費用 (RMB)
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4 |
310-035 |
61道選擇題及簡答題 |
答對52%(32題)以上 |
120分鐘 |
1250 |
SL-275 Java Programming Language |
學過SL-275課程或具有其同等水平 |
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform Upgrade Exam |
310-036 |
33道多選題 |
答對51%以上 |
75分鐘 |
850 |
(SL-275 Rev.E.2 or above) Java Programming Language |
無 |
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.2 |
310-025 |
59道選擇題及簡答題 |
答對61%(36題)以上 |
120分鐘 |
1250 |
SL-275 Java Programming Language |
學過SL-275課程或具有其同等水平 |
Sun Certified Developer for Java2 Platform |
310-252A |
程序設計題 |
124分 |
不限 |
2100 |
SL-285 Java Programming Language Workshop
| 通過Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform |
310-027 |
5道簡答題 |
120分鐘 |
1250 |
通過Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform并上載310-252A |
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 |
310-081 |
69道選擇題及簡答題 |
答對62%(43題)以上 |
135分鐘 |
1250 |
SL-314 Web Component Development With Servlet and JSP Technologies |
通過Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform |
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition |
310-090 |
70道選擇題及簡答題 |
答對64%(45題)以上 |
120分鐘 |
1250 |
SL-351 Advanced Business Component Development With Enterprise JavaBeans Technology FJ-310 Developing J2EE Compliant Applications |
通過Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform |
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform |
310-051 |
48道選擇題及簡答題 |
答對68%以上 |
75分鐘 |
1250 |
00-226 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design SL-425 Architecting and Designing J2EE Applications
學過SL-425/OO-226課程或具有其同等水平 |
--- |
程序設計題 |
答對70%以上 |
不限 |
2100 |
通過310-051 |
310-061 |
4道簡答題 |
90分鐘 |
1250 |
通過310-051并上載程序設計題 |
Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition, Version 1.0 |
310-110 |
68 道選擇題 |
答對55%(38題) 以上 |
150 分鐘 |
1250 |
WJB-450 Introduction to Mobile Java Technologies WJB-460 J2ME and Mobile Phone Development Topics DTJ-365 Developing Mobile Phone Applications With J2ME Technology |
通過Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform (any edition) |
Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services NEW! |
310-220 |
69 道選擇題 |
答對68%(47題) 以上 |
150 分鐘 |
1250 |
DWS-310 Web Services for Java Developers DWS-385 Developing Web Services for the J2EE Platform |
通過Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform (any edition) |
Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Standard Edition, Exam Version 1.0 NEW! |
310-019 |
51 道選擇題 |
答對68%(35題) 以上 |
115 分鐘 |
810 |
WJTB-310 Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition J2EE Platform Overview for Managers |
無 |