This module is not distributed with the Nginx source. Installation instructions are [#installation below] . The upstream_hash module provides simple upstream load distribution by hashing a configurable variable (e.g., the request URI, incoming HTTP headers, or some combination). Example usage:
upstream backend { server server1; server server2; hash $request_uri; } Here, Nginx will choose server1 or server2 by hashing the request URI ($request_uri). Directiveshashsyntax hash $variable context upstream Enables upstream hashing of $variable. When present, the "server" directives cannot take any arguments ("weight", "max_fails", etc.). hash_againsyntax hash_again number default 0 context upstream Number of times to rehash the value and choose a different server if the backend connection fails. Increase this number to provide high availability. InstallationThis module is not distributed with the Nginx source. You can download the request_hash module here: File:Nginx upstream hash-0.3.tar.gz After extracting, you will need to patch the latest Nginx source (0.7.11 as of this writing). Run patch like this: cd nginx-0.7.11 patch -p0 < /path/to/upstream/hash/directory/nginx.patch Then add the following option to your Nginx ./configure command: --add-module=path/to/upstream/hash/directory Then "make" and "make install" as usual. The hash algorithmAs of 0.3, the hash algorithm and the failover algorithm use a CRC-32 computation compatible with PECL Memcache. Changes
BugsSend bug reports to Evan Miller . |