2001年1月20日是小布什出任白宮主人的大日子。在夾纏不清、惱人萬分的美國總統(tǒng)大選中的勝出者,我們當然應(yīng)該予以祝賀;但不要忘了,這里還有一位雖敗猶榮的民主黨人——戈爾,2007年度諾貝爾和平獎獲得者。他實在是有著雖敗猶榮的理由:1、普選票比小布什多出30萬張,只是沿用200年的選舉制度令他失去進白宮的機會;2、在一篇高風(fēng)亮節(jié)的講話中,戈爾儒雅地認了輸。美國主要傳媒對戈爾這篇講話給予了罕見的一致好評,認為它“幾近完美”,是美國歷史上最重要的一篇文章。 這篇用詞鏗鏘、擲地有聲的演說辭,是3個人的心血結(jié)晶。其中,有記者出身的戈爾本人,有戈爾的策略顧問羅伯特·索倫,但人們都把目光放在戈爾的首席演說撰稿人艾里·阿提(Elli Attie 身上。阿提是哈佛大學(xué)畢業(yè)生,長期以來是克林頓、民主黨眾議院領(lǐng)袖格普哈特等重量級政治人物的一級“寫手”。及后選戰(zhàn)起風(fēng)云,戈爾將他拉到麾下,聲勢立時不同凡響。本刊在此獨家刊登戈爾這篇將千古不朽的“認輸講話”(原載于港報),讀者可從這中英文對照的精彩文章中細細領(lǐng)略英文寫作的典范筆法,包括其整個運籌帷幄的立意、精妙的造詞用句等。 晚上好: 我剛跟喬治·W·布什談過話,祝賀他成為合眾國第43位總統(tǒng);我向他保證,這回絕不會再打電話給他追回原話了。 我提議盡快和他會面,盡快消除過去的競選運動和官司所帶來的分歧。 差不多一個半世紀前,參議員道格拉斯對總統(tǒng)選舉擊敗自己的林肯說:“黨派的門戶之見必須讓路給愛國主義。我支持你,總統(tǒng)先生,愿主保佑你?!? 那么,在這樣的精神下,我對候任總統(tǒng)布什說,我們一定要將黨派之爭結(jié)下的仇恨拋諸腦后,愿主保佑他好好管治這個國家。 “這條路是那么崎嶇漫長” 他和我誰都料想不到這條路是那么崎嶇漫長。當然,我們誰也不希望這些事會發(fā)生。不過,事情到底來了,現(xiàn)在結(jié)束了,而且果然通過我們民主政體的機制解決了。 我國一所法律學(xué)院的圖書館上鐫刻著這樣的一句格言:“聽命于法與主,而非聽命于人”。這是美國自由的核心原則,也是民主自由之濫觴。在投票日之后的五個星期里,我以此為鑒,這也是美國獨立以來所有復(fù)雜事件的引鑒。 現(xiàn)在,美國最高法院終于做出了決定。讓我說得清楚一點,在我極為不同意的同時,我接受了最高法院的決定。我接受了最終的結(jié)果,下星期一,這個結(jié)果會在選舉人團會議上得到確認。今天晚上,為了國人的團結(jié)和美國民主,我認輸了。 我也負起責(zé)任,無條件支持新的候任總統(tǒng),盡我所能幫助他團結(jié)美國人民,實現(xiàn)我國《獨立宣言》中所標舉的廣袤視野,實現(xiàn)憲法中允諾和保障的一切。 讓我向那些支持我和支持我們所捍衛(wèi)的理念的人衷心致謝。蒂佩爾和我對利伯曼夫婦銘感五中,他們?yōu)槲覀z的伙伴關(guān)系帶來懇切的熱誠和崇高的心志,不僅為競選活動開辟了新徑,也為我國開辟了新徑。 這次大選的確是非比尋常的一次大選。不過,在天意難料的崎嶇路途上,幾經(jīng)蹉跎,竟然把我們帶到一個嶄新的境地。正是由于選舉結(jié)果如此接近,反而提醒了我們原來大家同是一個族群,有著一樣的歷史、一樣的命運。 “我們把國家放在政黨之上” 是的,那段歷史給了我們許多成敗浮沉的前車之鑒,在面對公眾意愿的兩難之下展開激烈的辯論、無情的抗爭。 有些爭論在纏訟幾個星期后才得以解決。每一次,勝方和被征服的一方都心平氣和地接受結(jié)局,帶著重歸于好精神接受結(jié)果。 因此,就讓這種精神永遠和我們一起吧。 我知道很多支持我的人都很失望。我也失望。但失望必須讓給我們對國家的熱愛。我也對世界各國說,不要把這次爭論看成是美國趨弱的癥狀。通過克服這一連串困難,畢竟彰顯了美國民主的力量。 也有人擔(dān)心,這次選舉凸顯的反常狀況,勢必影響新一任總統(tǒng)的施政舉措。我不相信那是勢所必然。 候任總統(tǒng)布什要管治的美國,是一個國民都愿意在他肩負的重任上幫一把的國家。我個人隨時候命,也呼吁所有美國人,尤其是那些曾經(jīng)站在我這一邊的人,團結(jié)在新總統(tǒng)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下。這就是美國。愈是危急關(guān)頭,我們的斗志愈高昂;輸贏一定,我們捐棄嫌隙,攜手合作。 要辯論我們之間的歧異,那是來日方長了。現(xiàn)在要認清的是團結(jié)我們的力量比拆散我們的力量更大。 我們對本黨的信念雖然不離不棄,眼前到底還有比黨務(wù)更高遠的責(zé)任要負起。這就是美國,我們把國家放在政黨之上。我們會團結(jié)支持新總統(tǒng)。 我接著會做什么,我還不知道。像你們一樣,我希望和家人及老朋友度假。我也會在家鄉(xiāng)田納西州修補一下籬笆——真實和象征的籬笆。 失利跟勝利一樣 有人問我曾否遺憾,是的,我有一樁憾事:我沒有機會在未來4年為國人打拼,尤其是亟欲拋開負擔(dān)、排除困難的一群;尤其是感到?jīng)]有人聽到他們的聲音的一群。我聽到了你們的呼聲,我永不會忘記。 我看到了大選中的美國,我很喜歡看到的那一切。那是值得一拼的,我不會罷休。 至于今晚偃旗息鼓的一役,我堅信父親說過的一句話:不論敗得多慘,失利跟勝利一樣,滌蕩心靈,光耀千秋。 因此,對我而言,大選的結(jié)束和開始時一樣:照樣擁有妻子家人的愛;擁有對主的信念;擁有對這個我為它出征越南一直到做副總統(tǒng)的國家;擁有努力奔走的競選義工和工作人員,包括36天來在佛羅里達州奮力工作的人們。 如今,政治上的斗爭已成過去,我們轉(zhuǎn)過頭去為了美國人民的幸福而奮斗不懈,為全世界追求自由而對我們有所企望的人們而奮斗不懈。 在我們的贊歌《亞美利加,亞美利加》里說的:“讓我們以兄弟之愛為稱的善行加冕,從大海到閃亮的波濤?!? 好了,朋友們,用我以前講過的話,“這是我該走的時候了?!敝x謝你們,晚安,主佑美國。 good evening. just moments agoi spoke with george .w.bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the united statesand i promised him that i wouldn't call him back this time. i offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisons of the campaign and the contest through which we just passed. almost a century and a half ago senator stephen douglas told abraham lincolnwho had just defeated him for the presidency“partisan feeling must yield to patriotismi’m with you mr.president and god bless you.” well in that same spirit i say to president-elect bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside and may god bless his stewardship of this country. neither he nor i anticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it cameand now it has ended resolved as it must be resolvedthrough the honored institutions of our democracy. over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto “not under man but under god and law.”that’s the ruling principle of american freedomthe source of our democratic liberties. I’ve tried to make it my guide throughout this contest as it has guided america’s deliberations of all the complex issues of the past five weeks. now the u.s supreme court has spoken. Let there be no doubt while i strongly disagree with the court's decision i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next monday in the electoral college and tonight for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy i offer my concession. i also accept my responsibilitywhich i will discharge unconditionally to honor the new president-elect and do everything possible to help him bring americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our declaration of independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defends. let me say how grateful i am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought.tipper and i feel a deep gratitude to joe and hadassah lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doorsnot just for our campaign but for our country. this has been an extraordinary election. But in one of god’s unforeseen paths this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new common ground for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny. indeed that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debatedas fiercely fought with their own challenges to the popular will. other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution.and each time both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation. so let it be with us. i know that many of my supporters are disappointed.i am too . But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country. and i say to our fellow members of the world community let no one see this contest as a sign of american weaknessthe strength of american democracy is shown most clearly through the difficulties it can overcome. some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office. I do not believe it need be so. president-elect bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities. i personally will be at his disposaland i call on all americans -i particularly urge all who stood with us to unite being our next president. This is america. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are highwe close ranks and come together when the contest is done. and while there will be time enough to debate our continuing differencesnow is the time to recognize that that which unites us is greater than that which divides us. while we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefsthere is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party.this is america and we put country before party.we will stand together behind our new president. as for what i’ll do nexti don’t know the answer to that one yet . Like many of you i’m looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends.i know i’ll spend time in tennessee and mend some fencesliterally and figuratively. some have asked whether i have any regrets and i do have one regret that i didn’t get the chance to stay and fight for the american people over the next four years especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removedespecially for those who feel their voices have not been heard i heard you and i will not forget. i’ve seen america in this campaign and i like what i see. It’s worth fighting for and that’s a fight i’ll never stop. as for the battle that ends tonight i do believe as my father once said that on matter how hard the lossdefeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out. so for me this campaign ends as it beganwith the love of tipper and our family with faith in god and in the country i have been so proud to servefrom vietnam to the vice presidencyand with gratitude to our truly tireless campaign staff and volunteersincluding all those who worked so hard in florida for the last 36 days. now the political struggle is over and we turn again to the unending struggle for the common good of all americans and for those multitudes around the world who look to us for leadership in the cause of freedom. in the words of our great hymn“america america”“l(fā)et us crown thy good with brotherhoodfrom sea to shining sea.” and now my friends in a phrase i once addressed to othersit’s time for me to go. thank you and good nightand god bless america . |