有時候跟人討論問題,你說的人家不明白,或者是完全被理解錯了,你就會著急,趕緊跟人解釋,說“不是那樣的。”今天,我們就來說說這句話以及類似意思的地道表達。 www.
1. It's not like that. 不是那樣的。 www.
2. I've gotten carried away. 我扯太遠了。 www.
3. I don't believe you're bringing this up. 你現在提這件事真是豈有此理。 www.
4. There's no other way of saying it. 我只能這么說。 www.
5. That will not always be the case. 情況不會永遠是這樣。 www.
6. I was being polite. 我這算是客氣的。 www.
7. So that explains it. 原來如此。 www.
8. I feel the same way. 我有同感。 www.
9. What have you got to lose? 你有啥好損失的? www.
10. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. 你不該這么苛責自己的。 www.
11. This is not how it looks. 事情不是表面看來的這樣。 www.
12. Would you cut it out, already? 你到底是有完沒完?