英文雜志: 1.國際教育技術學雜志(IJET) IJET is a new international refereed journal in the field of educational technology, sponsored by faculty, staff, and students at The Graduate School of Education at the University of Western Australia and the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. IJET is published online twice each year and is available without an access charge. http://www.outreach./ijet/ 2.澳大利亞教育技術學月刊 《澳大利亞教育技術學月刊》Australian Journal of Educational Technology http://www./ajet/ajet.html 3.教育類英文在線雜志大全 Electronic Journals in the Field of Education: To the best of our ability to discern, we have included only links to electronic journals that are scholarly, peer-reviewed, full text and accessible without cost. We have excluded professional magazines that are largely not refereed, and commercial journals that may only allow access to a very limited number of articles as an enticement to buy. http://aera-cr.ed./links.html 4.英國教育技術學雜志(British Journal of Educational Technology ) 英國教育技術雜志是在線雜志 英國 http://www./journals/BJET/descript.htm 5.美國遠程教育雜志 the American Journal of Distance Education http://www. 6.《自然》NATURE 全球著名的雜志《自然》(Nature) http://www. 7.Instructional Technology Research Online (InTRO) 英文教育技術學在線雜志。有許多很好的名人專訪。 http://www./~wwwitr/ 8.交互式教育多媒體 Interactive Educational Multimedia 交互式教育多媒體:Interactive Educational Multimedia is a journal intended as a space for dialogue and reflection about the application of the multimedia technologies in education. The publication is interested in articles related to research into the educational aspects of multimedia technologies in all its facets: implementation and design of materials, teaching and learning, experiences, etc. http://www./multimedia/iem/ 9.教學科學與技術在線雜志 The e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-JIST) is an International peer-reviewed electronic journal. The Journal is an multi-faceted publication with content likely to be of interest to policy makers, managers, investors, professional staff, technical staff, and academics within education and training. http://www./electpub/e-jist/ 10.教育技術評論 Educational Technology Review (ETR), originally a print journal, has been transformed into an online publication to not only increase timeliness of content but also to enhance every issue with the current and future electronic resources and tools available on the AACE website. http://www./pubs/etr/issue2/index.cfm 11.技術、學習與評價雜志(JTLA) The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment (JTLA) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly on-line journal. The JTLA was established in response to a growing interest in the intersection of computer-based technology, learning, and assessment. The JTLA provides an interdisciplinary forum where initiatives that combine technology, learning theory, and assessment are shared. The JTLA is housed jointly in the Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC) and the Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation and Educational Policy (CSTEEP) at Boston College. http://www./research/intasc/jtla.html 13.Journal of Educational Technology (JET) Journal of Educational Technology (JET) http://scholar.lib./ejournals/JTE/ 14.學習科學雜志 The Journal of the Learning Sciences:A cognitive science journal providing a multidisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of important ideas that can change out understanding of learning and teaching. http://www.cc./lst/jls/index.html 15.定性分析報告 Ronald J. Chenail, Ph.D.主編的(The Qualitative Report )《定性分析報告》是在線刊物 http://www./ssss/QR/index.html 16.Elearning雜志 Elearning雜志:e-learning is a magazine serving up in-depth articles and expert opinions on essential e-learning content, technology, and services. Useful for users and implementers in the enterprise, government, and higher education sectors. http://www./elearning/ 17.Performance Improvement Quarterly 《績效促進季刊》Performance Improvement Quarterly http://cpt./PIQContents/PIQContents.html 18.教育技術與社會(Educational Technology & Society) 教育技術與社會雜志有兩個雜志,即Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society和IEEE Learning Technology Task Force http://ifets./periodical/ 19.在線行為雜志(The Journal of Online Behavior (JOB) ) JOB) is concerned with the empirical study of human behavior in the online environment, and with the impact of evolving communication and information technology upon individuals, groups, organizations, and society. It is a peer-reviewed, behavioral science/social science journal, with editorial board members from several countries and disciplinary affiliations. The journal is published electronically on the World Wide Web, and in printed form. Each article published on the Web will be accompanied by an interactive discussion space, a pointer to which will accompany the article site. Significant comments from discussions may accompany the paper publication. http://www./JOB/ 20.Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation (PARE) is an on-line journal published by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation (ERIC/AE) and the Department of Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation at the University of Maryland, College Park. Its purpose is to provide education professionals access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice, especially at the local education agency (LEA) level. http:///pare/ 21.Open Learning 每年三期,分別于二月、六月和十一月出版,于1986年創(chuàng)刊,前身為《遠程教學》(1974到1985年)。主要讀者是英國公立和私立機構中從事中學以上教育和培訓工作的人員,其次是全球從事開放遠程教育的人士。有一些正規(guī)的國際性和全國性的開放遠程教育研討會,會議以文字和光盤形式出版論文集。 http://www./journals/carfax/02680513.html 22.《遠程教育期刊》(Journal of Distance Education) 創(chuàng)刊于1986年,每年兩期,十一月份和五月份出版,是由加拿大遠程教育協(xié)會(CADE)創(chuàng)辦的國際性期刊,其宗旨是促進和鼓勵加拿大開放遠程教育的理論和實踐的學術研究。 http://cade. 23.PCWorld.com PCWorld.com is the Web's trusted resource for management-level buyers and users of computer products, reaching an average of 1.5 million unique visitors per month (netScore, January 2002 - June 2002). The site offers quick access to authoritative reviews of computer products, the most current product pricing information, continuously updated news, an extensive library of carefully evaluated freeware and shareware, interactive tools, and free newsletters. http://www./ 24.Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication(JCMC) Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication(JCMC) 基于計算機的傳播雜志,以計算機為中介傳播雜志 http://www./jcmc/ 25.The Journal of Computing in Higher Education The Journal of Computing in Higher Education http://www./ 26.Distance Education 每年兩期,分別在五月份和十月份出版,由澳大利亞開放遠程教育協(xié)會創(chuàng)辦,于1980年創(chuàng)刊。其宗旨是交流開放遠程教育理論研究和實踐的信息,主題包括函授學習、校外學習、個別化學習、開放學習、教育技術、教育廣播電視及其它教育媒體的研究,內容不限國家和地區(qū)。 http://www./journals/carfax/01587919.html 27.DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals http://www./ 中文雜志 1.電化教育研究 中國電化教育協(xié)會主辦西北師范大學承辦的《電化教育研究》雜志。 http://www./qikan/dhjyyj.htm 2.教育技術通訊 北京師范大學現(xiàn)代教育技術研究所創(chuàng)辦的國內第一個教育技術學專業(yè)的在線雜志。 http://www. 3.中國期刊網(wǎng) 國家數(shù)字化圖書館工程的一部分。 http://www.cnki.net/ 4.中國電化教育 中央電化教育館主管的《中國電化教育》雜志的網(wǎng)絡版,還有許多信息 http://www./ 5.中小學電教 《中小學電教》雜志是由教育部電化教育辦公室主辦的面向中小學的電化教育(教育技術)雜志。 http://edu.jl./jybhy/zxxdj/ 6.《中國遠程教育》 教育部主辦的全國教育類核心期刊《中國遠程教育》是我國關于遠程教育的最好的刊物。 http://www./ycjy/ 7.開放教育研究雜志 推動“遠程教育工程”的實施 促進遠程教育的大眾化和個別化 介紹國內外開放和遠程教育的最新信息 研討我國開放和遠程教育的熱點、難點 展示我國開放和遠程教育的的成就和經(jīng)驗 http://www./research/kaifang/startnew.htm 8.信息技術教育 《信息技術教育》雜志是河南鄭州的一本雜志。聯(lián)系方式:鄭州市順河路11號 郵編:450004 電話:0371--6322461 http://www./qikan/xxjsjy.htm 9.《網(wǎng)絡科技時代》 《網(wǎng)絡科技時代》雜志(http://www.)是中華人民共和國教育部主管、教育部電教辦等主辦的信息技術教育專業(yè)刊物, 2001年1月正式出刊。每月出版《網(wǎng)絡科技時代》教師版--信息技術教育、《網(wǎng)絡科技時代》中學生版--數(shù)字沖浪、《網(wǎng)絡科技時代》小學生版--數(shù)字少年等3個版本。由于本刊辦刊方向明確,內容質量高,發(fā)行量大幅增長,全國各地教育(局)、教研室、電教館、儀器設備站和學校均有訂閱,讀者遍及全國。 http://www./ 10.BlogBus.Com BlogBus.Com是中國第一家提供免費BlogBus.Com托管服務的網(wǎng)站。我們最初建站的目的也就是給廣大中國Blog愛好者提供展示自己的天空。我們的Blog托管服務功能豐富,能滿足專業(yè)Blog愛好者的需要。 http://BlogBus.Com 11.科學美國人雜志 科學美國人雜志 Scientific American,由臺灣翻譯的中文版本。 http://www. 12.上海教育科研 全國中文核心期刊 列入《ULRICH'S 國際期刊指南》 ISSN1007-2020 CN31-1059/G4 《上海教育科研》雜志是面向普教為主的綜合性教育理論刊物,創(chuàng)刊于1981年??飯猿帧袄碚撆c實踐相結合,提高與普及相結合”的辦刊方針,展示上海和全國的優(yōu)秀教育科研成果。主要欄目有:教育論壇、專題研討、學術爭鳴、錄音整理、案例評析、教育調查、教育心理、教育研究、外國教育等。 13.中國電腦教育報 即時更新的電腦教育 http://www./cce/bbs/index.asp 14.在線教育資訊網(wǎng) 網(wǎng)站立足于E-Learning產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的國際前沿,凝聚并傳播專業(yè)人士的實踐經(jīng)驗,為實現(xiàn)教育與IT技術的有效結合及成功應用提供專業(yè)的信息服務。網(wǎng)站致力于推廣國內外E-Learning方面的先進理念和技術,探索網(wǎng)絡環(huán)境下的學習模式,宣傳相關政策法規(guī)、標準和規(guī)范,為E-Learning用戶和廠商之間搭建提供相互交流溝通的服務平臺。 http://www./ 15.中國教育技術 中國電化教育協(xié)會主辦安徽XXX承辦的《中國教育技術網(wǎng)》。安徽 http://www./ 16.開放教育研究 編輯: 《開放教育研究》編輯部 陳向明 北京大學教育學院,教授 出版: 開放教育研究雜志社 張偉遠 香港公開大學,研究員 編輯部: 上海市大連路1541號1301室 張祖忻 上海外國語大學新傳/院院長,教授 郵政編碼: 200086 張德明 上海遠程教育集團主任,教授 電話: 86-21-65631403 祝智庭 華東師大教育信息中心主任,教授 傳真: 86-21-65834282 徐 皓 上海電視大學,教授 發(fā)行部: 上海市阜新路25號 郭伯農(nóng) 全國教育科學規(guī)劃組成員,研究員 郵政編碼: 200092 桑新民 南京大學教育科學與管理系,教授 電子信箱: openedu@mail.online.sh.cn 黃清云 教育部遠教專家組成員,研究員 網(wǎng)址: www./kfyj 謝維和 清華大學教育科學研究所,教授 國內發(fā)行: 上海市報刊發(fā)行局 John Daniel 聯(lián)合國教科文組織副總干事 國內訂閱: 全國各地郵局 Linda Jones 英國開放大學校長,教授 郵發(fā)代號: 4-578 Costas Spirou 美國國立路易絲大學,教授 國外發(fā)行: 中國國際圖書貿易總公司 Paul Kawachi 《亞洲遠程教育》雜志主編 國外代號: BM-4670 Som Naidu 《遠程教育》雜志主編 印刷: 上海市印刷七廠 http://www./research/kaifang/main/main2.asp |