYYY') would return '8' --FM表示去掉0或空格
to_char(125, 'XXXXX') would return '7D'
to_number('7D','XXXXX') would return '125'
trunc(23.48429387) 返回23
trunc(23.48429387,3) 返回23.484
trunc(-1.443432) 返回-1
但trunc(date) 具有與to_char(date) 相似的功能,但有區(qū)別:
trunc(sysdate,'cc') 取當(dāng)世紀(jì)的第一天 to_char(sysdate,'cc') 取當(dāng)世紀(jì)數(shù)值
trunc(sysdate,'yyyy') 取當(dāng)年的第一天 to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') 取當(dāng)年數(shù)值
trunc(sysdate,'iyyy') 取上年的最后一天 to_char(sysdate,'iyyy') 取當(dāng)年數(shù)值
trunc(sysdate,'q') 取當(dāng)季第一天 to_char(sysdate,'iyyy') 取當(dāng)季數(shù)值
trunc(sysdate,'mm') 取當(dāng)月第一天 to_char(sysdate,'mm') 取當(dāng)月數(shù)值
trunc(sysdate,'ww') 取當(dāng)周第一天(周二) to_char(sysdate,'ww') 取當(dāng)周數(shù)值(第幾周)
trunc(sysdate,'iw') 取當(dāng)周第一天(周一) to_char(sysdate,'iw') 取當(dāng)周數(shù)值(第幾周)
二、order by函數(shù)
-- 自動(dòng)將結(jié)果列表按字段順序?qū)?yīng)排序 order by 1 , 2 , 3
-- 可對(duì)字段 decode 后再排序,下例為將 2222 、 1111 排在前兩位,其他按順序排列 select a,b, c from t1 order by decode(a, '2222' , 1 , '1111' , 2 ,a) 個(gè)人注:order by decode相當(dāng)于轉(zhuǎn)換后再排序,所以結(jié)果值必須是相同類型,且可排序。如 order by decode(a, '2222' , 1 , '1111' , 2 , 3) <=> order by decode(a, '2222' , 1.0 , '1111' , 2 .5, 3.0) <=> order by decode(a, '2222' , 'a' , '1111' , 'b', 'c')
-- 如遇到空值時(shí), order by 默認(rèn)將空值排在最下面,如要排在最上面,則: order by nulls first 三、取整類函數(shù)整理
ceil : 取整 ( 大 ) select ceil (- 1.001 ) value from dual /- 1 floor :取整(?。?/SPAN> select floor(- 1.001 ) value from dual /- 2 trunc :取整(截?。? select trunc(- 1.001 ) value from dual /- 1 round :取整 ( 舍入 ) select round(- 1.001 ) value from dual /- 1 應(yīng)用舉例:(根據(jù)時(shí)間算年齡)
trunc(months_between( sysdate ,birthday)/ 12 ) Age
比較:select LPAD('WhaT is tHis',5),LPAD('WhaT is tHis',25),LPAD('WhaT is tHis',25,'-') from dual;
|WhaT| WhaT is tHis| -------------WhaT is tHis
select RPAD('WhaT is tHis',5),RPAD('WhaT is tHis',25),RPAD('WhaT is tHis',25,'-') from dual;
|WhaT| WhaT is tHis | WhaT is tHis-------------
with x as ( select 'aa' chr from dual union all select 'bb' chr from dual) select level ,chr,lpad( ' ' ,( level - 1 )* 5 , '-' )||chr other from x connect by level <= 3
說明:若LPAD對(duì)空字符串操作無效,因此至少必須有' '空格符! LPAD的實(shí)際應(yīng)用:
select distinct lpad(selltype, 2 , '0' ) from lccont; 由于系統(tǒng)中其他的selltype字段均為01、02等2位,但出現(xiàn)7,另有null值
所以使用 lpad(selltype,2,'0') 可以即保存null值又將7更新為07
五、rank() order by()和row_number() order by()的區(qū)別:
with t as ( select 1 a from dual union all select 2 a from dual union all select 1 a from dual ) select a,rank() over( order by a) rank,row_number() over( order by a) num from t;
select translate('What is this','ait','-*%') from dual;---Wh-% *s %h*s selectreplace('What is this','ait','-*%') from dual;-----What is this selectreplace('What is this','hat','-*%') from dual;-----W-*% is this
translate的實(shí)際應(yīng)用: select translate('12XXX5869XXXX','0123456789'||'12XXX5869XXXX','0123456789')from dual; <取字符串中的所有數(shù)字>
select sysdate,current_date from dual; 某些情況下current_date會(huì)比sysdate快一秒。 我們認(rèn)為current_date是將current_timestamp中毫秒四舍五入后的返回 雖然沒有找到文檔支持,但是想來應(yīng)該八九不離十。
select NEXT_DAY(sysdate,5) from dual;--下一個(gè)星期四(不算今天) select NEXT_DAY(sysdate,'星期三') from dual;--下一個(gè)星期一(大小寫都可) select LAST_DAY(sysdate) from dual;--當(dāng)月最后一天
select GREATEST(a,b) Greatest from t2;----------求最大值 select LEAST(a,b) LEAST from t2;-------------求最小值 select NULLIF('a','b'),NULLIF('a','a') from dual;-------a=b則返回null;a<>b則返回a select nvl(null,'a'),nvl('1','a') from dual;------------為null時(shí)返回a,不會(huì)null返回原值 select nvl2(null,'a','b'),nvl2('1','a','b') from dual;--為null時(shí)返回b,不為null返回a selectCOALESCE(null,5,6,null,9) from dual;-----返回第一個(gè)非空值 select POWER(2.2,2.2) from dual; ----a的b次方
select CHR(95) from dual;-------------ASCII碼對(duì)應(yīng)字符 select ASCII('_') from dual;----------字符對(duì)應(yīng)ASCII碼 select concat('aa','bb') from dual;------------等同于|| select INITCAP('whaT is this') from dual;------首字母大寫,其余小寫 select TO_MULTI_BYTE('ABC abc 中華') from dual;----------半角變?nèi)?/EM> select TO_SINGLE_BYTE('ABC abc中華') from dual;------全角變半角 select VSIZE('abc中華') from dual;-----返回字節(jié)數(shù) select INSTR('CORPORATE FLOOR','OR',3,2) from dual;----從第3位開始查找第2個(gè)'OR'
select replace (WMSYS.WM_CONCAT(num), ',' , ' ' ) from t1;
Tab鍵 chr(9)
select 'a' ||chr( 9 )|| 'b' from dual; select 'a' ||chr( 13 )|| 'b' from dual; 注:須在SQLPlus中查看結(jié)果,PL/SQL Developer中無法顯示換行 |