


 恐怖騎士 2012-07-20
2010-07-06 07:43
Option Compare Database

Private Sub 実行_Click()
'    Dim txtLine As String
'    Dim FileObj As Object
'    Dim TextObj As Object
'    Dim FilePath
'    Dim MyPath$, MyFile$
'    Dim fs, f
'Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8, TristateFalse = 0
'    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'    Set f = fs.OpenTextFile("D:\tools\result.txt", 8, True, TristateFalse)
'    FilePath = txtPATH.Value
'    MyPath = FilePath & "\*.*"
'    MyFile = Dir(MyPath)
'    Do
'        Debug.Print MyFile
'        If MyFile <> "" Then
'            Set FileObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'            Set TextObj = FileObj.OpenTextFile(FilePath & "\" & MyFile, ForReading, TristateTrue)
'            Do While Not TextObj.AtEndOfLine
'                txtLine = Trim(TextObj.ReadLine)
'                'If InStr(txtLine, "タイプ作成中") > 0 Then
'                    f.writeline txtLine & vbCrLf
'                'End If
'            Loop
'        End If
'        MyFile = Dir
'    Loop Until MyFile = ""
'    f.Close

'    Dim txtLine As String
'    Dim FileObj As Object
'    Dim TextObj As Object
'    Dim FilePath
'    Dim MyPath$, MyFile$
'    Dim fs, f
'Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8, TristateFalse = 0
'    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'    Set f = fs.OpenTextFile("D:\tools\result.txt", 8, True, TristateFalse)
'    FilePath = txtPATH.Value
'    MyPath = FilePath & "\*.*"
'    MyFile = Dir(MyPath)
'    Do
'        Debug.Print MyFile
'        If MyFile <> "" Then
'                Dim strRtn As String
'                Set stm = New ADODB.Stream
'                stm.Type = 2
'                stm.Mode = 3
'                stm.Charset = "UTF-8"
'                stm.Open
'                stm.LoadFromFile FilePath & "\" & MyFile
'                strRtn = stm.ReadText
'                stm.Close
'                Set stm = Nothing
'                ReadFromFileADO = strRtn
'        End If
'        MyFile = Dir
'    Loop Until MyFile = ""
'    f.Close
'    Dim txtLine As String
'    Dim FileObj As Object
'    Dim TextObj As Object
'    Dim FilePath
'    Dim MyPath$, MyFile$
'    Dim fs, f
'Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8, TristateFalse = 0
'    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'    Set f = fs.OpenTextFile("D:\tools\result.txt", 8, True, TristateFalse)
'    FilePath = txtPATH.Value
'    MyPath = FilePath & "\*.*"
'    MyFile = Dir(MyPath)
'    Do
'        Debug.Print MyFile
'        If MyFile <> "" Then
'            Dim ff As String
'            Dim Txt() As String
'            Dim i As Integer
'            i = 0
'            ff = FilePath & "\" & MyFile
'            Open ff For Input As #1
'              Do Until EOF(1)
'                 Line Input #1, txtLine
'                 i = i + 1
'              Loop
'            Close #1
'        End If
'        MyFile = Dir
'    Loop Until MyFile = ""
Dim txtLine As String
Dim FileObj As Object
Dim TextObj As Object
Dim FilePath
Dim MyPath$, MyFile$
Dim fs, f
Dim EXEファイル名(1 To 10000) As String
Dim 機(jī)能(1 To 10000) As String
Dim PBL名(1 To 10000) As String
Dim Object名(1 To 10000) As String
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim FLAG As Integer

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8, TristateFalse = 0

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FLAG = 0
FilePath = txtPATH.Value

MyPath = FilePath & "\*.*"
MyFile = Dir(MyPath)
Debug.Print MyFile
If MyFile <> "" Then

Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(FilePath & "\" & MyFile)
Set sheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)

Dim ss As String
Dim a
For a = 1 To sheet.UsedRange.Rows.count - 1
ss = sheet.Cells(a, 1)
If InStr(ss, "タイプ作成中") > 0 Then
FLAG = 1
If InStr(ss, "pbl_exe_ver11a") = 0 Then
ss = Mid(ss, InStr(ss, "pbl_exe_ver11") + Len("pbl_exe_ver11") + 1)
ss = Mid(ss, InStr(ss, "pbl_exe_ver11a") + Len("pbl_exe_ver11a") + 1)
End If
EXEファイル名(a) = Left(MyFile, InStr(MyFile, ".") - 1)

If InStr(ss, "\") = 0 Then
'                     機(jī)能(a) = "共通"
'                     PBL名(a) = Left(ss, InStr(ss, "(") - 1)
'                     Object名(a) = Left(Mid(ss, InStr(ss, "(") + 1), Len(Mid(ss, InStr(ss, "(") + 1)) - 7)
機(jī)能(a) = Left(ss, InStr(ss, "\") - 1)
PBL名(a) = Left(Split(ss, "\")(1), InStr(Split(ss, "\")(1), "(") - 1)
Object名(a) = Left(Split(ss, "(")(1), InStr(Split(ss, "(")(1), ")") - 1)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO Logtable(EXEファイル名,機(jī)能,PBL名,Object名) VALUES('" & EXEファイル名(a) & "','" & 機(jī)能(a) & "','" & PBL名(a) & "','" & Object名(a) & "')")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If
ElseIf FLAG = 1 Then
FLAG = 0
Exit For
End If
Next a
End If
MyFile = Dir
Loop Until MyFile = ""
Set sheet = Nothing
xlBook.Close (True)
Set xlBook = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
MsgBox "Success"
'Dim i As Long
'i = Shell("cmd.exe /c taskkill /f /im excel.exe", vbNormalFocus)
'    Dim i As Long
'    Dim r As Long
'    Dim p As Long
'    i = Shell("notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus)
'    p = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, False, i)
'    r = WaitForSingleObject(p, INFINITE)
'    r = CloseHandle(p)
End Sub

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